Engineering Online MCQ Number 0734 – online study, assignment and exam

Multiple choice question for engineering

Set 1

1. A spread is given under the base of a wall or common is known as ________
a) Piles
b) Pier
c) Footing
d) Plinth


Answer: c [Reason:] Such spread is known as footing and the foundation is known as spread footing. Footing which contains steps or off sets and it is also referred to as the step footing. If the wall rest directly on foundation concrete without any step, it is known as the simple footing.

2. What is the value of angle of response for clay(dry) soil.
a) 10°
b) 45°
c) 30°
d) 60°


Answer: c [Reason:] The depth of footing should also be such that the rate of angle of spread of the load from the wall base to the outer edge of ground bearing does not exceed the permissible value.

3. Identify the given type of foundation below.
a) Stepped foundation
b) Single foundation
c) Sloped foundation
d) Shallow foundation


Answer: b [Reason:] If the wall raised directly on foundation concrete without any step, it is known as the simple footing or single footing. In this case, the load of the wall is directly subjected to the footing without any step distribution and hence mostly affected by central buckling.

4. Identify the given type of foundation below.
a) Stepped foundation
b) Shallow foundation
c) Sloped foundation
d) Single foundation


Answer: a [Reason:] The above given figure contains steps or offsets and it is also referred to as the stepped footing. Such type of footing are commonly used in the small buildings or single storey buildings in which load is distributed step wisely into the ground.

5. Identify the given type of foundation below.
a) Stepped foundation
b) Deep foundation
c) Single foundation
d) Sloped foundation


Answer: d [Reason:] Above given figure shows sloped footing for an RCC column or pier. It is an type of Shallow Foundation which is commonly used for the piers of bridges with shallow depth below in water.

6. Which Foundation is used when the wall carries light loads or when the safe bearing pressure is very high.
a) Simple Strip footing
b) Simple pad footing
c) Grillage footing
d) Strap footing


Answer: a [Reason:] In that case, a simple strip footing is provided. The wall directly rest on the concrete base, and no masonry offset are provided since spread is not required.

7. Identify the given type of foundation below.
a) Combine footing
b) Grillage footing
c) Strap footing
d) Wall footing


Answer: c [Reason:] A strap putting comprises of two or more footings of individual columns, connected by a beam, called as a strap. The function of the strap been is to transfer the load of heavily loaded outer column to the inner one.

8. Identify the type of foundation below.
a) Compaction pile
b) Anchor pile
c) End bearing pile
d) Sheet pile


Answer: c [Reason:] End bearing pile are used to transfer load through water or soft soil to a suitable bearing stratum. Such type of foundations are used in the clay soil or marshy soil.

9. Identify the given type of foundation below.
a) Fender pile
b) Batter pile
c) Tension pile
d) Friction pile


Answer: d [Reason:] Friction pile are used to transfer loads to a depth of a friction load carrying Material by means of skin friction along the length of piles. Such Foundation is used where hard Strata is not available to a certain depth below the soil.

10. Identify the given foundation below.
a) Anchor pile
b) Dolphin pile
c) Tension pile
d) Sheet pile


Answer: a [Reason:] It is an type of deep foundation. Anchor piles provide Anchorage against horizontal pull from sheet piling other pulling forces. Whereas, sheet piles are commonly used as bulkheads, or as impervious cut off to reduce seepage and uplift under hydraulic structures.

11. Identify the given deep foundation below.
a) Tension pile
b) Compaction pile
c) Batter pile
d) Friction pile


Answer: a [Reason:] Tension pile or uplift pile anchor down the structures subjected to uplift due to hydrostatic pressure due to over turning moment. Such foundations are always under very high tension and hence need to be laid very carefully.

12. Identify the missing data.
a) Fender pile
b) Batter pile
c) Uplift pile
d) Bulkhead


Answer: b [Reason:] The batter piles are used to resist large horizontal or incline forces. It is an type of miscellaneous piles and used in combination with sheet pile.

Set 2

1. The term _________ is used to mean the free passage of clean air in a structure.
a) Circulation
b) Ventilation
c) Dissipation
d) Condensation


Answer: b [Reason:] In other words, the removal of all vitiated air from a building and its replacement with fresh air is known as ventilation. It is important from the engineering viewpoint for various reasons.

2. For comfortable working, the ___________ content should be limited to about 0.6% by volume.
a) Oxygen
b) Hydrogen
c) Carbon monoxide
d) Carbon dioxide


Answer: d [Reason:] It is observed that the breathing is difficult when the amount of carbon dioxide by volume is about 6% and a man loses consciousness when it reaches about 10% or so. The more the amount of carbon dioxide, the more difficult is the breathing.

3. The difference of temperature between the outside air and inside air tends to the deposition of moisture in the room surfaces known as ___________
a) Ventilation
b) Diffusion
c) Condensation
d) Dissipation


Answer: c [Reason:] The proper and sufficient ventilation results in the absence of condensation. It can be effectively controlled by the provision of suitable ventilation of the room.

4. Where people are working, there has to be ______________ to cause proper ventilation of the premises.
a) Air change
b) Humidity
c) Temperature
d) Moisture


Answer: a [Reason:] The minimum and maximum rates of air change per hour is 1 and 60 respectively. If the rate of change is less than 1/hour, it will not create any appreciable effect of the ventilation system. On the other hand, at the rate of air changes more than 60/hour, it will result in discomfort due to high velocities of air.

5. The rate of amount of water vapour present to the amount it would have contained, had it been saturated, is known as the ___________ the temperature being same.
a) Relative humidity
b) Saturated air
c) Dry bulb temperature
d) Wet bulb temperature


Answer: a [Reason:] When a certain volume of air at a certain temperature contents as much water vapour as it can, it is said to be Saturated air. Generally, the air is not saturated at all the times. But it contains a certain amount of water vapour in it.

6. For working a temperature of 21 degree Celsius, range of 30% to 70% of ____________ is desirable.
a) Saturated air
b) Dry bulb temperature
c) Relative humidity
d) Wet bulb temperature


Answer: c [Reason:] The value of relative humidity is obtained by comparing dry bulb and wet bulb temperature. For higher temperatures, the low humidity and greater air movements are necessary for removing greater portion of heat from the body.

7. The ________________ plays an important role in the comfort of persons affected by ventilation system.
a) Carbon monoxide
b) Purity of air
c) Volume of room
d) Health of occupant


Answer: b [Reason:] The air should be free from odours, organic matter, inorganic dust and unhealthy fumes of gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and Sulphur Dioxide, etc. All the above impurities depend on the habits of occupants, volume of a room, source of ventilating air, etc.

8. It is quite evident that the incoming air for ventilation should be ________ in summer and ________ in winter before it enters the room.
a) cool, warm
b) warm, cool
c) humid, dry
d) dry, humid


Answer: a [Reason:] The usual difference of temperature between inside and outside is kept as about 8°C to 10°C. With regards to the human comfort, the term effective temperature is used. It is an index which combines the effect of air movements, humidity and temperature.

9. __________________ is an index which combines the effect of air movement, humidity and temperature.
a) Saturated air
b) Effective humidity
c) Dry bulb temperature
d) Effective temperature


Answer: d [Reason:] Effective temperature indicates the temperature of air at which sensation of same degree of cold or warmth will be experienced as in quite a fully saturated at the same temperature. Thus, if two rooms have the same effective temperature, no change of temperature will be experienced by a person when he suddenly leaves one room and enters the room.

10. The value of ______________ depends on type of activity, geographical conditions, age of occupants, etc.
a) Saturated air
b) Relative humidity
c) Effective temperature
d) Condensation


Answer: c [Reason:] The popular values of effective temperature in winter and summer or 20°C and 22°C respectively. It should however be remembered that the effective temperature indicates same feeling of cool or warmth. But it results in human comfort only when it is correlated with humidity and air movements.

11. In ______________ system, the use is made of doors, windows, ventilators and skylights to make the room properly ventilated.
a) Artificial ventilation
b) Air conditioning
c) Natural ventilation
d) Mechanical ventilation


Answer: c [Reason:] Natural ventilation is useful for small buildings and it cannot be adopted for big offices, theatres, auditoriums, etc. The only advantage of the system is that it is economical in the sense that no special equipment is necessary for making the room adequately ventilated and that is affords living under natural conditions.

12. In _____________ system, some mechanical arrangement is adopted to provide enough ventilation to the room.
a) Natural ventilation
b) Skylight
c) Artificial ventilation
d) Man made


Answer: c [Reason:] Mechanical or Artificial ventilation has become popular due to recent change in notion regarding ventilation. At present, the ventilation is required not nearly to furnish warm air or cool air. But the ventilation system should provide air of such qualities regarding humidity, temperature, etc.

13. Exhaust system, supply system, air conditioning, etc. comes under ________ type of ventilation system.
a) Natural
b) Mechanical
c) Man made
d) Doors


Answer: b [Reason:] The mechanical system is costly, but it results in considerable increase in efficiency of the person under the command of the system. This system is adopted for big offices, banks, industrial plants, theatres, etc.

14. In ______________ system, the partial vacuum is created inside of the room by exhausting the vitiated inside air by fans or blowers.
a) Supply
b) Plenum
c) Air conditioning
d) Exhaust


Answer: d [Reason:] In exhaust system, the extraction of air from inside sets of the current of fresh air from outside to inside and thus, it becomes possible to provide fresh air to the room through doors and windows. The fans or blowers are installed at suitable places in the outside wall and they are connected to different rooms through duct system.

15. _______________ system is just the reverse of the exhaust system.
a) Air conditioning
b) Exhaust
c) Plenum
d) Supply


Answer: d [Reason:] Supply system consist in supplying fresh air to the room by installing input fans in outside walls. This system is used for ventilating rooms near unusual quantity of heat or odours is not produced.

Set 3

1. The placing of new Foundation below and existing foundation of the process of strengthening the existing Foundation is known as the ___________ of foundation.
a) Shoring
b) Underpinning
c) Grouting
d) Scaffolding


Answer: b [Reason:] Following are the situations demanding underpinning: A building with deep Foundation is to be constructed at joint to an existing building; The settlement of existing Foundation has taken placed, resulting in serious cracks in the wall; The basement is to be provided to an existing building.

2. In _____ method of underpinning, the existing wall is divided into suitable sections of width about 1.20 metre to 1.50 metre.
a) Pit Method
b) Pile Method
c) Miscellaneous Method
d) Chemical Method


Answer: a [Reason:] In Pit Method, the holes are then made in the existing wall. The needles with bearing plates and then inserted through this holes are supported on Jack. The pit is excavated and the existing foundation is taken up to the required level.

3. In ____ method, the piles are driven along both the sides of existing wall and the needle in the form of pile caps are provided through the existing one.
a) Pit method
b) Pile method
c) Miscellaneous method
d) Vibroflotation


Answer: b [Reason:] Pile method is useful in clayey soils and for waterlogged areas and for walls carrying heavy loads. For underpinning very light structures, the piles are driven along the structure and then brackets or cantilever needles are provided to carry the structure.

4. _______ method is used to restore slab or pavement which has settled.
a) Vibroflotation
b) Freezing
c) Chemical consolidation
d) Cement grouting


Answer: d [Reason:] The operation of Cement grouting is simple. The holes are drilled in a slab and then cement grout is forced under pressure through these holes. The pressure is maintained until the cement grout has set.

5. In _____ method, the soil under the existing footing is consolidated by using chemicals.
a) Chemical consolidation
b) Freezing
c) Cement grouting
d) Vibroflotation


Answer: a [Reason:] The procedure for chemical consolidation is as: The perforated pipe are driven in an inclined direction. The inclination slopes are so adjusted that the entire area under the existing putting comes under the command of the inclined pipes; The chemical reaction takes place between two chemicals and the soil is consolidated.

6. _____ method is useful when the soil consists of sand or granular material.
a) Vibroflotation
b) Chemical grouting
c) Chemical consolidation
d) Freezing


Answer: c [Reason:] Here, the cost of consolidation depends on the nature of soil, depth of consolidation, site of work, etc. In this method, the soil under the existing footing is consolidated by using Chemicals. The chemical reaction takes place between two chemicals and hence the soil is consolidated.

7. In _________ method, the freezing pipes are driven below the existing footing and the soil is frozen.
a) Vibroflotation
b) Cement grouting
c) Chemical consolidation
d) Freezing


Answer: d [Reason:] Freezing is really adopted, mainly because of two reasons: it is expensive and more time is required for the installation of the freezing pipes.

8. In ______ method, the underpinning is carried out by vibrating the sand.
a) Cement grouting
b) Vibroflotation
c) Chemical consolidation
d) Freezing


Answer: b [Reason:] Vibroflotation increases the density of soil which ultimately results in the increase of bearing capacity of soil. This method is useful for granular or sandy soil and before the processing of underpinning start, the building or any of its structure component is shored carefully.

9. When one building is higher than the other, _________ may be provided on the horizontal shores.
a) Raking shore
b) Pile Underpinning
c) Flying shore
d) Pit Underpinning


Answer: a [Reason:] Whereas, the flying shores are generally erected at a distance of about 3 m to 5 m in plan and horizontal Struts are introduced, if necessary, to act as a lateral bracing between the adjacent line shores.

10. A large factor of safety should be adopted in the design of _____ as it is difficult to assess the actual loads.
a) Vertical shores
b) Pit method
c) Horizontal shore
d) Pile method


Answer: c [Reason:] In Flying or horizontal shore arrangement, the horizontal supports are given to the parallel walls which have become unsafe due to the removal or collapse of the intermediate building.

Set 4

1. Which the given method is used for dewatering of the foundation trenches.
a) Deep boring
b) Geophysical method
c) Well Point System
d) Analytical method


Answer: c [Reason:] A Well Point is a pipe about 1 m long and diameter is about 40 mm to 50 mm. The whole system comprise of a Riser, swinger arm, header and together work as a well point system.

2. Identify the missing data.
a) Riser
b) Swinger arm
c) Header
d) Head


Answer: a [Reason:] A Riser is a vertical pipe driven in the ground. The well point is provided at the bottom end of the riser. The diameter of Riser is about 40 mm to 50 mm.

3. Identify the missing data.
a) Jetting hole
b) Header
c) Riser
d) Swinger arm


Answer: b [Reason:] A Header is a pipe to which all the swinger arms of the different well points are attached. The header, in turn, is connected to a pumping unit. The header is laid on the ground and its diameter varies from 150 mm to 250 mm.

4. Identify the type of Well Point System.
a) Vacuum system
b) Single stage system
c) Pumping
d) Multi stage system


Answer: d [Reason:] When the depth of excavation exceeds 5 M below the water table, the process of providing well Point is carried out in different stages known as Multi stage system.

5. Identify the type of Well Point System.
a) Vacuum system
b) Single stage system
c) Multi stage system
d) Pumping


Answer: a [Reason:] The vacuum process is very much useful and effective for inorganic and organic silts and very fine sand. But several weeks may be required to achieve consolidation by this method.

6. In case of releasing artesian pressure, which precaution should be taken when the system of well points is adopted.
a) Pumping rate
b) Air locks
c) Duplication of pumps
d) Blowing action


Answer: d [Reason:] Blowing action is adopted for release of artesian pressure. At some places, the artesian conditions exists at a certain death from the ground level. If the foundation trench reaches that depth, its bottom is likely to be blown off due to hydrostatic pressure.

7. Which precautions to be taken in case of multistage system to achieve stability of the side slope.
a) Deep well pumps
b) Duplication of pumps
c) Connections
d) Pumping


Answer: a [Reason:] In case of multistage system of well points, the deep well pumps should be used when the instability of the side slopes is expected. As deep well pumps are expensive, they are adopted on important works.

8. The organic Chemicals include epoxy resin, polyester resin and other resins are used in which method of dewatering of the foundation trenches.
a) Well Point System
b) Cement grouting
c) Chemical grouting
d) Electro osmosis process


Answer: c [Reason:] In 1925, H.J. Joosten, a Dutch mining engineer, adopted for the first time the chemical grouting. He used concentrated solution of sodium silicate and calcium chloride as electrolyte.

9. From given below, which method for the dewatering of foundation trenches is portable and can be easily moved when required.
a) Pumping
b) Well Point System
c) Freezing process
d) Electro osmosis process


Answer: a [Reason:] In pumping method, the pumps are installed along the foundation trenches at a suitable points. The water gaining access to the trenches is pumped out. These pumps are portable so that it can be easily moved as and when required.

10. Identify the type of Well Point System which can suck water up to 5 meters.
a) Single stage system
b) Multi stage system
c) Vacuum system
d) Pumping


Answer: a [Reason:] The practical limit upto which the water can be lifted by a suction pump is about 5 meters or so. Hence, the depth of excavation is not to exceed 5 metres in single stage system well point is adopted.

11. From the below diagram, identify the Method used for the dewatering of the foundation trenches.
a) Pumping
b) Freezing process
c) Electro osmosis process
d) Well Point System


Answer: d [Reason:] Well Point System consists of a well points, riser, swinger arm, and header. The area to be devoted is surrounded by number of well points. The minimum spacing between the well points is 1 m.

Set 5

1. Identify the Method used for the dewatering of the foundation trenches.
a) Pumping
b) Freezing process
c) Electro osmosis process
d) Well Point System


Answer: d [Reason:] Well Point System consists of a well points, riser, swinger arm, and header. The area to be devoted is surrounded by number of well points. The minimum spacing between the well points is 1 m.

2. Identify the Method used for the dewatering of the foundation trenches.
a) Pumping
b) Providing sumps and side drains
c) Well Point System
d) Cement grouting


Answer: b [Reason:] In providing sumps and side drains, the side drains are constructed along the bottom of the foundation Trenches. The sumps are constructed at a distance of 45 M to 60 M and the side drains are given such as slope that water is collected in the sumps.

3. Identify the Method used for the dewatering of the foundation trenches.
a) Electro osmosis process
b) Chemical process
c) Cement grouting
d) Freezing process


Answer: d [Reason:] In freezing process method, the area surrounding the excavation is frozen and thus a solid wall of frozen Earth is formed. The principle of ground freezing is the use of refrigeration to convert in-situ pore water to Ice.

4. Identify the Method used for the dewatering of the foundation trenches.
a) Vacuum system
b) Single stage system
c) Pumping
d) Multi stage system


Answer: d [Reason:] When the depth of excavation exceeds 5 M below the water table, the process of providing well Point is carried out in different stages known as Multi stage system.

5. Identify the Method used for the dewatering of the foundation trenches.
a) Vacuum system
b) Single stage system
c) Multi stage system
d) Pumping


Answer: a [Reason:] The vacuum process is very much useful and effective for inorganic and organic silts and very fine sand. But several weeks may be required to achieve consolidation by this method.

6. In which method a refrigeration plant of required capacity is need to be installed near the site of work.
a) Pumping
b) Well Point System
c) Freezing process
d) Electro osmosis process


Answer: c [Reason:] The principle of ground freezing process is the use of refrigeration to convert in-situ pore water to Ice. Hence, refrigeration plant of required capacity is installed near the site of work to perform the process of refrigeration.

7. ________ process consists of making a number of holes in the ground and then filling these holes by the cement grout under pressure.
a) Chemical grouting
b) Cement grouting
c) Freezing process
d) Electro osmosis process


Answer: b [Reason:] In cement grouting method, the cement grout, which is a mixture of sand, cement and water is used. The term grouting is used to indicate a process of injecting the cementing materials into the cracks.

8. The organic Chemicals include epoxy resin, polyester resin and other resins are used in which method of dewatering of the foundation trenches.
a) Well Point System
b) Cement grouting
c) Chemical grouting
d) Electro osmosis process


Answer: c [Reason:] In 1925, H.J. Joosten, a Dutch mining engineer, adopted for the first time the chemical grouting. He used concentrated solution of sodium silicate and calcium chloride as electrolyte. According to him, the chemical must be able to modify the properties of soil as desired or expected.

9. The ________ can be adopted as an aid in construction to stop rock movements and to increase the permeability of the strata as in the case of oil wells.
a) Chemical grouting
b) Cement grouting
c) Pumping
d) Well Point System


Answer: a [Reason:] As the chemical grouting has been developed recently, the precise information of its long-term after effects is not available. Hence it has yet not become an established technique as the conventional grouting.

10. The _______ can be effectively adopted for excavation in or at the foot of the slope of a hill.
a) Freezing process
b) Cement grouting
c) Pumping
d) Well Point System


Answer: a [Reason:] The freezing is a powerful versatile tool for the foundation engineering for temporary ground support, groundwater control and structural underpinning. A portion of slope is frozen and this position act as a temporary Dam to support the soil and it prevents the earth slides.


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