Part – A (45 Marks)
Attempt any Three Question
1- What do you mean by DBMS (Database management System) ? Differentiate Hierarchical, Network and Relational database models with its advantages and disadvantages.
2- What do you mean by Operating System? Describe three Operating Systems in detail.
3- Define contemporary status of e-Commerce in India with its counterparts in Asia.
4- What do you mean by Data processing? Describe the importance of evaluation and control of data processing.
5- What do you mean by network? Describe LAN, WAN, MAN, CAN with its nature and usage.
Part – B (35 Marks)
Attempt any five Question
1- What should an information system achieve for an organization in order to be considered a strategic information system?
2- What is re-engineering? What does it have to do with lT?
3- Why is selecting a system development approach an important business decision? Who should participate in the selection process?
4- What are the goals of security measures for Information System? Explain.
5- What are the typical components of ERP system?
6- Define MIS and explain in brief components of MIS.
7- Evaluate the impact of information system on organizations.
Part – C (20 Marks)
Attempt any two Question
1- Explain Cyber Crime.
2- Describe Virtual Company with its importance.
3- Explain Malware, Adware and Spyware.
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