Buy complete ignou semester course at discounted price instead of MS64 IGNOU MBA Answers 2023. You can also Buy IGNOU MBA sample paper for quick exam preparation and better marks.
Important announcement: (Last date of submission for January 2023 session is 30th April, 2023 and for July 2023 sessions is 31st October, 2023)
1. The EPRG framework has implications on the strategy formulation process. Explain with help of example in the India context.
2. What do you understand by the term political risk? In your opinion is it country specific or firm specific or both? Elaborate giving examples.
3. What are the different parties in a letter of credit? Explain the step-by-step procedure of realising export proceeds.
4. Why do you think a company should or should not market the same product in the same way around the world? Explain with the help of suitable examples.
5. With the help of an example explain how a marketing manager can use ”country attractiveness / competitive strength” matrix to define the direction of growth for the organisation.
July 2022
1. What are the reasons that promote international business concerns to invest in foreign lands? Discuss.
2. Enumerate the elements that make up culture. Why is an understanding of different cultures important to an international marketing manager?.
3. Briefly explain the EPCG scheme as envisaged in the current Export Import Policy.
4. What are the relative advantages of standardization/adaptation of an international advertising programme.
5. Outline the procedure for conducting international marketing research, giving suitable example.
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MS64 IGNOU Assignment Question for Answer
1. An organization presently operating in domestic market only wants to go international. Advise the organization regarding various options available to reach foreign markets.
2. Explain the various product – communication strategies available to an international marketer, giving suitable examples.
3. “Conducting marketing research across different parts of the globe poses different issues and challenges”. Do you agree with the statement? Discuss with the help of suitable examples.
4. Explain the contents and significance of the following documents:
(a) Bill of lading
(b) Letter of credit
5. Why is an understanding of different cultures important to an international marketer? Discuss with the help of suitable examples.
6. What do you understand by the term „political risk‟? Discuss the strategies for management of political risk at the pre-investment stage.
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