
Project Report on Business Value of Electronic Invoicing in FairyLand

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Chapter 1           INTRODUCTION

The business values of an invoice system can increase with the use of electronic distribution. This is done by an analysis of what business value an implementation of an electronic invoice system could lead to. Established theories in the area are put together and an empirical study is performed in order to illuminate important aspects and present new angles of incidence…contd.


The study objective is the business value that may increase when transitioning from manually sent invoices (by fax, phone, or e-mail) to electronic invoicing. This transition can contribute not only to increased cash flow and better invoice survey but also decreased administrative time and cost.


A presentation of business value, e-commerce, Electronic Data Interchange and electronic invoicing is made. This is followed by a presentation of Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment, direct debit, and finally laws and directives. The information presented in this chapter is secondary data, collected in a desk research.


A general presentation of research approaches, research design, data collection and analysis is made. This is followed by a presentation of the used report and study procedure and possible sources of error.


 Source material can be divided into secondary and primary. Secondary data is an interpretation of objects and things that have occurred and are based on primary data. This kind of research is often known as desk research. Primary data means collecting data from the original source and is discovered during the period of the project. An inquiry based solely on primary data hardly exists, while absolute desk research is more common…contd.


 Electronic invoicing is becoming more common in the B2B market. Wall Fargo has successfully connected to electronic invoicing and the next step would be to do the same with their customers. A successful implementation of electronic invoicing to customers would make Wall Fargo a market leader.


In the case of Wall Fargo there are no technical obstacles in their system that prevents an implementation of electronic invoicing. The preferable solution is based on EDI, directly linking the ERP system at Wall Fargo with the customers ERP system…contd.


Wall Fargo should use the AMTrix system and StreamServe for the EDI solutions depends on the system costs and on other features that the systems may offer. The costs for implementation and maintaining of the systems may vary…contd.


The most obvious business value that comes from implementation of electronic invoicing is gain in time and cost…contd.


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synopsis and project reportProject Report on Business Value of Electronic Invoicing in FairyLand
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