Q241. Value prioritization involves: Answer: a) Identifying and ranking values based on their importance
a) Identifying and ranking values based on their importance
b) Ignoring personal values in decision-making
c) Adopting the values of others without question
d) Assigning equal weight to all values
Q242. Who believes that all or most behavioral characteristics result from learning? Answer: c. Empiricists
a. Rationalists
b. Nativists
c. Empiricists
d. Behaviorists
Q243. Which stage is characterized by the reactivation of libido during puberty, leading to increased attraction towards the opposite sex that persists throughout one’s lifetime? Answer: d. Genital (Age range Puberty–Death)
a. Oral (Age range Birth–1 year)
b. Anal (Age range 1–3 years)
c. Phallic (Age range 3–6 years)
d. Genital (Age range Puberty–Death)
Q244. Who created the SWOT Analysis technique? Answer: b. Albert Humphrey
a. Albert Einstein
b. Albert Humphrey
c. Albert Schweitzer
d. Albert Camus
Q245. What is an area that is neither known to the self nor known by others, characterized by a sudden dislike for something previously enjoyed, such as a dish? Answer: b. Unknown Area
a. Blind spot
b. Unknown Area
c. Subconscious zone
d. Disliked territory
Q246. According to which theory do people hold and assume consistent attitudes, becoming physiologically aroused by willingly engaging in behavior counter to their beliefs? Answer: a. Cognitive dissonance theory
a. Cognitive dissonance theory
b. Social learning theory
c. Trait theory
d. Dissonance processes
Q247. What are the simple decision-making rules an individual develops based on previous experiences or thoughts? Answer: c. Heuristics
a. Intuition
b. Reflexes
c. Heuristics
d. Instincts
Q248. In which psychological process does repeated initiation or work towards an attitude that possesses some positive or negative meaning occur in the absence of effortful thoughts? Answer: b. Classical conditioning
a. Operant conditioning
b. Classical conditioning
c. Habituation
d. Spontaneous response
Q249. What are oversimplified generalizations about groups of people based on various characteristics such as race, ethnicity, age, gender, or sexual orientation called? Answer: d. Stereotypes
a. Biases
b. Prejudices
c. Discriminations
d. Stereotypes
Q250. Who are individuals who actively make disparaging remarks about others or perpetuate hate crimes? Answer: b. Prejudiced discriminators
a. Implicit biases
b. Prejudiced discriminators
c. Activist advocates
d. Inclusive allies
Q251. What is an affective feeling toward someone primarily based on their perceived group membership called? Answer: c. Prejudice
a. Bias
b. Tolerance
c. Prejudice
d. Discrimination
Q252. What type of prejudice involves the belief that one skin tone is superior or inferior to another within a racial group? Answer: b. Colorism
a. Racism
b. Colorism
c. Ethnocentrism
d. Xenophobia
Q253. What activity releases reward and pleasure chemicals in the brain, making one feel healthier and aiding in better decision-making? Answer: b. Exercise
a. Meditation
b. Exercise
c. Socializing
d. Reading
Q254. What is the dynamic aspect of one’s psyche that includes behavioral traits leading to personal happiness, well-being, and success in professional contexts? Answer: b. Emotional intelligence
a. Cognitive intelligence
b. Emotional intelligence
c. Social intelligence
d. Spiritual intelligence
Q255. Which two emotions are commonly observed to be masked for deeper feelings, hindering the development of emotional lightness? Answer: c. Anger and stress
a. Joy and sadness
b. Fear and anxiety
c. Anger and stress
d. Surprise and disgust
Q256. What do emotions encompass apart from feelings, involving bodily reactions, expressive movements, and behaviors? Answer: d. Emotions
a. Thoughts
b. Memories
c. Beliefs
d. Emotions
Q257. Self-assessment is considered a highly effective exercise in which area of thinking? Answer: b. Critical thinking
a. Logical reasoning
b. Critical thinking
c. Creative thinking
d. Reflective thinking
Q258. From where does motivation originate in a learner? Answer: c. Awareness about self.
a. External rewards and punishments
b. Instruction and guidance
c. Awareness about self
d. Peer pressure and social norms
Q259. What term refers to perpetuating stereotypes about individuals with a mental illness? Answer: d. Social stigma
a. Social bias
b. Mental discrimination
c. Psychological prejudice
d. Social stigma
Q260. What term is used for behaviors that are not considered socially acceptable? Answer: b. Problem behaviors
a. Deviant actions
b. Problem behaviors
c. Unconventional acts
d. Abnormal conduct
Q261. What is another term for social problem-solving, which describes the systems and processes used to address everyday issues? Answer: d. Problem-solving in real life
a. Real-life troubleshooting
b. Practical dilemma-solving
c. Everyday conflict resolution
d. Problem-solving in real life
Q262. What is the term used to describe how individuals approach problems and incorporate them into their existing knowledge and worldview? Answer: c. Problem orientation
a. Problem analysis
b. Solution development
c. Problem orientation
d. Problem resolution
Q263. How is socialization defined? Answer: c. Socialization
a. The process of learning and acquiring knowledge
b. The development of social skills and etiquette
c. The formation of personal identity and beliefs
d. The influence of external factors on human behavior
Q264. What do political parties attempt to do by socializing the citizens? Answer: c. Capture and maintain power
a. Promote democracy and participation
b. Achieve economic stability
c. Capture and maintain power
d. Enhance social justice and equality
Q265. Which institution divides people into a moral order and plays a crucial role in socialization through the fear it can instill? Answer: c. Religion
a. Education
b. Government
c. Religion
d. Family
Q266. What is the term used for the socialization of a child in the early years of their life? Answer: d. Primary socialization
a. Initial adaptation
b. Infant conditioning
c. Early acculturation
d. Primary socialization
Q267. What term refers to the type of variations among people in an organization? Answer: a. Workplace diversity
a. Workplace diversity
b. Cultural dynamics
c. Organizational heterogeneity
d. Individual distinctiveness
Q268. What poses a set of specific challenges for HR professionals in the workplace? Answer: b. Managing diversity
a. Cultural integration
b. Managing diversity
c. Inclusive leadership
d. Conflict resolution
Q269. What should be a key focus for every organization in order to prevent behaviors such as bullying, harassment, and discrimination? Answer: c. Work harmony
a. Employee satisfaction
b. Work-life balance
c. Work harmony
d. Performance management
Q270. What term includes all the factors that make individuals unique from each other, with social categories such as gender, race, and age often being subconsciously used to define it? Answer: c. Diversity
a. Equality
b. Inclusion
c. Diversity
d. Differentiation
Q271. How is a member of a country recognized under custom or law as a legal member of a sovereign nation referred to? Answer: d. Citizen
a. Nationalist
b. Migrant
c. Immigrant
d. Citizen
Q272. What does accountability typically refer to in professional contexts? Answer: c. Reliability and responsiveness
a. Adaptability and flexibility
b. Decision-making skills
c. Reliability and responsiveness
d. Interpersonal communication
Q273. What can be a beneficial force for individuals, communities, and societies, and can be improved through personal actions? Answer: b. Pro-social conduct
a. Altruistic behavior
b. Pro-social conduct
c. Philanthropy
d. Civic engagement
Q274. What does the bystander effect refer to? Answer: c. The decreased likelihood of helping someone in distress when others are present
a. The tendency to ignore social norms
b. The influence of peer pressure
c. The decreased likelihood of helping someone in distress when others are present
d. The diffusion of responsibility in a group setting
Q275. What must be preserved and nurtured as a shield against social ills in society? Answer: c. Nobel values
a. Ethical principles
b. Moral obligations
c. Nobel values
d. Cultural traditions
Q276. What are ideas about what is of utmost importance in one’s life, guiding principles to live by? Answer: d. Values
a. Ethics
b. Virtues
c. Principles
d. Values
Q277. What is the essence of understanding and sensing others’ feelings without them openly expressing them? Answer: c. Empathy
a. Sympathy
b. Compassion
c. Empathy
d. Emotional intelligence
Q278. What are basic and fundamental beliefs that guide and motivate attitudes or actions? Answer: d. Values
a. Principles
b. Virtues
c. Ethics
d. Values
Q279. What do values provide in terms of guidance? Answer: d. Guidelines
a. Limitations
b. Boundaries
c. Standards
d. Guidelines
Q280. How can the existence of a dilemma be resolved and solved? Answer: c. Logic
a. Intuition
b. Emotions
c. Logic
d. Empathy
Q281. What can be described as the belief in and adherence to ethical standards? Answer: b. Morality
a. Integrity
b. Morality
c. Conscience
d. Virtue
Q282. How does technology impact individuals and society? Answer: d. Abolishes privacy
a. Enhances privacy
b. Provides opportunities for personal growth
c. Promotes social equality
d. Abolishes privacy
Q283. More broadly, what does ‘digital ethics’ or ‘information ethics’ deal with? Answer: c. The impact of ICT on society and the environment
a. Ethical dilemmas in digital marketing
b. Ethical use of social media
c. The impact of ICT on society and the environment
d. Ethical considerations in e-commerce
Q284. What branch of ethics seeks to establish norms or standards for conduct? Answer: c. Normative ethics
a. Descriptive ethics
b. Applied ethics
c. Normative ethics
d. Metaethics
Q285. What is the process of ethical standards that has a significant impact on people’s decision-making and quality of life? Answer: d. Ethics
a. Morality
b. Virtue ethics
c. Ethical reasoning
d. Ethics
Q286. When do employees perceive distributive justice to take place? Answer: c. When employees believe outcomes are equitable
a. When outcomes are fair and equal
b. When employees receive performance-based rewards
c. When employees believe outcomes are equitable
d. When there is transparency in decision-making
Q287. Who first postulated organizational justice in 1987? Answer: a. Greenberg
a. Greenberg
b. Locke
c. Adams
d. Skinner
Q288. What does organizational justice refer to? Answer: b. Fairness in organizational policies and practices
a. Employee satisfaction at work
b. Fairness in organizational policies and practices
c. Employee engagement and motivation
d. Conflict resolution in the workplace
Q289. What does informational justice focus on in relation to employers and employees? Answer: b. Clarity and transparency in decision-making
a. Accuracy of information provided
b. Clarity and transparency in decision-making
c. Consistency in performance evaluations
d. Respectful and unbiased treatment
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