Interview MCQ Number 00991

Interview MCQ Set 1

1. Why Timer_B is not considered as most suitable one for receiving asynchronous signals?
a) because of the absence of the TBOUTH input pin
b) because of the presence of the TBOUTH input pin
c) because of the absence of the SCCI bit
d) because of the presence of the SCCI bit


Answer: c [Reason:] The SCCI bit is absent in the Timer_B which means that the sampling mode is absent in it that’s why it is considered as unsuitable for receiving asynchronous signals.

2. Their is double buffering in the immediate mode?
a) true
b) false
c) cant be said
d) depends on the conditions


Answer: b [Reason:] Immediate mode offers no double buffering condition.As here, values are copied to TBCLn as soon as they are written to TBCCRn.

3. Double buffering protects channel 0.
a) as it acts as the limit in the Up and up/down modes
b) it doesnot actually protect it
c) as it does not accepts the inputs
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: a [Reason:] Double buffering protects channel 0 as it acts as the limit in the Up and Up/Down modes.

4. Timer_B has
a) three serial communication ports
b) seven LCD driver
c) seven compare/capture channels
d) three LED driver ports


Answer: c [Reason:] Timer_B has seven compare/capture channels.

5. The capture/compare registers TBCCRn are double-buffered, when used for compare events?
a) true
b) false
c) cant be said
d) depends on the conditions


Answer: a [Reason:] The capture/compare registers TBCCRn are double-buffered when used for compare events.

6. The length of TBR can be programmed to be
a) 8 bits
b) 12 bits
c) 16 bits
d) all of the mentioned


Answer: d [Reason:] The length of TBR can be programmed to be 8, 12, 16 or 10 bits long.

7. TBOUTH can pin can be used to
a) values are moved from one place to another
b) the length of the number of bits is selected by this register
c) it can be used to put all the outputs of the Timer_B register in the high impedance state
d) it can be used for outputting the input values of the timers


Answer: c [Reason:] TBOUTH pin is used to put all the outputs of the Timer_B register in the high impedance state by an high external signal applied to this pin.

8. TBCLn provided in each channel is actually
a) a comparator
b) compare latch
c) controller
d) control logic


Answer: b [Reason:] TBCLn is actually a compare latch that is provided in its every channel.

9. When TBR counts to zero
a) TBCLn is updated from TBCCRn
b) CLLDx is updated to TBCCTLn
c) CLLDx is updated to TBCCRn
d) TBCLn is updated to CLLDx


Answer: a [Reason:] When TBR counts to zero, TBCLn is updated from TBCCRn.

Interview MCQ Set 2

1. All channels within Timer_A share the same timer block
a) yes
b) no
c) cant be said
d) depends on the conditions


Answer: a [Reason:] There is only one TAR in Timer_A so all of its channel share the same timer block.

2. Timer_A has
a) RTC module in it
b) Compare/ capture channel
c) Communication channel
d) Converter channel


Answer: b [Reason:] Timer_A has compare/ capture channel inbuilt inside it.

3. TACLK and INCLK are
a) internally generated clock pulses
b) externally fed clock pulses
c) of no use in Timer_A
d) very slow


Answer: b [Reason:] TACLK and INCLK clock pulses are the externally fed pulses that are required by the Timer_A.

4. In continuous mode of the counter
a) counter moves from 0000-ffff
b) counter moves from ffff-0000-ffff
c) counter moves from 0000-ffff and then again returns to 0
d) all of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:] In continuous mode of the counter, the counter firstly increases from 0000-ffff, then after this value the roll over condition comes and it again gets started from 0000. This particular mode is very useful for for capturing inputs.

5. TACLR bit in TACTL
a) clear the interrupt flag
b) clear the status flags
c) clear the count in TAR
d) all of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:] TACLR bit in TACTL clears the count in the TAR.

6. TACCTLn is a
a) set of 2 bits used for selecting the mode of operation of the timer
b) a register of 8 bits used for giving the count to the timer
c) a register of 16 bits used to select the compare/ capture channel of the timer
d) a register of 16 bits used to cause the timer interrupt


Answer: c [Reason:] TACCTLn is a register of 16 bits used to select the compare/ capture channel of the timer.

7. CCI1B comes from


Answer: b [Reason:] CCI1B comes from CAOUT.

8. Which of the following parameters are given by the TACCR0?
a) start count
b) stop count
c) reaction time
d) all of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:] TACCR0 gives the reaction time in counts of ACLK.

Interview MCQ Set 3

1. Which instruction is used to call functions?
a) MOV
b) GO
d) All of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:] CALL instruction is used for going to a particular address in MSP430. It actually causes the pointer to jump at a particular address and push the current address of the PC to the stack.

2. ret instruction is used for
a) determining the end of the program
b) for returning back from the subroutine to the main program
c) for transferring data from one place to another
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: b [Reason:] Ret instruction is basically used for returning back from a subroutine. It actually pops the top address from the stack and moves that address to its PC, so that it now returns to the main program and continue the execution normally.

3. According to conventions being followed, R12 to R15 are used for
a) parameter passing
b) preserved for call
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: a [Reason:] According to the conventions, R12 to R15 are used for parameter passing and hence are not preserved for the call.

4. We can store the temporary results across a call instruction with the help of which of the following registers
a) R1-R4
b) R4-R11
c) R12-R15
d) All of the mentioned


Answer: b [Reason:] Temporary results are stored by the registers R4-R11.

5. Can we allocate variables on the stack?
a) yes
b) no
c) cant be said
d) depends on the conditions


Answer: a [Reason:] Yes, we can allocate the variables on the stack, it is a very effective way of storing the variables.

6. Which registers are reserved for passing the parameters to a subroutine and then returning the final result?
a) R1-R4
b) R4-R11
c) R12-R15
d) All of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:] Originally, R12-R15 registers are reserved for passing the parameters to a subroutine and then returning the final result.

7. What actually is the order of stack frame for a parameter to pass to a subroutine?
a) parameter passed to subroutine
b) return address
c) saved copies of registers(R4-R11)
d) all of the mentioned


Answer: e [Reason:] All the steps i.e. parameter passed to subroutine, return address, saved copies of registers(R4-R11), local variables in subroutines are required for passing a parameter to a subroutine.

8. When any subroutine is called, then the first value of stack will be
a) value of PC
b) the return address
c) none of the mentioned
d) both are one and the same things


Answer: d [Reason:] When any subroutine is called then the first place of the stack will be filled with the return address, or the address of the PC so that the pointer may return back to its appropriate place after the return instruction of the subroutine.

9. After subroutine which of the instruction is used for returning the pointer back to the main program?
a) ret
b) reti
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:] For returning back from the subroutine, both ret and reti can be used, the main difference between the two is that reti just resets the interrupt flag before the return, so that the interrupt can occur again.

10. Is the approach of making subroutines effective or not?
a) yes
b) no
c) cant be said
d) depends on the conditions


Answer: a [Reason:] The approach of making subroutine is indeed very effective, as with its help we don’t need to retrace/write a particular set of codes again and again. It makes our approach modular.

Interview MCQ Set 4

1. What is a flash?
a) It is a single-equilibrium stage distillation where the feed is partially vaporized to give a vapor feed rich in more volatile components.
b) It is a double-equilibrium stage distillation where the feed is partially vaporized to give a vapor feed rich in more volatile components
c) It is a single-equilibrium stage distillation where the feed is completely vaporized to give a vapor feed rich in more volatile components
d) It is a single-equilibrium stage distillation where the feed is partially vaporized to give a vapor feed rich in less volatile components


Answer: a [Reason:] A flash is a single-equilibrium stage distillation where the feed is partially vaporized to give a vapor feed rich in more volatile components.

2. When is flashing a replacement for distillation?
a) When the relative velocity is high
b) When the relative velocity is low
c) When the relative volatility is high
d) When the relative volatility is low


Answer: c [Reason:] Unless the relative volatility is high, flashing is not a replacement for distillation.

3. What is the condition for phase equilibrium?
a) Pv=PL
b) TV=TL
c) yi=kixi
d) Fzi=Vyi + Lxi


Answer: c [Reason:] The correct equation for phase equilibrium isyi=kixi.

4. What is the condition for thermal equilibrium?
a) Pv=PL
b) TV=TL
c) yi=kixi
d) Fzi=Vyi + Lxi


Answer: b [Reason:] The correct equation for thermal equilibrium is TV=TL.

5. What is the condition for mechanical equilibrium?
a) Pv=PL
b) TV=TL
c) yi=kixi
d) Fzi=Vyi + Lxi


Answer: a [Reason:] The correct equation for mechanical equilibrium is Pv=PL.

6. What is the equation for component material balance?
a) Pv=PL
b) TV=TL
c) yi=kixi
d) Fzi=Vyi + Lxi


Answer: d [Reason:] The correct equation for component material balance isFzi=Vyi + Lxii.

7. What is the equation for total energy balance?
a) Pv=PL
b) F=V + L
c) yi=kixi
d) Fzi=Vyi + Lxi


Answer: b [Reason:] The correct equation for total energy balance is F= V + L.

8. What is the dew point quation?
a) ∑ ziki=0
b) ∑ zi/ki=0
c) ∑ ziki=1
d) ∑ zi/ki=1


Answer: d [Reason:] The dew point equation is∑ zi/ki=1.

9. What is the bubble point equation?
a) ∑ ziki=0
b) ∑ zi/ki=0
c) ∑ ziki=1
d) ∑ zi/ki=1


Answer: c [Reason:] The dew point equation is∑ zi/ki=1.

10. What is true about vapor- liquid equilibrium?
a) Vapor is at its dew point and liquid at its bubble point
b) Vapor at its bubble point and liquid at its dew point
c) Both the liquid and vapor at dew point
d) Both the liquid and vapor at bubble point


Answer: a [Reason:] Whenever there is a vapor-liquid equilibrium, the vapor is at its dew point and the liquid is at its bubble point.

Interview MCQ Set 5

1. Which of the following is not true about membrane separations?
a) Components which are passed through the membrane is called permeate
b) Components which are not passed through are called retentate
c) Non-porous membrane is never used
d) Membrane separations require a driving force


Answer: c [Reason:] Non-porous membranes are called as dense membranes and are used.

2. What is the driving force in Microfiltration?
a) Pressure difference
b) Pervaporation
c) Difference in fugacity
d) Concentration difference


Answer: a [Reason:] Pressure difference is the driving force in microfiltration.

3. What is the driving force in Dialysis?
a) Pressure difference
b) Pervaporation
c) Difference in fugacity
d) Concentration difference


Answer: d [Reason:] Concentration difference is the driving force in dialysis.

4. What is the driving force in pervaporation?
a) Pressure difference
b) Activity difference
c) Difference in fugacity
d) Concentration difference


Answer: b [Reason:] The driving force in pervaporation is the activity difference.

5. What is the driving force in gas separation?
a) Pressure difference
b) Pervaporation
c) Difference in fugacity
d) Concentration difference


Answer: c [Reason:] The driving force in gas separation is difference in fugacity.

6. The selection of membrane does not depend on which property?
a) Pore size distribution
b) Water permeability
c) Perporometry
d) Film thickness formed


Answer: d [Reason:] The film thickness formed is not a property that is taken into account when deciding the membrane.

7. What is the bubble point method used for?
a) To determine the pore size distribution
b) To determine size of all pores
c) To determine size of largest pore
d) To determine membrane thickness


Answer: c [Reason:] The bubble point method is for determining the size of the largest pore.

8. What is perporometry used for?
a) To determine the size distribution of active pores
b) To determine the size distribution of the dead pores
c) To determine the size distribution of the membrane
d) To see the permeability of the solvent through the membrane


Answer: a [Reason:] Perporometry is used to determine the size distribution of the active pores.

9. How is the resistance to solvent flow determined?
a) By measuring pore size distribution
b) By measuring amount of air passing
c) By measuring the volume of solvent passed after a certain time
d) By calculating water permeability


Answer: d [Reason:] The resistance to solvent flow can be determined by calculating water permeability. The water is passed through the membrane at a given pressure gradient.

10. What is the advantage of track etching?
a) Pores are large
b) Narrow size distribution
c) Dense membrane
d) Less expensive


Answer: b [Reason:] The advantage if track etching is that there are straight pores and narrow size distribution.


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