
MMPC001 Management Functions and Organisational Processes assignment ignou solution

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MMPC001 IGNOU Assignment Question for Answer

1. What is the meaning and definition of management and describe its characteristics. How
does management differ from administration and discuss the challenges faced by the
2. Briefly describe the nature of Planning Process and its necessity for an organisation.
Explain different types of planning and their requirement.
3. Describe and discuss modern theories of leadership. What is the difference between
successful and an effective leader? Explain with examples.
4. Describe different types of managerial decisions and the steps and the techniques used for
decision making. Discuss Individual Vs Group decision making.
5. Describe the importance of organisational communication and the barriers to effective
communication. How can organisations take precautions to make communication
effective? Discuss with examples.

Before Jan 2023

1. Briefly describe the functions of management and discuss their importance in the functioning of the organisations.
2. Discuss the necessity of having Planning and how it helps organisations. Describe various types of planning and their merits.
3. Discuss and describe the importance of Directing as a function of management. Illustrate with examples.
4. What are the characteristics of an organizational culture? Briefly discuss how to build sustainable organizational culture including ethical culture with examples.
5. Briefly describe and discuss modern theories of leadership and the difference between successful vs. effective leader.

Previous year ignou question

1. Describe the characteristics of Management and it’s importance. Briefly discuss the challenges faced by Manager in the present day context.
2. What is the concept of organising? Briefly discuss and describe different approaches to organizing and analysing work.
3. Discuss and describe different leadership styles and their relevance in the present scenario of organizations.
4. Describe and discuss various channels of communication and their role in organizations. Discuss how to overcome barriers to effective communication with relevant examples.
5. Discuss the concept of change in organizations and the reasons for resistance to change. Briefly discuss the strategies to overcome resistance to change.

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IGNOU Solution for December 2021MMPC001 Management Functions and Organisational Processes assignment ignou solution
Original price was: $4.50.Current price is: $3.75.