Applied Chemistry MCQ Number 00732

Applied Chemistry MCQ Set 1

1. In proximate analysis, which of the following elements can be found?
a) % of moisture content
b) % of carbon
c) % of hydrogen
d) % of nitrogen


Answer: a [Reason:] The proximate analysis is also called as quantitative analysis. It is used to find the % of moisture content, volatile matter, ash content and fixed carbon in coal.

2. From the raw piece, coal is manufactured by________
a) under crushing
b) over crushing
c) perfectly crushed
d) powdered


Answer: c [Reason:] The coal is manufactured by perfectly crushing the raw piece because if the raw material is under crushed and over crushed then the chemical content varies and cannot be good for combustion.

3. The moisture content in the coal can be given by heating the coal for _____ hours.
a) 2
b) 1
c) 4
d) 6


Answer: b [Reason:] To determine the moisture content of the coal, the coal is heated at the temperature 105-1100C in a silica crucible for 1 hour later it is dried, cooled and weighed.

4. To find the % of volatile matter in coal, it must be heated in the crucible at ______ temperature.
a) 52610C
b) 32810C
c) 8250C+100C
d) 9250C+200C


Answer: d [Reason:] The moisture free coal is taken into a silica crucible and again it is heated at the temperature 9250C+200C for 7 minutes then it is first cooled in air and late in a dessicator.

5. To calculate the % of ash content the dry coal is heated in ____________
a) blast furnace
b) muffle furnace
c) reverberatory furnace
d) electric furnace


Answer: b [Reason:] The ash content is found by heating the moisture less coal in muffle furnace. Reverberatory furnace is a metallurgical or process furnace.

6. The % of the fixed carbon can be given by:
a) %C=[loss in weight due to removal of C/weight of coal sample]*100
b) %C= [weight of coal/12*100].
c) %C=100-(% of ash)
d) %C=100-(% of moisture+% of volatile matter+% of ash)


Answer: d [Reason:] The % of carbon can be determined easily because the coal will have the highest amount of carbon content. So, from 100 we have to subtract the other contents % to get % of carbon.

7. High % of moisture is undesirable because _________
a) increases the cost of transport
b) increases the cost of calorific value
c) increases the cost of efficiency
d) decreases the cost of storage cost


Answer: a [Reason:] If there is more moisture content in the coal then it is difficult to transport it because the moisture will change into steam.

8. The moisturizing the coal before introducing into furnace is called as:
a) moisturizing
b) filtering
c) tempering
d) combustion


Answer: c [Reason:] The process of moisturizing the coal is called tempering. Combustion means complete burning. Filtering is the process to remove unwanted contents from the substance.

9. Ultimate analysis of coal is also called as:
a) quantitative analysis
b) elementary analysis
c) qualitative analysis
d) secondary analysis


Answer: c [Reason:] The ultimate analysis of coal is called as qualitative analysis and the proximate analysis of coal is called as quantitative analysis of coal.

10. In determination of % of C and H, the coal is burnt in the stream of _______
a) pure sulphur
b) pure nitrogen
c) pure alcohol
d) pure oxygen


Answer: d [Reason:] The carbon and hydrogen are burnt in the stream of pure oxygen so that they get converted into CO2 and H2O which are passed through Cacl2 and KOH bulbs.

11. % of nitrogen can be determined by the process:
a) dulong’s formula
b) orsat’s apparatus
c) kjeldahl’s method
d) fractional distillation


Answer: c [Reason:] The dulong’s formula is used to find calorific value of the coal. Orsat’s apparatus is used for analysis of the flue gas. Fractional distillation is used in purification of petroleum. So, kjeldahl’s process is used for determination of nitrogen.

12. During metallurgical operations, n2 causes ___________
a) hardness to sample
b) softness to sample
c) moisture to sample
d) heat to sample


Answer: a [Reason:] During metallurgical processes, nitrogen causes hardness to the sample, but the presence of nitrogen does not affect the utility of the coal for great extent as it is present in small amounts.

13. Weight of the coal is 2g and after heating the coal sample, the weight of the coal is 1.82g. What is the % of the moisture in coal?
a) 20%
b) 10%
c) 5%
d) 30%


Answer: b [Reason:] We know that % of moisture=[(w1-w2)/weight of coal]*100, where w1=weight of the coal sample, w2=weight of the coal after heating. After substituting the given values in the formula you’ll get 10 as answer.

14. Find the % of C from following data:
% of moisture:10g
% of volatile matter:9.5g
% of ash:11.6g
a) 68.9g
b) 62.1g
c) 63.1g
d) 70.8g


Answer: a [Reason:] We know that, % of C=100-(% of moisture+% of volatile matter+% of ash). Use the formula to get the answer 68.9g.

15. An increase in 1% of percentage of oxygen decreases the calorific value by ________
a) 1.7%
b) 2.7%
c) 3.7%
d) 4.7%


Answer: a [Reason:] The increase in 1% of oxygen results in decrease of 1.7% of calorific value. So, always a good fuel must contain less amount of oxygen.

Applied Chemistry MCQ Set 2

1. Conveyor belts are made by _______
a) BUNA – S
b) BUNA – N
c) Thiokol
d) Teflon


Answer: b [Reason:] Conveyor belts are made by the BUNA – N. Vulcanised BUNA – N is resistant to the high temperature and ageing.

2. BUNA – N is used in the auto mobiles because of its _______
a) Heavy weight
b) Light weight
c) Easy production
d) Less cost of production


Answer: b [Reason:] BUNA – N is used in auto mobile industries. It is used to make the auto mobile parts because the BUNA – N is the strong polymer and has the light weight.

3. __________ are used in the air crafts.
a) Fibre rein forced plastics
b) BUNA- S
c) BUNA- N
d) Thiokol


Answer: a [Reason:] The fibre rein forced plastics is used in the air crafts. They can be prepared in six types. Matched metal die moulding, injection moulding, hand lay up and continuous lamination are some of them.

4. The fibre rein forced plastics has ____________ cost of production.
a) High
b) Low
c) Moderate
d) Very high


Answer: b [Reason:] The fibre rein forced plastics has the low cost of production. It has the high dimensional stability. Low efficient of thermal expansion.

5. Which of the following is the example of the polysaccharides?
a) Gelatin
b) Casein
c) Silk
d) Cellulose


Answer: d [Reason:] Cellulose comes under the polysaccharides. Other examples of the polysaccharides are Starch. Gelatin, casein and silk are the examples of the proteins.

6. The crystallinity in Polyhydroxy alkanoates is lie in the range of__________
a) 40%
b) 50%
c) 60%
d) 70%


Answer: d [Reason:] The crystallinity in polyhydroxy alkanoates is in the range of the 70%. Polyhydroxy alkanoates polymers are thermoplastics.

7. The glass transition temperature of poly lactic acid is __________
a) 20-30oC
b) 50-55oC
c) 60-65oC
d) 30-40oC


Answer: c [Reason:] The glass transition temperature of poly lactic acid is 60-65oC. It possess the melting point of 173-178oC.

8. Which of the following is made by the poly lactic acid?
a) Screws
b) Staples
c) Bone plating systems
d) Tacks


Answer: a [Reason:] The screws can be made by the poly lactic acid. The staples, bone plating and tacks are made by the polyhydroxy alkanoates.

9. Catering is done by the ________
b) Teflon
c) Dacron
d) Poly lactic acid


Answer: a [Reason:] Catering is done by the MATTER BI. It is very strong. Catering means the making of things like cutlery, plates, cups etc.

10. Poly vinyl acetate is soluble in the water.
a) True
b) False


Answer: a [Reason:] Poly vinyl acetate is soluble in the water. It belongs to the class of the vinyl polymers.

11. Poly vinyl acetate is used in _________
a) Agriculture
b) Food industry
c) Catering
d) Waste management


Answer: b [Reason:] Poly vinyl acetate is used in the food industry. The matter bi is used in the agriculture, catering and also in the waste management.

12. For making compostable packing material _______ is used.
a) Poly lactic acid
b) Polyhydroxy alkanoates
c) Dacron
d) Teflon


Answer: a [Reason:] The poly lactic acid is used to prepare the compostable packing material and disposable garments etc.

13. Diaper are made by __________
a) Polyhydroxy alkanoates
b) Poly lactic acid
c) Polyesters
d) Proteins


Answer: b [Reason:] Poly lactic acids are used to make the diapers, anchors, screws, pins, mesh, disposable garments etc.

14. The conductivity of the conducting polymers increases with __________
a) Increase in temperature
b) Decrease in temperature
c) Independent of temperature
d) Independent of temperature at some conditions


Answer: a [Reason:] The conductivity of the conducting polymers increases with increase in temperature. It is temperature dependent.

15. ____________ are used for the electron beam lithography.
a) Poly lactic acid
b) Polyhydroxy alkanoates
c) Polyesters
d) Conducting polymers


Answer: d [Reason:] Conducting polymers are used for the electron beam lithography. The conductivity of them increases with increase in the chain length or conjugation.

Applied Chemistry MCQ Set 3

1. For high sensitivity or selectivity environmental sensors to sense the gaseous chemical like _________
a) CO2
b) NO3
c) O2
d) NO


Answer: d [Reason:] For high sensitivity or selectivity environmental sensors to sense the gaseous chemical like NO. The other gases are that are to be sensed is CO, NO, NO2 and O3 in high traffic environments are fabricated.

2. The nano materials are used in the light emitted electro luminescence devices.
a) True
b) False


Answer: a [Reason:] The nano particles are used in the light electro luminescence devices. The find application in flat panel display technologies like television, computer monitor etc.

3. The synthesized magnetic nano particles from _________ have been found to self-arrange automatically.
a) Zinc
b) Copper
c) Iron
d) Zirconium


Answer: c [Reason:] The synthesized magnetic nano particles from iron and palladium have been found to self arrange automatically. These materials are extensively used in manufacture of magnetic devices.

4. The nano particles from iron and palladium are used to produce ________
a) Magnets
b) Magnetic lens
c) Magneto meters
d) Magnetic storage devices


Answer: d [Reason:] The nano particles from iron and palladium were synthesized and they are used to produce the magnetic storage devices. They produce only tetra byte storage capabilities.

5. Nano particles target the rare _______ causing cells and remove them from blood.
a) Tumour
b) Fever
c) Infection
d) Cold


Answer: a [Reason:] Nano particles target the rare tumour causing cells and remove them completely from the blood stream. They are also used in the many other drugs.

6. ___________is the field in which the nano particles are used with silica coated iron oxide iron oxide.
a) Magnetic applications
b) Electronics
c) Medical diagnosis
d) Structural and mechanical materials


Answer: c [Reason:] Medical diagnosis is the field in which the nano particles are used with silica coated iron oxide iron oxide. They are embedded with magnetic colloidal particles sent into the blood stream.

7. DNA detection through the ___________ by using the oligonucleotide functionalised gold nano crystals is developed.
a) Colorimetric
b) Diathermy
c) Electro therapy
d) Treatment tables


Answer: a [Reason:] DNA detection through the colorimetric technique by using the oligonucleotide functionalised gold nano crystals is developed. The nano particles are at where anti bodies react and binds the hormone and move rapidly.

8. Coating the nano crystals with the ceramics is carried that leads to ________
a) Corrosion
b) Corrosion resistant
c) Wear and tear
d) Soft


Answer: b [Reason:] Coating the nano crystals with the ceramics is carried that leads to the corrosion resistant and hard and wear resistant and ambient ductility.

9. The __________ to the ceramics are superior coatings.
a) Nano particles
b) Nano powder
c) Nano crystals coating
d) Nano gel


Answer: c [Reason:] The nano particles coatings to the ceramics are superior coatings. They make the ceramics corrosion resistant.

10. _________ of ceramic components are easier through nano structuring.
a) Lubrication
b) Coating
c) Fabrication
d) Wear


Answer: c [Reason:] The fabrication of the ceramics is easier through the nano structuring. Fabrication is the process of producing the things.

11. By nano scale distribution of the _______ in matrix improves the life and performance.
a) Carbide
b) Tungsten
c) Hydrides
d) Nitrites


Answer: b [Reason:] By the nano scale distribution of the tungsten in matrix. The matrix contains tungsten carbide that improves the life and performance of cutting tool materials.

12. Industrial catalysts should have _________ surface area.
a) High
b) Low
c) Moderate
d) No


Answer: a [Reason:] Industrial catalysts should have the high surface area. They should also have the capacity to attach any material to their surface.

13. The extensively used nano particles as catalyst is_________
a) Silver
b) Copper
c) Gold
d) Cerium


Answer: c [Reason:] The extensively used nano particles as catalyst are gold. Some of them are molybdenum, cerium oxide and nickel.

14. Due to _________ tensile strength some of the nano materials are used in air crafts.
a) High
b) Low
c) Moderate
d) No


Answer: a [Reason:] Dye to the high tensile strength some of the nano materials are used in air crafts. One of them is carbon nano tubes. They are used in the air crafts.

15. Fabrics are extensively made out of nano materials like ___________
a) Carbon nano tubes
b) Fullerenes
c) Mega tubes
d) Polymers


Answer: b [Reason:] Fabrics are extensively made out of nano materials like fullerenes. The sports goods and cleaning products are also made out of them.

Applied Chemistry MCQ Set 4

1. The quantity of water available for the actual use is _________
a) 10%
b) 5%
c) 0.5%
d) 1%


Answer: c [Reason:] The quantity of water available on the earth’s crust is about the 80% and the quantity of water available for actual use that is in the form of rivers, tanks is about 0.5%.

2. __________ of water is struck in underground which is not accessibly.
a) 1%
b) 2%
c) 3%
d) 4%


Answer: a [Reason:] 96% of the water is struck in the forms of oceans which is too saline to use it directly and 2% is polar ice caps and glaciers and 1% is under ground water.

3. ___________ is the purest form of the water obtained by natural distillation.
a) Under ground water
b) Sea water
c) River water
d) Rain water


Answer: d [Reason:] Rain water is the purest form of the water obtained by natural distillation. Some part of the rain water penetrates into the ground and there it will be stored.

4. Lake water contains more __________ due to the biological oxidation of the organic matter.
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Nitrogen
d) Carbon monoxide


Answer: b [Reason:] Lake Water contains more amount of carbon dioxide due to the biological oxidation of the organic matter present at the bottom of the lake.

5. The colour and odour of the natural water is due to the presence of the ___________
a) Dissolved organic matter
b) Mud
c) Leaves
d) Other dust particles


Answer: a [Reason:] The colour and odour of the natural water is due to the presence of the dissolved organic matter. Dissolved gases like nitrogen, oxygen and carbondioxide are present in lake water.

6. Deep well water possess the rotten egg smell due to the dissolved ________
a) Sulphide
b) Sulphurous acid
c) Hydrogen sulphide
d) Hydrogen peroxide


Answer: c [Reason:] Deep well water possesses the rotten egg smell due to the dissolved hydrogen sulphide. The underground water is colourless and odourless.

7. Well water in wells located in the areas of oil and gases will contain __________
a) Ethane
b) Methane
c) Carbon
d) Nitrogen


Answer: b [Reason:] Well water in wells located in the areas of oil and gases will contain methane gas. When rain water falls on earth and flows on the earth and becomes impure.

8. Surface water appears turbid due to presence of the __________ which remains suspended in the water.
a) Impurities
b) Oxygen
c) Nitrogen
d) Water plants


Answer: a [Reason:] Surface water appears turbid due to the presence of the impurities which remains suspended in the water. The dissolved gases make the water into bad odour.

9. Which of the following is the suspended impurity?
a) Iron hydroxide
b) Dust
c) Mud
d) Nitrogen


Answer: a [Reason:] The nitrogen is the dissolved impurity. The suspended impurities are iron hydroxide, silica are the inorganic impurities which decomposes the organic impurities.

10. The suspended impurities is negligible due to the filtering action of __________
a) Water plants
b) Dissolved impurities
c) Soil
d) Dissolved gases


Answer: c [Reason:] The suspended impurities are negligible due to the filtering action of the soil. The soil filters all the suspended impurities like silica and iron hydroxide.

11. How many types of absorbed impurities in water are there mainly?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5


Answer: c [Reason:] There are four types of impurities in water are there. They are suspended impurities, dissolved gases, dissolved mineral salts and bacterial impurities.

12. In dissolved mineral salts, ___________ gets converted into the bicarbonates by the action of carbondioxide by water.
a) Carbonate of calcium
b) Carbonates of magnesium
c) Carbonates of calcium and magnesium
d) Neither carbonates of calcium nor magnesium


Answer: c [Reason:] In dissolved mineral salts, the carbonates of calcium and magnesium get converted into the bicarbonates by the action of the carbondioxide by water.

13. ___________ water contains more soluble salts than the surface water.
a) Sea water
b) Rain water
c) Underground water
d) Tank water


Answer: c [Reason:] Sea water and tank water comes under the surface water and the under ground water contains more soluble salts than the surface water.

14. Amino acids comes under _________ impurity.
a) Dissolved impurity
b) Colloidal impurity
c) Dissolved gases
d) Bacterial impurities


Answer: b [Reason:] Amino acids comes under the colloidal impurities. All the gases like nitrogen, oxygen and carbondioxide comes under the dissolved gases.

15. Chemical composition of the lake water is _________
a) Constant
b) Not constant
c) Some times constant
d) Cannot be determined


Answer: a [Reason:] Chemical composition of lakes is constant. It has high quantity of organic matter and lesser quantity dissolved minerals.

Applied Chemistry MCQ Set 5

1. In biological oxidation process, depending on the organic load, the oxidation takes place ___________
a) 1-4Hours
b) 4-8Hours
c) 8-16Hours
d) 16-20Hours


Answer: b [Reason:] In biological oxidation process, depending on the organic load, the oxidation process takes place up to 4 to 8 hours. Organic impurities are reduced by the biological oxidation process by micro organisms.

2. All impurities are oxidised into the _________ and ___________ in the biological oxidation process.
a) Oxygen and water
b) Carbondioxide and water
c) Nitrogen and water
d) Chlorine an water


Answer: b [Reason:] All impurities are oxidised into the carbondioxide and water in the biological oxidation process. The sludge formed in this process will be settled down quickly and gives clear supernatant.

3. The water after removing of sludge in the biological oxidation process is treated with ____________
a) Chlorine
b) Bromine
c) Fluorine
d) Iodine


Answer: a [Reason:] The water after removing of sludge in the biological oxidation process is treated with the chlorine or bleaching powder to make it more safe and let it into surface water.

4. Trickling filter method is ___________ than the activated sludge process.
a) Fast
b) Slow
c) Very fast
d) Moderate


Answer: b [Reason:] Trickling filter method is slow process than that of the activated sludge process. This process is convenient and cheaper process than the activated sludge process.

5. The depth of the rectangular circular tanks in the trickling filters method is having the depth of ____________
a) 4m
b) 3m
c) 2m
d) 1m


Answer: c [Reason:] The depth of the rectangular circular tanks in the trickling filters method is having the depth of the 2 metres packed with broken stone pieces or coal etc.

6. Periodic cleaning is used to _________
a) Increase efficiency
b) Decrease efficiency
c) Increase pressure
d) Decrease dissolved oxygen


Answer: a [Reason:] Periodic cleaning is necessary to remove excess sludge in the water. So, it is useful to increase the efficiency of the process.

7. In the trickling filter process, the _________ build up and they block the passage.
a) Sludge formed
b) Dissolved impurities
c) Dissolved solids
d) Micro organisms


Answer: d [Reason:] The micro organism built up and they block the passage and then the rate of flow drops considerably.

8. Dried sludge can be used as _________
a) Fertilizer
b) Pesticide
c) Reagent
d) Medicine


Answer: a [Reason:] Dried sludge can be used as the fertilizer. It I one of the main advantages. The sludge is de watered by the filtration in sand beds.

9. The unpleasant odour of the water is due to presence of the __________
a) Nitrogen
b) Bismuth
c) Phenols
d) Dissolved oxygen


Answer: c [Reason:] The unpleasant odour of the water is due to the presence of the phenols, hydrogen sulphides, chlorine and organic sulphur compounds.

10. __________ imparts peculiar odour to the water.
a) Decaying organic matter
b) Detergents
c) Phenols
d) Dissolved oxygen


Answer: b [Reason:] The bad odour of water is due to the phenols, decaying organic matter and phenols. The peculiar odour is due to the detergents and pesticides.

11. Reacting the water with _________ removes the odour due to the phenols.
a) KMnO4
b) MnO4
c) Potassium
d) Magnesium


Answer: a [Reason:] The chlorination of water and the reacting the water with the potassium permanganate removes the odour of water due to phenols.

12. The treatment of water with _________ improves the taste of water.
a) Oxygen
b) Chlorine
c) KMnO4
d) Ozone


Answer: d [Reason:] The treatment of water with the ozone improves the taste of the water and the bed of activated carbon removes the colour.

13. How many methods of removing the radio active impurities are there?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 3
d) 4


Answer: a [Reason:] There are two types of methods. They are: By absorbing the radio active elements by using suitable absorbent. Allowing of such periods at which it separates from water.


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