Behavioural and Allied Sciences-1a



Assignment – A
1 Explain Type “A” and Type ” B” Personality traits
2 Explain the different behaviour styles for handling conflict.
3 “Stress is both a friend and foe. A mild stress may lead to increase in employee’s job performance while high level of stress has harmful consequences”. Elucidate this statement.
4 Answer any three of the following.
a) Components of Attitudes
b) Concept of Emotional Intelligence
c) Eustress and distress
d) Johari Window
e) Listening Process
5 Quote an example of school/college life where your performance suffered due to stress. Also mention any of your personal/Professional achievements that were due to your ability to handle stress in an effective manner.
6 What do you understand by attitude? “Job related attitudes are significant for understanding Organizational Behaviour”. Explain
7 What are the techniques of managing emotions at work? Explain.
8 Explain the importance of self-awareness in building self-concept.
Please give your answer in at least 25 words.
Assignment – B
Case Detail :
Read the case study given below and answer the questions given at the end
Case Study
Coping Strategies
This stress audit case study is about Company A, a 100-year-old UK manufacturing organization. The company employs 15,000 people and operates on 50 sites. It primarily supplies the agricultural machinery markets.
The company set itself the objective of pulling itself out of a stagnant loss-making situation and to regain market dominance. It set out to accomplish this by completely redesigning its manufacturing techniques through lessons learnt from Japanese companies. The company also implemented a large-scale programme of organizational restructuring involving decentralization and the establishment of cost centers. However, the payoffs were not as great as expected, even after several years of development.
The programme of large-scale change, in the context of an already ailing business had improved performance at a slower than expected rate. Individuals were experiencing stress also. Changes were being implemented and performance was being improved slowly but at a high personal cost (in terms of health) and high organization cost (in terms of disappointing efficiency increases).
Senior managers presumed that middle managers were experiencing the worst stress, being caught between upper management and the work force. A stress audit was conducted with middle managers at each site. The hypothesis was confirmed by the stress audit. An analysis of the stress audit results indicated that stress levels were greater than expected and that many middle managers had adopted stressed styles of behaviour. The stress audit revealed that many of the middle managers perceived also that several of the changes going on around them were outside their influence or control.
Analysis of stress sources and stress coping strategies employed by the middle managers revealed that the organizational development effort itself had the effect of being a source of stress. This in turn made it difficult for people to cope with the change of working practices.
The organization decided therefore to implement additional programmes of stress counseling, and to address the issues of roll clarity and participation in change planning. The latter were seen as complimentary inputs to the development process. Efficiency gains and a reduction of stress were realized as a result.
Please give your answer in at least 25 words.
Q1. Based on the above case study, what steps the company should take to reduce Organisational stress?
(Please note that there will be 2 more questions to come for this section, which is yet to receive from university.)

Assignment C
Q1. Which of the following best explains why an employee behaves as s/he does?
a. The environment is the most important consideration in understanding individual employee behavior.
b. Both the environment and individual differences are important considerations in understanding individual employee behavior.
c. Neither the environment nor individual differences are important considerations in understanding individual employee behavior.
d. Employee personality and attitudes are primarily dictated by the environment.

Q2. Environmental stressors include—
a. Physical factors
b. Economical factors
c. Technological Factors
d. All of the above

Q3. The behavioural outcomes of stress can include—
a. Poor memory
b. Absenteeism
c. Burnout
d. Depression

Q4. Inter personal Intelligence is the ability to—
a. Understand other people
b. Understand one self
c. Understand organization
d. None of the above

Q5. Intra Personal Intelligence is a correlative activity—
a. Turned inward
b. Turned outward
c. Turned around
d. All of above

Q6. Recognizing emotions of others—
a. Empathy
b. Sympathy
c. Understanding self
d. Understanding others

Q7. Listening process is—
a. Leveling
b. Sharpening
c. Assimilation
d. All of the above

Q8. People who go through life watching it around them are—
a. Critics
b. Spectators
c. Players
d. None of the above

Q9. Your five senses and past experiences create your —
a. Thoughts
b. Feelings
c. Perception
d. Expectation

Q10. Critics usually have a _____________attitude about life.
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Neutral
d. None

Q11. The physical presence but the mental absence of the listener can be defined as—
a. Marginal listening
b. Passive Listening
c. Projective listening
d. Sensitive Listening

Q12. Levelling and assimilation takes place in__________ Listening.
a. Passive
b. Marginal
c. Active
d. Empathetic

Q13. Which is a deterrent to listening Process?
a. Lack of interest
b. Stress
c. Fear
d. All of the above

Q14. _____________component represents the beliefs of a person about an attitude object.
a. Affective
b. Cognitive
c. overt
d. None of the above

Q15. Self esteem has ________interrelated aspects.
a. Many
b. Two
c. No
d. One

Q16. Absenteeism is an outcome of _________symptoms.
a. Emotional
b. Physiological
c. Behavioural
d. Physical

Q17. Behaviour style for handling any situation should be—
a. Assertive
b. Non Assertive
c. Aggressive
d. Tactfully

Q18. ___________ people attempt to get what they want by making others feel sorry or guilty.
a. Aggressive
b. Manipulative
c. Passive
d. Submissive

Q19. __________is empathetic Listening
a. Sympathetic
b. Sensitive
c. Active
d. Projective

Q20. Our tendency to seek out the company of others, even if we do not feel particularly close them, is known as—
a. Social cognition
b. Relationship
c. Attraction
d. Affiliation

Q21. Which of the four components of social support does NOT correspond to information-giving or anxiety reduction?
a. Instrumental Support
b. Informational Support
c. Attraction
d. Appraisal Support

Q22. When compared to people who are less physically attractive, attractive people are viewed as being—
a. More Sociable
b. less assertive
c. High in integrity
d. In Worse Mental Health

Q23. Characteristics of attitude is—
a. Valence
b. Multiplexity
c. Centrality
d. All of the above

Q24. Stressors at workplace is termed as—
a. Organisational Stress
b. Family Stress
c. Physical Stress
d. None of the above

Q25. Eustress is—
a. Good Stress
b. Bad Stress
c. Neutral Stress
d. All of the above

Q26. Factors affecting Organisational Effectiveness are—
a. Overall Performance
b. Productivity
c. Flexibility and Adaption
d. All of the above

Q27. Consequences of stress can be—
a. Physical
b. Psychological
c. Behavioral
d. All of the above

Q28. The stage of stress where maximum adaption is when the individual restores the equilibrium—
a. Alarm
b. Resistance
c. Exhaustion
d. None of the above

Q29. ______________occurs when we feel insecure, inadequate, helpless or desperate.
a. Eustress
b. Distress
c. Physiological Stress
d. Psychological Stress

Q30. There are _____________types of Personality—
a. Three
b. Two
c. Multiple
d. Four

Q31. Type ‘b” Personality is—
a. Patient
b. Rude
c. Competitive
d. aggressive

Q32. _______________method does not require the use of judges in scaling the statements.
a. Thurstone Attitude Scale
b. Likert’s Scale
c. Opinion Surveys
d. Interview

Q33. ____________________refers to any incompatibility that an individual might perceive between two or more his attitudes.
a. Cognitive Dissonance
b. Workforce Diversity
c. Behavioural component
d. None of the above

Q34. An atmosphere of objectivity and mutual trust can help reduce—
a. Eustress
b. Distress
c. Environmental stress
d. Organisational Stress

Q35. In alarm stage, the resistance is—
a. Lowered
b. Exhausted
c. Medium
d. Higher

Q36. Music—
a. Effects on attitude
b. Improve morale
c. Increase Production
d. All of the above

Q37. Stress results in—
a. Physical deviation
b. Psychological Deviation
c. Behavioral Deviations
d. All of the above

Q38. What is the key word in understanding organization structure?
a. Control
b. Change
c. Process
d. Can be defined simply as activities that occur regularly

Q39. Which of the following is true of managers in relationship to conflict?
a. Managers generally encourage low levels of conflict because it improves performance, up to a certain point.
b. Managers generally ignore conflict.
c. Managers attempt to eliminate conflict because the organization rewards them for keeping conflict out of their area of responsibility.
d. Managers show no consistent attitude toward conflict

Q40. Organization Structures:
a. affect group behaviour more than individual behavior
b. change rapidly to meet environmental and market change
c. contribute positively to organizational performance
d. can be defined simply as activities that occur regularly


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