Are you searching Treasury Management in Banking NMIMS solution for 2024 exam? If yes! our team will help in your Treasury Management in Banking NMIMS assignment and final term project report.
Treasury Management in Banking NMIMS 2024
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1. RBI is building up Forex Reserves thru buying USD from the inter-bank market to maintain INR volatility and then doing INR sterilisation to avoid money supply. Explain the impact of this RBI action on Money Supply & inflation.
2. In view of the Geo-political situation world-wide, what are the products provided by banks to Corporates to hedge forex risk and interest rate risk. Explain with example. (10 Marks)
3. Explain the role of the Treasurer considering:
a. What are challenges in International Treasury Management? (5 Marks)
b. What are the Best Practices for International Treasury Management? (5 Marks)
Previous year question for Treasury Management in Banking NMIMS
This is previous assignment question from Treasury Management in Banking NMIMS but you can buy MCQ membership for previous year exam question from Treasury Management in Banking NMIMS.
1. In March 2022, major Central Banks worldwide started increasing interest rates resulting in higher Treasury Bill yields and failure of few banks in US (due to selling of Assets to meet liquidity). Explain the role Treasury Policies & ALCO for liquidity management?
2. A British MNC in India want to move their Corporate Treasury to Head Office in London for better liquidity management. Explain what are the considerations when choosing the location to setup a Corporate Treasury office?
3. In view of settlement risk and increasing interest rates, explain the following:
a. What is Herstatt risk?
b. How Assets and Liabilities are considered Rate Sensitive?
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