
Network Marketing in International Logistic Companies

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Details about this project report

Project FAQ – Must Read

Total Pages = 60

Format – DOCX

Synopsis – Yes

Viva Example Question – NO

Suitable for Distance Learning management program.

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Synopsis for Project Report

Statement of the Problem:

 Due to globalization and changing business environment and strategies from local to global; where mergers and acquisitions, shaping new consortiums and alliances are becoming usual daily events, small and medium size logistic companies faced serious problems and difficulties in…contd.

Why is the particular topic chosen?

As a student, I would like to further deepen my knowledge about the logistic business.  I am very interested to investigate all the aspects presented for this study, on how a firm struggles or competes to a wide range of diverse businesses….contd.

What contribution would the project make and to whom?

The purpose of this study is to not only show the seriousness of the problem in question, but to come up with ideas that will help to show how this problem can be reduced in size and find out about new strategies in doing business in global market and also better solutions for companies marketing problems. …contd.

 Objective and scope of the study


  • To review the main concepts of the network marketing.
  • To identify several aspects of the logistic companies.
  • To investigate the marketing development of the companies.
  • To evaluate a suitable planning for future development of the companies.


The scope of this particular study is very broad and far-reaching, because there are so many Companies that are being involved in it now and will be involved in the future…contd.


To fulfill the purpose of the thesis, a qualitative study with an inductive approach was undertaken. Secondary data in terms of literature and academic articles were scanned to create a theoretical framework and to facilitate the collection of primary data..

Chapter Scheme

The chapter scheme for this project report is planned to as under:

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Chapter 2 – Theoretical Perspective

Chapter 3 – Objective and Scope

Chapter 4 – Methodology

Chapter 5 – Data Collected

Chapter 6 – Data Analysis

Chapter 7 – Findings

Chapter 8 – Recommendations

Chapter 9 – Conclusion




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synopsis and project reportNetwork Marketing in International Logistic Companies
Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $14.99.