CSS MCQ Number 00861


1. Which of the following property specifies whether an element is an accelerator indicator or not.
a) move
b) @keyframes
c) accelerator
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:]

Syntax: accelerator: true | false

2. Which of the following property is used to define the animations that should be run?
a) animation-delay
b) animation-iteration-count
c) animation-duration
d) animation-name


Answer: d [Reason:] None.

3. Which of the following property is used to define the number of times an animation should play?
a) animation-direction
b) animation-iteration-count
c) animation
d) animation-timing-function


Answer: b [Reason:] None

4. Which of the following property is used to indicate whether the backside of an element is visible if the element is rotated to display the back?
a) background-clip
b) backface-visibility
c) behavior
d) background-origin


Answer: b [Reason:]

Syntax: backface-visibility: hidden | visible

5. Which of the following property defines a relationship between bound elements(s) and some code or content?
a) behavior
b) anim
c) binding
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:] None.

6. Which of the following property defines the width of each column in a multicolumn text flow?
a) width
b) columns
c) filter
d) column-width


Answer: d [Reason:] Implemented CSS3 and Browser-Specific Syntax: column-width: length | auto

7. Which of the following property is used to apply visual effects to associated elements?
a) filter
b) effect
c) adjust
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: a [Reason:]

Syntax: filter: filtername(filtervalues) ... filtername(filtervalues)

8. Which of the following property defines the resampling method to use when stretching images?
a) layout
b) ime-mode
c) image-rendering
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:]

Syntax: image-rendering: auto | inherit | optimizeSpeed

9. Which of the following property specifies the direction in which a marquee should move?
a) marquee
b) marquee-play
c) marquee-direction
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:]

Syntax: marquee-direction: forward | reverse

10. Which of the following property defines a mask to be used as a box’s overlay in order to clip the box to a
complex shape?
a) shadder
b) mask
c) mask-attachment
d) mask-image


Answer: b [Reason:]

Syntax: mask: mask-attachment


1. What does all media type is used for?
a) For use with all devices
b) For use with speech synthesizers
c) For use with handheld devices
d) For use with tactile Braille devices


Answer: a [Reason:] None.

2. What does projection media type is used for?
a) For use with projected media (direct computer-to-projector presentations), or printing transparencies for projection.
b) For use with color computer screens
c) For use with handheld devices
d) For use with television-type devices


Answer: a [Reason:] None.

3. What does tty media type is used for ?
a) For use with low-resolution teletypes, terminals, or other devices with limited display capabilities.
b) For use with Braille printers.
c) For use with speech synthesizers.
d) For use with projected media (direct computer-to-projector presentations), or printing transparencies for projection.


Answer: a [Reason:] None.

4. What does aural media type is used for ?
a) For use with low-resolution teletypes, terminals, or other devices with limited display capabilities
b) For use with Braille printers
c) For use with speech synthesizers
d) For use with projected media (direct computer-to-projector presentations), or printing transparencies for projection


Answer: c [Reason:] None.

5. What does braille media type is used for?
a) For use with all devices
b) For use with speech synthesizers
c) For use with handheld devices
d) For use with tactile Braille devices


Answer: b [Reason:] None.

6. The __________ rule makes it possible to define different style rules for different media types in the same stylesheet.
a) audio/video
b) sink
c) @media
d) @canvas


Answer: c [Reason:]

@media screen {
    p {
        font-family: verdana, sans-serif;
        font-size: 17px;

7. What is the way to specify media dependencies for style sheets ?
a) Specify the target medium from a style sheet with the @media or @import at-rules
b) Specify the target medium within the document language
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:] Self-explainatory.

8. ____________ types are mutually exclusive in the sense that a user agent can only support one media type when rendering a document.
a) tv
b) tty
c) media
d) audio


Answer: c [Reason:] Media types are mutually exclusive in the sense that a user agent can only support one media type when rendering a document. However, user agents may use different media types on different canvases. For example, a document may (simultaneously) be shown in ‘screen’ mode on one canvas and ‘print’ mode on another canvas.

9. If an @media/@import rule contains a malformed media type (not an identifier) then the statement is valid. State true or false.
a) True
b) False


Answer: b [Reason:] @media and @import rules with unknown media types (that are nonetheless valid identifiers) are treated as if the unknown media types are not present. If an @media/@import rule contains a malformed media type (not an identifier) then the statement is invalid.

10. Media type names are case-insensitive. State true or false.
a) True
b) False


Answer: a [Reason:] self explanatory.


1. Which of the following property sets list-style-type, list-style-position, and liststyle-image?
a) style
b) list-style
c) menu-style
d) img-style


Answer: b [Reason:]

Syntax: list-style: list-style-type | list-style-position | list-style-image

2. Which of the following property assigns a graphic image to a list item?
a) list-image-style
b) list-style-image
c) list-image
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: b [Reason:]

Syntax: list-style-image: url(url of image) | none

3. Which of the following property specifies whether the labels for an element’s list items are positioned inside or
outside the “box” defined by the listed item?
a) list-style
b) list-position
c) list-style-position
d) list-position-style


Answer: c [Reason:]

Syntax: list-style-position: inside | outside | inherit

4. Which of the following property defines labels for a list of items?
a) list-shape
b) list-style
c) list-type
d) list-style-type


Answer: d [Reason:]

Syntax: list-style-type: disc | circle | square | decimal

5. Which of the following property defines in a shorthand form the width, style, and color for all four sides of an
element’s border?
a) border
b) border-style
c) border-color
d) border-all


Answer: a [Reason:]

Example: div {border: 2px double red;}

6. Which of the following property defines in a shorthand form the width, style, and color for the left border of
an element?
a) border
b) border-style
c) border-left
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: b [Reason:]

Syntax: border-left: border-width border-style border-color;

7. Which of the following property is used to round border corners?
a) border-corner
b) border-round
c) border-radius
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:]

Syntax: border-radius: horizontal-radius vertical-radius

8. Which of the following property influences the horizontal alignment of an element, making it “float” toward the left or right margin of its containing element?
a) float
b) float-left
c) float-right
d) float-align


Answer: d [Reason:]

Syntax: float: left | right | none | inherit;

9. Which of the following property sets the font face to be used for text?
a) font
b) font-text
c) font-family
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:]

Syntax: font-family: font 1

10. Which of the following property sets the font size of text?
a) font
b) font-text
c) font-size
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:]

Syntax: font-size: length | percentage


1. Which of the following property is used to control column element breaks after an associated element when flowing multicolumn text?
a) column-break
b) column-break-after
c) column-break-before
d) multicolumn-break-after


Answer: b [Reason:]

Syntax: column-break-after: always | auto | avoid

2. Which of the following property is used to control column element breaks before the associated element when flowing multicolumn text?
a) multicolumn
b) column-break-before
c) column-break
d) multicolumn-break-before


Answer: b [Reason:]

Syntax: column-break-before: always | auto | avoid

3. Which of the following property defines the number of columns in a multicolumn text flow?
a) columns
b) column-flow
c) column-number
d) column-count


Answer: d [Reason:]

Syntax: column-count: integer | auto

4. Which of the following property defines the gap between columns in a multicolumn text flow?
a) column-rule-flow
b) column-gap
c) column-rule
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: b [Reason:]

Syntax: column-gap: length | normal

5. Which of the following property defines the style of the divider rule between columns in a multicolumn text flow?
a) columns
b) column-flow
c) column-style
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: d [Reason:]

Syntax: column-rule-style: dashed | dotted

6. Which of the following property defines the width of a rule between columns in a multicolumn text flow?
a) column-rule-style
b) column-width
c) column-rule-width
d) columns


Answer: c [Reason:]

Syntax: column-rule-width: non-negative length

7. Which of the following property is a shorthand definition of the number of columns and their widths in a multicolumn text flow?
a) column-width
b) column-style
c) columns
d) filter


Answer: c [Reason:]

Syntax: columns: column-count width

8. Which of the following property defines the color of any rules between columns in a multicolumn text flow?
a) column-color
b) column-rule-color
c) column-rule-style
d) column-rule-decoration


Answer: b [Reason:]

Syntax: column-rule-color: color

9. Which of the following property is used to apply visual effects to associated elements.
a) Alpha
b) BasicImage
c) Filter
d) Blur


Answer: c [Reason:]

filter: filtername(filtervalues) ... filtername(filtervalues)

10. Which of the following property defines the resampling method to use when stretching images?
a) interpolation-mode
b) image-rendering
c) ime-mode
d) layout-grid


Answer: b [Reason:]

Syntax: image-rendering: auto | inherit


1. Which of the following CSS Property controls how an element is positioned?
a) position
b) set
c) static
d) fix


Answer: a [Reason:] Controls how an element is positioned. When set to absolute or fixed, the element is removed completely from the normal flow of the document. When set to relative, the element is moved relative to its position in the normal flow, but a space is left where it would normally have been. The default value, static, means the element remains in the normal flow and is not positioned.

2. Which of the following CSS Property specifies the top offset of a positioned element?
a) top
b) up
c) reverse
d) fix


Answer: a [Reason:] Self-explainatory.

3. Which of the following CSS Property Specifies the left offset of a positioned element?
a) right
b) left
c) bottom
d) up


Answer: b [Reason:] Self-explainatory.

4. Which of the following CSS Property sets the stacking order of positioned elements?
a) x-index
b) y-index
c) z-index
d) all of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:] Self-explainatory.

5. Which of the following CSS Property Defines the area of an absolutely positioned element that remains visible?
a) clamp
b) clip
c) visibility
d) static


Answer: b [Reason:] Self-explainatory.

6. Which of the following CSS Property specifies whether the labels for an element’s list items are positioned inside or outside the “box” defined by the listed item?
a) list-style
b) list-position
c) list-style-position
d) all of the mentioned


Answer: c [Reason:]

Syntax: list-style-position: inside | outside

7. Which of the following CSS Property defines the x-coordinate of the background-position property?
a) background-position-x
b) background-position-y
c) background-x-axis
d) background-y-axis


Answer: a [Reason:]

Syntax: background-position-x: length | percentage | left | center | right

8. Which of the following CSS Property specifies the position of the mask?
a) mask
b) mask-position
c) mask-origin
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: b [Reason:] Syntax:
mask-position: xpos ypos.

9. Which of the following CSS Property specifies the x-coordinate in the position of the mask?
a) mask-x
b) mask-x-origin
c) mask-position-x
d) mask-origin-x


Answer: c [Reason:]

mask-position-x: length | percentage | left | center | right

10. Which of the following Microsoft-introduced property defines the position of underlining set by the text-decoration property?
a) text-underline
b) text-underline-origin
c) text-underline-position
d) none of the mentioned


Answer: d [Reason:] Self-explainatory.


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