Management Book Objective Set Number 160

Q1: The data obtained from ethnographic research samples usually permit generalization to a larger group than the one studied


Answer: Wrong – False

Q2: The decision made by President Richard M. Nixon and his advisors to cover up the Watergate break-in in 1972 was a decision associated with which of the following


Answer: Groupthink

Q3: The degree to which results of a study can be extended to other settings or conditions describes


Answer: ecological generalizability

Q4: The degree to which workers feel their jobs are important, worthwhile, and meaningful is represented by which critical psychological state


Answer: Experienced meaningfulness of their work

Q5: The development of a successful new product may sometimes involve luck. More often it involves a product that has a significant product differences over competition and


Answer: meets a need.

Q6: The difference between correlational and causal-comparative research is that


Answer: one type is a study with one group and the other type compares two or more groups

Q7: The difference between the monetary value of the nation’s exports and imports is known as the


Answer: balance of trade

Q8: The disadvantages of publicity relate to the lack of user’s


Answer: control.

Q9: The dominant members of distribution in Japan is


Answer: Keiretsu

Q10: The essential characteristic of a researchable question is


Answer: that there is some sort of information that can be collected in an attempt to answer a question

Q11: The essential characteristic of a researchable question is that there is a hypothesis


Answer: Wrong – False

Q12: The essential difference between a research proposal and a research report is


Answer: a research report states what was done rather than what will be done and includes the actual results of the study

Q13: The essential difference between a research proposal and a research report is that a research report states what was done rather than what will be done and includes the actual results of the study


Answer: Correct – True

Q14: The ethical principle that data collected from subjects should be kept confidential means that


Answer: researchers should never reveal the names of participants when they report results

Q15: The European Union consists of___-member countries that have eliminated most barriers to the free flow of goods, services, capital, and labour across their borders


Answer: 27

Q16: The existence of self-reinforcers is evidence that a learner is using self-control


Answer: Correct – True

Q17: The expense of marketing effort as it relates to the marketing results obtained is known as a


Answer: sales response function

Q18: The fact that an organization shows that it cares about its employees does little to affect employee commitment


Answer: Wrong – False

Q19: The federal agency that has the major responsibility for establishing the guidelines for research studies that involve human subjects is the Department of Education


Answer: Wrong – False

Q20: The feedback loop is not as important as the initial transmission


Answer: Wrong – False

Q21: The field of study that examines the correspondence between symbols and their role in the assignment of meaning for people is known as


Answer: semiotics

Q22: The final choice of a marketing channel by a producer depends on several factors such as environmental, consumer, company and


Answer: product factors

Q23: The final section of every report discusses research procedure


Answer: Wrong – False

Q24: The final stage in the personal sales process is the___stage


Answer: follow-up

Q25: The first stage of group development is forming


Answer: Correct – True

Q26: The first step in causal-comparative research is to formulate the problem by identifying and defining the particular phenomena of interest, and then consider possible causes for or consequences of these phenomena


Answer: Correct – True

Q27: The first step in the purchase decision process is


Answer: problem recognition

Q28: The five essential points that researchers should record when taking notes on a study are problem, hypotheses, procedures, findings, and conclusions


Answer: Correct – True

Q29: The five types of researcher-completed instruments used in educational research are


Answer: rating scales, tally sheets, flowcharts, performance checklists, interview schedules

Q30: The fixed cost of the idle physician’s salary is a high inventory-carrying cost. This is also called


Answer: intangibility

Q31: The focus of study in a survey is called the unit of analysis


Answer: Correct – True

Q32: The focus of transformational leadership is


Answer: How leaders make profound changes in their followers and organizations.

Q33: The focus on obligations an organization has to those who can effect achievement of its objectives is called


Answer: stakeholder responsibility

Q34: The following are some examples of noise which can interfere with the communication process: jargon, poor handwriting and a broken answering machine


Answer: Correct – True

Q35: The following definition for humanistic classroom can be classified as which type of definition? Any classroom identified by experts as constituting an example of a humanistic classroom


Answer: operational definition

Q36: The following is an example of what? 1. A decision-maker initially makes a decision that results in some kind of loss. 2. Rather than change the course of action contained in the initial decision, the decision-maker commits more time, money, and energy to the course of action. 3. Further losses are experienced


Answer: Escalation of commitment

Q37: The following statement represents which type of close? “Do you like the four-door model?”


Answer: Trial close

Q38: The following trend creates a number of ethical dilemmas for organizations


Answer: Web surfing at work

Q39: The foremost ethical question a researcher must address is


Answer: Are participants protected from harm

Q40: The formal practice of cause-related marketing occurs when


Answer: charitable contributions are tied to revenues of a product’s promotion.

Q41: The formal system of task and reporting relationships that an organization establishes to coordinate and motivate its employees is called ___


Answer: Organizational structure

Q42: The founder of an organization has little influence on the organization’s initial culture


Answer: Wrong – False

Q43: The four P’s of the marketing mix are


Answer: product, promotion, price and place

Q44: The four steps involved in action research are


Answer: identifying the research problem or question, analyzing and interpreting the information that has been gathered, developing a plan of action, obtaining the necessary information to answer the questions

Q45: The framework to relate the market segments of potential buyers to products offered or potential marketing actions by the firm is called a


Answer: market-product grid

Q46: The functions of communication are the following: providing knowledge, motivating organizational members, expressing feelings, and controlling and coordinating group activities


Answer: Correct – True

Q47: The greatest threat to external validity in this study is


Answer: the use of students from only one district

Q48: The Hawthorne effect occurs when participants in a study change behaviors because they are receiving special attention


Answer: Correct – True

Q49: The high cost of reaching respondents in their homes with personal interviews has led to an increase in the use of


Answer: mall interviews

Q50: The highest level of performance that a group is capable of achieving at a given point in time is called


Answer: Potential performance

Q51: The Holiday Inn, Burlington statement, “If a customer has a need or want, we fill it.” is an example of a


Answer: Business unit mission

Q52: The importance of a relationship is best evaluated using


Answer: the judgment of experts

Q53: The importance of a relationship is best evaluated using the judgment of experts


Answer: Correct – True

Q54: The inaccuracy of perception has little to do with managing organizational behavior


Answer: Wrong – False

Q55: The inventory management systems designed to reduce the retailer’s lead time for receiving merchandise is called


Answer: efficient consumer response delivery system.

Q56: The job characteristics model of job design supports the notion that self-managed work teams are most effective when the work performed is sufficiently complex and it results in a finished end product


Answer: Correct – True

Q57: The key challenge facing managers in terms of motivation is how to encourage employees to contribute inputs to their jobs and to the organization


Answer: Correct – True

Q58: The largest section of a proposal is the statement of the research hypothesis


Answer: Wrong – False

Q59: The last checkpoint before significant capital is invested in a prototype in the new product process is


Answer: business analysis

Q60: The last stage of group development is performing


Answer: Wrong – False

Q61: The latent content of a communication refers to the specific, clear, surface content–the words, pictures, images, and such that are easily categorized


Answer: Wrong – False

Q62: The Leader-Member Exchange Theory suggests that the leader-follower dyad develops a unique relationship that stems from the formal authority (position power) that the leader has


Answer: Wrong – False

Q63: The magnitude of relationships can be best evaluated using


Answer: effect size indices

Q64: The magnitude of relationships can be best evaluated using tests for statistical significance


Answer: Wrong – False

Q65: The main benefit of branding to consumers is


Answer: they become more efficient shoppers.

Q66: The main problem with informal interviews is


Answer: getting comparable information from different respondents

Q67: The main problem with simulations is


Answer: their artificiality

Q68: The main reasons a firm segments its markets are


Answer: all of the above

Q69: The main strength of causal-comparative research is in demonstrating cause and effect


Answer: Wrong – False

Q70: The main thing marketing creates is


Answer: value

Q71: The major characteristic of correlational research is to seek out associations among variables


Answer: Correct – True

Q72: The major characteristic of experimental research, which distinguishes it from all other types of research, is that researchers


Answer: manipulate the independent variable

Q73: The major disadvantages of content analysis research are that it is limited to the analysis of communications and it is difficult to establish validity


Answer: Correct – True

Q74: The major purpose of all surveys is to predict future performance


Answer: Wrong – False

Q75: The manifest content of a document refers to the meaning underlying what is contained in a communication


Answer: Wrong – False

Q76: The Mann-Whitney U test is a non-parametric method used when a researcher wants to compare two related (as opposed to independent) samples


Answer: Wrong – False

Q77: The marketing component of e-commerce is also referred to as


Answer: e-marketing

Q78: The marketing department is responsible for facilitating relationships, partnerships, and___with the organizations customers, its shareholders, its suppliers, and other organizations


Answer: alliances

Q79: The marketing objective for the maturity stage of the PLC is to


Answer: maintain brand loyalty

Q80: The marketing of goods and services to companies, governments, or not-for-profit organizations for use in the creation of goods and services that they can produce and market to others is called


Answer: business marketing

Q81: The marketing of two or more products in a single “package” price is called


Answer: bundle pricing

Q82: The mean and median are commonly used to summarize quantitative data


Answer: Correct – True

Q83: The means by which a marketing goal is to be achieved is called the


Answer: marketing strategy

Q84: The median is a better index of central tendency than the mean when the distribution is


Answer: skewed

Q85: The median is the most frequent score in the distribution


Answer: Wrong – False

Q86: The method of analysis that uses several variables to predict the category a participant belongs in is called


Answer: discriminant function analysis

Q87: The method of sampling used in the study is


Answer: simple random sampling

Q88: The monetary value of all goods and services produced in the country during one year is known as the


Answer: gross domestic product

Q89: The money or other considerations exchanged for the ownership or use of a good or service is known as


Answer: Price

Q90: The moral principles and values that govern actions and decisions are called


Answer: ethics

Q91: The more important the task performed by a work group, the higher the group’s status in the organization


Answer: Correct – True

Q92: The more uncertain the environment is, the more important it is for the organizational members to be able to react quickly to changes that take place


Answer: Correct – True

Q93: The most common descriptive statistic used to analyze data in content analysis research is a


Answer: proportion

Q94: The most common parametric technique for analyzing significance of categorical data is the t-test for r


Answer: Wrong – False

Q95: The most commonly used inference test in causal-comparative studies is the chi square


Answer: Wrong – False

Q96: The most commonly used method of statistical inference in causal-comparative studies is


Answer: the t-test

Q97: The most directly pertinent information to read in a literature review will usually come from


Answer: journal articles and research reports

Q98: The most frequently used type of compensation plan is a


Answer: combination compensation plan

Q99: The most indirect channel would be best suited when there are


Answer: many small manufacturers and small retailers

Q100: The most serious mistake that an ethnographer can make is


Answer: imposing her own culture’s standards of behavior and values onto those of another culture


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