Corporate Strategy Objective Set 4

Corporate Strategy Flash Card 4

Corporate Strategy Objective Online MCQ Answer for your amity mba bba courses, ignou mba, imt cdl, smu and upes management program. This is important online mcq question answer for various distance learning program.

Q1: Many writers argue that a change in strategy may require a change in culture and style as well as structure. Which of the following is not a reason for this view


Answer: Like structure, culture and style are developed to facilitate implementation of the chosen strategy

Q2: Which of Hart’s strategy and style options involves a strategy driven by mission and a vision of the future


Answer: Symbolic

Q3: In Hart’s taxonomy of strategy and style options which of the following is not one of the roles organisational members might play


Answer: Leader

Q4: Which of the following is not one of the five main problems associated with putting strategy before structure


Answer: In many cases, a change of style is essential when a fundamental change of strategy is proposed

Q5: How many elements are there of organisation design


Answer: Eight

Q6: How many types of organisation structure did Mintzberg suggest


Answer: Six

Q7: The role of headquarters in relation to its subsidiaries can be classified into four main types. Which of the following is not one of those types


Answer: Age-centric

Q8: Which of the following statements in relation to motivation and staffing is incorrect


Answer: Reward systems can easily be developed to coincide fully with the organisation’s strategic objectives

Q9: Turning general strategies into specific implementation plans involves four basic elements. Which of the following is not one of these elements


Answer: Costing of the strategy proposals

Q10: What are the two main causes of variation in the nature of implementation programmes


Answer: Uncertainty regarding environmental change and the size of the change

Q11: Which of the following criteria would not be useful in determining the type of implementation programme to use


Answer: Do people need time to digest the changes and develop any new skills needed to make the programme work?

Q12: How might the relationship between strategy implementation and development best be characterised on the basis of the empirical research cited in this chapter


Answer: The implementation process is best seen as a series of small steps involving complex feedback and learning, which may result in changes to the strategy

Q13: What did Hrebiniak and Joyce mean when they said managers display ‘bounded rationality’ in the implementation of strategy


Answer: The cognitive limitations of managers lead them to limit the options they consider and to break implementation down into a series of more easily managed small steps

Q14: Whose concept of minimum intervention claims: “In implementing strategy, managers should change only what is necessary and sufficient to produce an enduring solution to the strategic problem being addressed”


Answer: Hrebiniak and Joyce

Q15: What is meant by the term ‘balanced scorecard’, coined by Kaplan and Norton


Answer: It combines quantitative and qualitative measures of the performance of a strategy and acts as a way of understanding and checking what you have to do throughout the organisation to make your strategy work

Q16: Which of the following is not one of the four key perspectives (i.e. areas) that make up a balanced scorecard


Answer: A stakeholder perspective

Q17: According to Pettigrew and Whipp, there are three interlinking aspects to strategic change. Which of the following is not one of them


Answer: Leadership aspects

Q18: Why is it important to ensure the effective communication of the chosen strategy in large organisations


Answer: To ensure that everyone understands the strategy by reducing ambiguities, clarifying underlying assumptions and judgements and to ensure the parts of the organisation are co-ordinated

Q19: Which of the following is not one of the guidelines for managing objectives in fast-changing environments


Answer: Studying the market closely to detect change early

Q20: Which of the following is not a planning style that might be operating in the public or not-for-profit sector


Answer: Rational

Q21: Who said: “The real purpose of effective planning is not to make plans but to change the … mental models that … decision makers carry in their heads”


Answer: Arie de Gues

Q22: What was the main reason why formal strategic planning fell into disrepute in the 1980s and 1990s


Answer: In many large organisations it became detached from frontline operations, and was overly bureaucratic and inflexible in responding to changing circumstances

Q23: Which of the following is not a way to improve the effectiveness of a strategic control system


Answer: Introduce more reporting procedures to generate data

Q24: Which of the following is not one of the three major approaches to implementation


Answer: Financial

Q25: There are four key principles behind the balanced scorecard. Which of the following is not one of those principles


Answer: Support of key strategies

Q26: Which of the following is not a reason for varying the style of strategic planning


Answer: New low-level employees

Q27: Who identified strategic planning, financial control and strategic control as the three most common styles of strategic planning


Answer: Goold and Campbell

Q28: Which of the following is not one of the main elements of a control system


Answer: The basic process may well cover background assumptions, long-term vision, medium-term plans and short-term plans

Q29: How might the environment in which an organisation operates affect its structure


Answer: The dynamism of the environment will dictate the degree of flexibility and responsiveness that needs to be achieved in the structure if it is to adapt to change

Q30: Which of the items listed below is not one of the nine primary determinants of organisational design


Answer: Staff skills

Q31: All but one of the items listed below are disadvantages of the functional organisation structure. Which is the odd one out


Answer: Expensive duplication of functions

Q32: Who is credited with developing the multidivisional form of organisation structure


Answer: Alfred Sloan

Q33: Which of the following is not an advantage of the holding company structure


Answer: Close co-ordination where decisions may conflict

Q34: What two types of innovation are distinguished in this chapter


Answer: Simple and complex innovation

Q35: In surveying high technology companies in the 1970s and 1980s, Kanter drew a number of conclusions about their structures. Which of the following is not one of these conclusions


Answer: The importance of teams

Q36: Which of the following is not one of Mintzberg’s three guidelines for organisation innovation project teams


Answer: Experienced staff who have worked on large numbers of similar projects in the past, either in the current, or related organisations

Q37: Which of the points listed below was not proposed by Thompson and Strickland as a general guideline for translating strategy into a viable organisation structure


Answer: Study the structures successful competitors are using as a guide to what works in this industry environment

Q38: What type of behaviour should reward systems particularly encourage to aid the implementation of the organisation’s strategy


Answer: Innovation and risk-taking

Q39: Performance contracts for senior managers link their rewards to achievement of specific milestones in the strategy implementation


Answer: True – Correct

Q40: What did Howard Perlmutter mean when he suggested that many corporate headquarters adopt an ethnocentric approach to the management of their overseas subsidiaries


Answer: Culture, style and strategy formulation are decided by the home country with little regard to the host country’s way of doing things

Q41: ‘Geocentric’ means the role of headquarters is diminished with each foreign operation running its own affairs and developing its own strategy so that national cultures will predominate and each country will largely decide its performance objectives within the purpose defined by headquarters


Answer: Wrong – False

Q42: Which of the following is not a characteristic of the public sector administration model


Answer: Supports competitive advantage

Q43: Which of the following is not a characteristic of the new public management model


Answer: Resource-based analysis in the public sector will include different concepts to those in business strategy

Q44: Which of the following is not one of the four additional considerations that apply in analysing resources in the public sector


Answer: International competition

Q45: Which of the following statements is not relevant to the exploration of the purpose of public and not-for-profit organisations


Answer: Many public sector organisations receive similar objectives

Q46: The strategic context of public sector strategy is broader than its counterpart in business strategy. Which of the following is not one of the three mechanisms that can simplify the process


Answer: Innovation

Q47: Three key international agreements affecting world trade have been the Single European Act, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Uruguay round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). In what years were these signed


Answer: 1986, 1994 and 1993 respectively

Q48: What is ‘FDI’


Answer: Foreign direct investment

Q49: Which of the following is not one of Bartlett and Ghoshal’s three different types of international company activity


Answer: Transnational

Q50: What is the C-C-B paradigm


Answer: A model to show how companies and countries bargain with each other to reach an accommodation whereby their different objectives can be met

Q51: To deliver value added and sustainable competitive advantage, corporate strategy seeks two main opportunities from international expansion. What are they


Answer: Market opportunities and production and resource advantages

Q52: Which of the following is not one of the factors that generate competitive advantages for nations, according to Porter’s diamond model


Answer: The role of government

Q53: To which organisation is the theory of limited state intervention generally attributed


Answer: The World Bank

Q54: Which of the following is not a factor leading firms to seek to adapt their products to local markets


Answer: The existence of large economies of scale in production

Q55: Which of the following is not a key consideration in developing a global business strategy


Answer: Country of origin

Q56: According to Professor George Yip, there are three stages firms go through in becoming truly global companies. Which of the following is not one of these stages


Answer: Refine the core strategy

Q57: Which two academics developed a model to show that the choice of international structure depended on whether a firm was seeking to cope with managing across many countries or many diverse product groups


Answer: Stopford and Wells

Q58: What, according to Christopher Bartlett and Sumantra Ghoshal, is the key problem facing organisations trying to develop globally


Answer: Developing strategic and organisational flexibility

Q59: Which of the following is not a reason for developing external relationships as part of the international expansion effort


Answer: Good public relations

Q60: What, according to Tomlinson, is the key to making international joint ventures work


Answer: The partnership nature of the relationship

Q61: Which of the following is not a common condition national governments might specify as part of the bargaining process with firms that want to locate within their borders


Answer: Wage parity with home country workers

Q62: Which of the following is not associated with GATT


Answer: It has reduced global competition

Q63: Which of the following does not form part of the case for a local strategy


Answer: Customer demand: essentially the same around the world

Q64: Which of the following is not a specific international strategy


Answer: Multi-cultural strategy

Q65: Which of the following is not a factor that determines the success of an external relationship


Answer: Staff motivation

Q66: What does a transnational solution to international organisation structure involve


Answer: Dispersed and interdependent subsidiaries that are integrated into a worldwide operation

Q67: Resources will change as the organisation’s purpose changes. In addition, they will also be influenced by what is happening outside in the environment


Answer: True – Correct

Q68: Which of the following is not an internal factor affecting organisational purpose


Answer: Co-operation

Q69: What, according to Nelson and Winter, is the critical factor constraining an organisation’s ability to develop its resource capabilities


Answer: Organisational routines

Q70: The overall result of Scumpter’s view of resource dynamics is that resource configurations develop over time, they are constrained by what has gone before and they require investment if they are to continue


Answer: Wrong – False

Q71: Which of the following is an example of an early-mover advantage


Answer: Building networks of complementors

Q72: Which of the following is not one of the ways in which resource advantages can be sustained and protected from imitation


Answer: Entering into exclusive distribution contracts

Q73: In discussing the dynamics of competitive advantage, who said: “Strategy is as much about competing for tomorrow’s industry as it is about competing within today’s industry structure”


Answer: Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad

Q74: Which strategy guru is famed for his scepticism concerning the possibility of making accurate predictions about environmental change on which to base strategy


Answer: Henry Mintzberg

Q75: Richard Rumelt has given a number of reasons why organisations that can see environmental changes coming still do not react appropriately. Which of the following is not one of them


Answer: Ostrich mentality

Q76: What two factors are the principal determinants of the dynamics of fast-moving markets


Answer: The pace and nature of technological innovation

Q77: Which of the following is not a key strategic issue in fast-moving industries


Answer: The need to headhunt experienced staff

Q78: Why does competition often intensify in mature markets


Answer: Because to achieve growth firms must take market share from other firms, meaning everyone competes harder just to hand on to existing customers

Q79: Which of these strategies employed by firms in fragmented markets best describes the strategy of McDonald’s


Answer: Replication of a standardised formula

Q80: What is the key issue for firms seeking to devise a survival strategy in a declining market


Answer: Determining the rate of decline

Q81: In the Key Reading at the end of this chapter, what does Phillip Wickham argue is of increasing value in the mature markets seen in many Western countries


Answer: Entrepreneurship

Q82: How many dimensions are there to the dynamics of resource development


Answer: Three

Q83: Which of the following is not one of the three main areas of dynamics in environmental development


Answer: Legal barriers

Q84: Which of the following statements do not relate to the sunk cost effect


Answer: There are fewer reasons to introduce something new

Q85: Which of the following statements do not relate to the replacement effect


Answer: Firms that have already committed substantial resources to a specific technology may be reluctant to change

Q86: Which of the following is not one of the four phases of entrepreneurial development


Answer: The development of superior relationships with customers and suppliers

Q87: What do we mean by the term ‘strategic change’


Answer: The proactive management of change to achieve strategic objectives

Q88: Which of the following areas is not one of the four key areas that strategic change seeks to influence


Answer: Technology

Q89: Who are the three groups of people Kanter, Stein and Jick (1992) identified as being involved in the change process


Answer: Change strategists, implementers and recipients

Q90: Which of the following is not one of the stages in Kurt Lewin’s famous three-stage prescriptive model of change developed in the 1950s


Answer: Melting resistance

Q91: What questionable assumptions underpin the prescriptive approach to strategic change


Answer: Change is predictable, sequential and controllable by management

Q92: According to Pettigrew and Whipp’s emergent model of change, there are five factors involved in its successful management. Which of the following is not one of them


Answer: Internal assessment

Q93: Which of the following is not a criticism that can be levelled at the emergent approach to change


Answer: It underestimates the complexity of managing change and does not allow for the informal aspects of organisation

Q94: Which of the following is not a key stage in the process of strategic change, according to Beer, Eisenhort and Spector (1990)


Answer: Promote energetic change champions to positions of influence

Q95: Which of the following is not a way of overcoming resistance to change


Answer: Bullying and harassing people into towing the line

Q96: On the subject of change in organisations, who said: “There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things”


Answer: Niccolo Machiavelli

Q97: Which of the following is not one of the aspects of political activity noted in the text


Answer: Bribery

Q98: Which of the following is not a key task for those involved in seeking political agreements over strategic change


Answer: Negotiate any necessary ‘side deals’ to get people on side

Q99: Which group in an organisation are the key to successful implementation of strategy, according to Charles Baden-Fuller and John Stopford


Answer: Middle managers

Q100: Which of the following is not one of the three dynamics for strategic change identified by Kanter, stein and Jick


Answer: Technology


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