Pulp and Paper MCQ Number 01367

Pulp and Paper MCQ Set 1

1. _________ occurs by direct mechanical trapping of relatively large particles or by colloidal interactions that result in the flocculation of fines with large.
a) Formation
b) Drainage
c) Retention
d) Flocculation


Answer: c [Reason:] It is added to bind fillers to the paper. Fillers, such as CaCO3, usually have a weak surface charge. The agent to retain is a polymer with high cationic, positively charged groups.

2. Overall retention should be _________ to keep the process economical. As long as excess white H2O is minimal and excess white H2O is treated to remove solid materials.
a) 10-20%
b) 90-95%
c) 25-35%
d) 45-50%


Answer: b [Reason:] An additional feature of a retention agent is to acc. the de-watering in the wire section of the paper machine. Polyethyleneimine and polyacrylamide are examples of chemicals utilized in this process.

3. First—pass (or one pass) retention is often separated into various sub-categories of total solids including fibre retention, fines retention, and ash (i.e., filler) retention.
a) True
b) False


Answer: a [Reason:] It’s the natural or artificial removal of surface and sub-surface H2O from an area. The internal drainage of most agricultural soils is utilized to prevent severe H2O logging.

4. What is the hidden part?

_________% = (cHB – cWW) / cHB X 100%

a) First pass measurement
b) First pass retention measurement
c) Colloidal retention
d) Synthetic polymer retention aids


Answer: b [Reason:] First—pass retention (Ret. F.P.) can be approximated by the relative change in solids content from the headbox (H.B.) stock to the white water (W.W.) tray divided by the initial solids content of the headbox. This is done by measuring the consistencies (c) at the headbox and in the white H2O. This could be done for total solids or fractionated samples.

5. _________ of the fines fraction is of central importance, the Britt jar is a useful tool because it measures retention through a screen with 76 film holes without formation of a mat.
a) Formation
b) Drainage
c) Retention
d) Flocculation


Answer: c [Reason:] The Britt jar or dynamic drainage retention jar is a useful tool because it measures retention through a screen; it measures colloidal interactions without interference from filtration mechanisms.

6. _________ will withstand a moderately high level of shear and remain intact during the sheet forming process.
a) Hard floes
b) Soft floes
c) Drainage
d) Formation


Answer: a [Reason:] A strain in the structure of a substance produced by pressure, when its layers are laterally shifted in relation with each other. There is a continuum of floe strengths.

7. Soft floes may decrease opacity and the quality of formation in the final sheet.
a) True
b) False


Answer: b [Reason:] Hard floes may decrease opacity and the quality of formation in the final sheet. Opacity is decrease by aggregation of mineral fines in large clumps, meaning that light travels through fewer interfaces and is not scattered as much.

8. _________ is a function of fiber length, retention aids employed, and turbulence and is controlled by the size of the floes.
a) Formation
b) Drainage
c) Retention
d) Flocculation


Answer: a [Reason:] Microflocs are floes with a size on the order of 100 µm; macroflocs are floes that are visible to the naked eye. Formation is a function of fiber length, retention aids employed, and turbulence and is controlled by the size of the floes.

9. What’s the name of the equation?

U= (1) / (ŋR) (dp) / (dw)

a) Kozeny-Carman eq
b) D’Arcy eq
c) CSF eq
d) Sizing eq


Answer: b [Reason:] H2O removal by filtration results in the layered nature of paper. The D’Arcy eq. models flow through a porous media.

10. What is the name of the equation?
R = kS2 ((1 – E)V) / (E3)
a) Kozeny-Carman eq
b) D’Arcy eq
c) CSF eq
d) Sizing eq


Answer: a [Reason:] Filtration of paper webs has been developed by Campbell in 1947 and Ingmanson in 1954, 1959, 1963 and are based on treatment of the Kozeny—Carman in 1937 equation, which gives R as follows where A: is a constant based on the mat composition, S is the specific surface area of the solids / unit volume, E is the mat porosity, and V is the volume fraction of the web occupied by solids.

Pulp and Paper MCQ Set 2

1. Screen printing utilizes a ___________ to control the location of the ink.
a) Layer
b) Mask
c) Point
d) Spot


Answer: b [Reason:] Screen printing is a printing method that utilizes a plate (screen mask) that utilizes a screen mesh, which is woven with synthetic fibers or metal fibers. It is a type of stencil printing, which prints on objects by passing ink through the mesh of a screen mask.

2. ___________ is the only commonly utilized stencil printing method utilized. It utilizes a fine mesh screen mounted to a frame.
a) Copper screen printing
b) Zinc screen printing
c) Silk screen printing
d) Linen screen printing


Answer: c [Reason:] It’s is a printing technique whereby a mesh is utilized to transfer ink onto a substrate, except in areas which are made impermeable to the ink by a blocking stencil.

3. The ___________ is held against the surface to be printed, and ink is forced through the ___________ (and supporting screen) with utilize of a squeegee.
a) Pin
b) Stencil
c) Point
d) Impression


Answer: b [Reason:] It’s the process of depositing solder paste on the printed wiring boards (P.W.B.) to establish electrical connections. Then quickly followed by the component placement stage.

4. Mimeographing is the other common method of stencil printing, although it is seldom utilized anymore.
a) True
b) False


Answer: a [Reason:] A thick layer of ink that gives a nice impression on virtually any material is obtained. It’s a low-cost duplicating machine that is put into action by forcing the ink through a stencil onto paper.

5. The ___________ process was introduced by the Xerox company in 1960.
a) Ink jet printer
b) Photocopy
c) Printhead
d) Ribbons


Answer: b [Reason:] An image is produced on a charged drum by means of a light source that scans the surface of the document and, by means of optics, reflects the light to the charged drum.

6. ___________ spray the ink directly through a series of holes onto the surface of paper as the printhead scans back and forth across the paper.
a) Ink jet printer
b) Photocopy
c) Thermal printers
d) Ribbons


Answer: a [Reason:] It’s a type of computer printing that recreates a digital image by propelling droplets of ink onto paper. It’s the most widely utilized printer.

7. ___________ printers utilize a dye from a page size ribbon that vaporizes and condenses on the paper. This method allows a continuous tone of ink intensities to be produced.
a) Dye sublimation
b) Dye freezing
c) Dye evaporation
d) Dye saturation


Answer: a [Reason:] It employs a printing process that utilizes heat to transport dye onto materials such as a plastic, card, paper, or fabric. The sublimation name was first applied because the dye was there to make the transition in the middle of the solid and gas states without going through a liquid stage.

8. ___________ crystals surrounded by ink vibrate, cautilizing a droplet to form and pass through a fine nozzle, a very small electric heater boil the ink to transfer it to the paper.
a) CuSO4
b) SiO2
c) Methamphetamine
d) Piezoelectric


Answer: d [Reason:] It’s the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress. Four print heads (or portions of) are utilized for colour printing.

9. ___________ are generally reserved for instrumentation. For example, E.K.G. machines and other “chart recorders,” many FAX receivers, some computer printers, and other devices utilize this method.
a) Ink jet printer
b) Photocopy
c) Thermal printers
d) Ribbons


Answer: c [Reason:] It’s a digital printing process which produces a printed image by selectively heating coated thermochromic paper, when the paper is sent over the thermal print head. The coating turns black in the areas where it’s heated, producing an image.

10. Printing occurs by a ____________ that heats appropriately as it scans. This method has the advantage that ink will not clog in equipment that gets intermittent utilize so that the reliability is greatly improved.
a) Print head
b) Thermal head
c) Pressure head
d) Density head


Answer: a [Reason:] There are 3 areas of the printhead that need to be cleaned: plastic ramps on both the sides of the ink nozzles, the edge in the middle of the nozzles, and the electrical contacts.

Pulp and Paper MCQ Set 3

1. Acid hydrolysis becomes important in the pulp and paper industry whenever we process wood fibers below pH 2 or so at elevated temperatures.
a) True
b) False


Answer: a [Reason:] Acid hydrolysis becomes important in the pulp and paper industry whenever we process wood fibers below pH 2 or so at elevated temperatures.

2. If one treats _________ with 6 % w/w aqueous sulfuric acid under reflux, glucose is obtained in high yield with little secondary decomposition.
a) Cellulose
b) Fructose
c) Starch
d) Lignin


Answer: a [Reason:] If one treats cellulose (which has been swelled in 72 % w/w sulfuric acid at room temperature) with 6 % w/w aqueous sulfuric acid under reflux, glucose is obtained in high yield with little secondary decomposition.

3. If _________ are treated with strong acid such as 20% sulfuric acid at high temperatures, they are first hydrolyzed to the component _________
a) Polysaccharides, monosaccharides
b) Monosaccharides, polysaccharides
c) Fructose, cellulose
d) Lignin, pulp


Answer: a [Reason:] If polysaccharides are treated with strong acid such as 20% sulfuric acid at high temperatures, they are first hydrolyzed to the component monosaccharides.

4. One can reduce the reducing end of mono- or polysaccharides by using sodium borohydride (NaBH4) under _________ conditions at room temperature.
a) Acidic
b) Basic
c) Alkaline
d) Neutral


Answer: c [Reason:] One can reduce the reducing end of mono- or polysaccharides by using sodium borohydride (NaBH4) under alkaline conditions at room temperature.

5. Under conditions of dilute alkali (perhaps 0.1 M NaOH at 100°C) _________ will slowly undergo a reaction that causes C-2 epimerization (a change in configuration of the second carbon atom).
a) Polymers
b) Polysaccharides
c) Monosaccharides
d) Fructose


Answer: c [Reason:] Under conditions of dilute alkali (perhaps 0.1 M NaOH at 100°C) monosaccharides (and the reducing group of polysaccharides) will slowly undergo a reaction that causes C-2 epimerization (a change in configuration of the second carbon atom).

6. What is the name of the question mark area?
a) 25% H2SO4, Reflux
b) 6% H2SO4, Reflux
c) Dilute OH-
d) Maximum Heat


Answer: c [Reason:] Under conditions of dilute alkali (perhaps 0.1 M NaOH at 100°C) monosaccharides (and the reducing group of polysaccharides) will slowly undergo a reaction that causes C-2 epimerization (a change in configuration of the second carbon atom)

7. What is the name of the question mark area?
a) 25% H2SO4, Reflux
b) 6% H2SO4, Reflux
c) Dilute OH-
d) Maximum Heat


Answer: a [Reason:] The reaction of hexoses, or polymers of hexoses such as cellulose, starch, and glucomannans, produces 5- (hydroxymethyl)-2-fiirfiiral that is not volatile and undergoes decomposition to levulinic acid and numerous other compounds.

8. What is the name of the question mark area?
a) 25% H2SO4, Reflux
b) 6% H2SO4, Reflux
c) Dilute OH-
d) Maximum Heat


Answer: a [Reason:] The reaction of hexoses, or polymers of hexoses such as cellulose, starch, and glucomannans, produces 5- (hydroxymethyl)-2-fiirfiiral that is not volatile and undergoes decomposition to levulinic acid and numerous other compounds.

9. What is the name of the question mark area?
a) 25% H2SO4, Reflux
b) 6% H2SO4, Reflux
c) Dilute OH-
d) Maximum Heat


Answer: b [Reason:] If one treats cellulose (which has been swelled in 72 % w/w sulfuric acid at room temperature) with 6 % w/w aqueous sulfuric acid under reflux, glucose is obtained in high yield with little secondary decomposition.

10. What is the name of the question mark area?
a) 25% H2SO4, Reflux
b) 6% H2SO4, Reflux
c) Dilute OH-
d) Maximum Heat


Answer: b [Reason:] If one treats cellulose (which has been swelled in 72 % w/w sulfuric acid at room temperature) with 6 % w/w aqueous sulfuric acid under reflux, glucose is obtained in high yield with little secondary decomposition.

Pulp and Paper MCQ Set 4

1. A __________ for a given process must have at least one sensor, the controller, and a control element to which the results are applied.
a) Control loop
b) Kraft loop
c) Automatic loop
d) Pausing loop


Answer: a [Reason:] The automatic control is where a machine or electronic circuit is the control as opposed to a human being is the control loop. The controller that decides what’s to be done with the information that is collected, and a control element to which the results are applied.

2. A good example of automatic control is electric heating of a house in a cold environment, a process where a single variable is controlled.
a) True
b) False


Answer: a [Reason:] When the temperature drops below the set point a switch (controller) is closed and the heater (control element) comes on. When the temperature rises above the set point, the switch opens and the heater is turned off.

3. This is __________ feedback loop because the desired result is determined and the information fed back to the controller for appropriate action. This system is also known as __________ control loop.
a) 1i process
b) 2i process
c) 3i process
d) 4i process


Answer: b [Reason:] A feedback loop is a term commonly utilized in economics to indicate to a situation where part of the output of a situation is utilized for new input. An example of a positive feedback loop would be one where success feeds success.

4. The difference between the actual value and the set point is known as the __________ The controller reads the __________ and makes a decision.
a) Sensor
b) Top
c) Point
d) Error


Answer: d [Reason:] The action taken could be very simple to very complicated, depending on the system and the size of the acceptable error. The statistics error refers to the diff. b/w the value which has been computed and the correct value.

5. The __________ is a device which converts a change in a parameter to a change in a electric or pneumatic signal.
a) Sensor
b) Top
c) Point
d) Error


Answer: a [Reason:] It’s a type of transducer which is a device that changes a signal from one form to another form, such as a change in light to a change in voltage or a change in voltage to a change in current.

6. A transfer function relates the value of the parameter to be measured with the output of the __________
a) Sensor
b) Top
c) Point
d) Error


Answer: a [Reason:] Typically it is a representation in terms of spatial or temporal frequency, of the relation b/w the input and output of a linear time-invariant system with zero initial conditions and zero-point equilibrium. With optical imaging devices, for example it is the Fourier transform of the point spread function i.e., the intensity distribution cautilized by a point object in the field of view.

7. The __________ of a sensor is a measure of how the sensor responds to an actual change as a function of time. For example, all thermocouples have mass.
a) Size
b) Material
c) Time response
d) Durability


Answer: c [Reason:] The order of a control system is determined by the power of sensor in the denominator of its transfer function If the power of sensor in the denominator of transfer function of a control system is 2, then the system is said to be second-order control system.

8. The __________ at one temperature is immersed in a liq. of a different temperature, the output of the __ would change with time until it finally gives a reading that is around its normal error.
a) Thermocouple
b) Photoconductors
c) Photovoltaic
d) Piezoelectric


Answer: a [Reason:] A thermocouple is an electrical device consisting of 2 different conductors forming electrical junctions at differing temperature It produces a temperature-dependent voltage as a result of the thermoelectric effect, and this voltage could be interpreted to measure temperature

9. __________ utilise a thin band of a material that becomes conductive when exposed to light of a minimum frequency.
a) Thermocouple
b) Photoconductors
c) Photovoltaic
d) Piezoelectric


Answer: b [Reason:] It’s an optical and electrical phenomenon in which a material becomes more electrically conductive because of the absorption of electromagnetic radiation such as visible light or gamma radiation. Whenever light is absorbed by a material such as a semiconductor, the number of free electrons and electron holes inc. and raises its electrical conductivity.

10. ____________ cells produce a voltage and current that are a function of the light level incident to them. These have time constants on the order of 1 to 100 µs.
a) Thermocouple
b) Photoconductors
c) Photovoltaic
d) Piezoelectric


Answer: c [Reason:] Photovoltaics (P.V.) covers the conversion of light into electricity utilizing semiconducting materials that manifests the photovoltaic effect, a phenomenon studied in physics, photochemistry, and electrochemistry. For very less levels of light utilized in liq. scintillation counters to determine radioactivity photomultiplier tubes are utilized.

Pulp and Paper MCQ Set 5

1. Soda pulping was invented in which country?
a) France
b) England
c) U.S.A
d) Vietnam


Answer: b [Reason:] Soda pulping was invented in England by Burgess and Watts in 1851, uses sodium hydroxide as cooking chemical.

2. Soda pulping uses sodium hydroxide as cooking chemical.
a) True
b) False


Answer: a [Reason:] Soda pulping’s a chemical process for making wood pulp with NaOH as the cooking chemical. In the Soda-AQ process, anthraquinone (AQ) may be used as a pulping additive to decrement the carbohydrate degradation.

3. The soda process has limited use for easily pulped materials and for major process.
a) True
b) False


Answer: a [Reason:] The soda process has limited use for easily pulped materials like straws and some hardwoods, and for major process.

4. What is used as a pulping additive to decrease carbohydrate de-gradation?
a) Anthraquinone
b) Metaquinone
c) Quadraquinone
d) Doublaquinone


Answer: Anthraquinone, also called anthracenedione or dioxoanthracene, is an organic compound with formula C 14H 8O 2.

5. What is the recent development in the field of soda pulping?
a) Use of N
b) Use of CO2
c) Use of Cl
d) Use of oxygen


Answer: d [Reason:] This invention relates to the manufacture of wood pulp and particularly to a two-stage soda pulping process in which the second stage is carried out in the presence of oxygen.

6. The Soda-AQ process, anthraquinone (AQ) might be utilized as a pulping additive to __________ the carbohydrate degradation.
a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Maintain
d) Stop


Answer: b [Reason:] The Soda-AQ process, anthraquinone (AQ) are utilized as pulping additive to decrement in the carbohydrate depletion.

7. Around __________ of paper production around whole world is produced from agricultural crops.
a) 5 – 10%
b) 20 – 25%
c) 35 – 45%
d) 55 – 65%


Answers: a [Reason:] Around 5%-10% of paper production in the whole world is produced by agricultural crops which has valued agricultural paper production between $5 billion and $10 billion.

8. Valuing agriculture paper production at between ___________ billion.
a) 5 – 10
b) 15 – 20
c) 25 – 30
d) 45 -50


Answers: a [Reason:] Around 5%-10% of paper production worldwide is produced from agricultural crops, valuing agricultural paper production at between $5 billion and $10 billion.

9. Due to the ease with which bagasse can be chemically pulped, bagasse requires _____________ bleaching chemicals than wood pulp.
a) More
b) Less
c) No
d) 80%


Answers: b [Reason:] Due to the ease with which bagasse can be chemically pulped, it requires less bleaching chemicals than the wood pulp.

10. Moderate amounts of __________ can be controlled with purging lime mud or lime kiln ash.
a) Carbonate
b) Silicate
c) Aluminate
d) Carbonsulfate


Answer: b [Reason:] Silicates’ moderate amount can be controlled with purging lime mud or lime kiln ash.

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