Corporate Strategy Objective Set 1

Corporate Strategy Objective Online MCQ Answer

Corporate Strategy Objective Online MCQ Answer for your amity mba bba courses, ignou mba, imt cdl, smu and upes management program. This is important online mcq question answer for various distance learning program.

Q1: In developing good strategy, which of the following forms a part of the academic rigour assessment


Answer: Delivery of defined purpose
Relationship with risks and resources

Q2: Which of the following statements most accurately defines ‘corporate strategy’


Answer: Corporate strategy can be described as the identification of the purpose of the organisation and the plans and actions to achieve that purpose

Q3: What is meant by the term ‘competitive advantage’


Answer: A skill or attribute that will allow the organisation to survive and prosper against the competition

Q4: Why does Henry Mintzberg suggest that strategies are better thought of as ‘crafted’ rather than planned


Answer: Because many commercial environments are too unpredictable to allow for reliable forecasting of long-term trends

Q5: What do strategists mean when they talk about ‘adding value’


Answer: Transforming inputs into outputs whose value exceeds the combined cost of those inputs

Q6: Which of the following is not a key element of strategic decisions


Answer: Clear accountability

Q7: Which of the following correctly identify the three core areas of corporate strategy


Answer: Analysis, development and implementation

Q8: Due to the uncertainties involved in developing strategies, the process also depends on which of the following factors


Answer: Judgement and values

Q9: Which of the following best defines a ‘mission statement’


Answer: A mission statement defines the business that the organisation is in against the values and expectations of the stakeholders

Q10: What is meant by a ‘prescriptive approach’ to strategy


Answer: A view of the process as rational and linear and sequential in which strategy development precedes implementation

Q11: Which of the following statements best describes an ’emergent approach’ to strategy development


Answer: A view of strategy development characterised by small steps and continuous revision as new learning is acquired about a continuously changing environment

Q12: Which of the following is not an application-related test of a good strategy


Answer: The effectiveness test

Q13: What is the key difference between strategy making in the public and non-profit sectors as opposed to the private sector


Answer: Public and non-profit organisations are unlikely to have profit objectives. Their strategy is therefore governed by broader issues such as public policy and values.

Q14: Which of the following is not a key issue in developing international strategies


Answer: Trade unions

Q15: Which of the following issues is the key concern of strategy according to Professor John Kay


Answer: Relationships

Q16: John Kay draws an important distinction between two types of management issues – what are they


Answer: Strategic and operational

Q17: Which of the following correctly identify the three elements of the strategic decision


Answer: Content, context and process

Q18: What are the two main levels of corporate strategy


Answer: Corporate and business

Q19: Which of the following is not a consideration for public organisations


Answer: Variable sources of finance

Q20: Which of the following is not a consideration for non-profit organisations


Answer: Monopoly suppliers

Q21: Who were the two practising managers that initiated the study of management as a distinct discipline around 1900–10


Answer: Henri Fayol and Frederick Winslow Taylor

Q22: In which decade of the twentieth century did the first explicit writings about strategy as applied to business begin to appear


Answer: 1950s

Q23: According to Ansoff, environmental changes accelerated the early development of corporate strategy as a discipline. What two trends were especially influential


Answer: The accelerated rate of change and the greater spread of wealth

Q24: Which of the following statements best explains the basic concept of the prescriptive approach to strategy


Answer: A prescriptive corporate strategy is one where the objective has been defined in advance and the main elements have been developed before the strategy commences

Q25: Which of the following is not a key trend shaping corporate strategy as we move into the 21st century


Answer: A flexible and responsive approach to environmental change

Q26: Which company (featured in Chapter 2 of the book) adopted a prescriptive approach to strategy by introducing a strategic planning system in 1978–9 and so achieved much greater central control of strategy than had existed before


Answer: Spillers plc

Q27: Henry Mintzberg has identified six major assumptions underlying the prescriptive approach that may be wholly or partially false. Which of the following is not one of them


Answer: Power struggles often mean the strategy adopted is a compromise and may not maximise profits

Q28: Which of the following statements best explains the basic concept of the emergent approach to strategy


Answer: Emergent corporate strategy is a strategy whose final objective is unclear and whose elements are developed during the course of its life, as the strategy proceeds

Q29: Which of the following statements is not a criticism of the emergent approach


Answer: The strategies proposed are, in practice, logical and capable of being managed in the way proposed. Given the political realities of many companies, there may be many difficulties in practice

Q30: There are four broad schools within the prescriptive approach to strategy. In which of these would you locate the work of Igor Ansoff, Alfred Chandler, Alfred Sloan, Hofer and Schendel and Michael Porter


Answer: Profit maximising, competition-based theories of strategy

Q31: Within the emergent approach to strategy, what is meant by ‘survival-based’ theories of strategy


Answer: Theories that see strategy in evolutionary terms according to which winning strategies are selected by the market, and the idea that success is more luck than design

Q32: What is meant by the term ‘human resource-based’ theories of strategy


Answer: Theories that explicitly deal with issues of motivation, political activity, culture and conflict in the strategy process

Q33: Who is widely credited as the pioneer of the ‘resource-based’ approach to strategy


Answer: Edith Penrose

Q34: In the closing case study, which businessman is shown to have guided IBM back to profitability after its disastrous slump in 1991–3


Answer: Louis Gerstner

Q35: Which of the following is not an advantage of the prescriptive approach


Answer: Considers people issues such as motivation

Q36: Which of the following is not an advantage of the emergent approach


Answer: Summaries of demands made on resources

Q37: Which of the following is not a disadvantage of the emergent approach


Answer: The chief executive has the knowledge and power to choose between options

Q38: Which of the following are not prescriptive theories of corporate strategy


Answer: Innovation and knowledge-based theories

Q39: Which of the following relates to the philosophies of the uncertainty-based theory


Answer: Strategies must be allowed to react to changing environments and emerge from the events that take place

Q40: The dynamics of organisational environments can be classified according to which pair of factors listed below


Answer: Changeability and predictability

Q41: From the list below, identify which factor does not form one of the six key areas of a PESTEL analysis


Answer: Ecological changes

Q42: Which of the following statements best defines a ‘scenario’ that may be generated by scenario analysis


Answer: A scenario is a picture of a possible future environment for the organisation, whose strategic implications can then be investigated. It is less concerned with prediction and more concerned with developing different perspectives on the future

Q43: Why is the concept of the industry life-cycle relevant to corporate strategy


Answer: Because the key strategic issues and hence strategies that should be pursued change with each phase in the life cycle

Q44: What is meant by the term ‘key factors for success’ (KFS)


Answer: KFS are those resources, skills and attributes of the organisations in the industry that are essential to deliver success in the marketplace

Q45: Barriers to entry affect the ability of firms outside an industry to enter and take advantage of profit opportunities. Which of the following is not an example of such a barrier


Answer: The relative size of existing firms in the industry

Q46: In Porter’s five forces model, what is meant by the term ‘substitute’


Answer: A substitute is an alternative product or service that performs the same function for the consumer

Q47: What four types of relationships are captured in the four links model


Answer: Government links, informal co-operative links, formal co-operative links and complementors

Q48: What are the main areas to include in producing a profile of a competitor organisation


Answer: The organisation’s objectives, resources, market strength and current strategies

Q49: Which of the following statements best defines market segmentation


Answer: Market segmentation is the identification of specific parts of a market and the development of different market offerings that will be attractive to those segments

Q50: Which of the following is not a reason why market segmentation is important to strategy development


Answer: Knowing your segments makes it easier to know which customers competitors are targeting

Q51: Not all aspects of the environmental analysis are equally important. So, what should be the order of priority


Answer: Customers, immediate competitors, then the broader environment

Q52: In many respects, the real danger in analysing the environment is to limit the process to examining past events and ways of thinking. It is absolutely essential to break out of the current mould and examine alternative routes and ideas


Answer: True – Correct

Q53: What two types of market segments did Michael Porter use in developing his generic strategies model


Answer: Broad target and narrow target

Q54: What can an environmental analysis be used to provide an organisation with


Answer: A proactive strategy outcome or a reactive strategic situation

Q55: Which of the following is not a criticism of the industry life cycle


Answer: Assumes organisation’s own interests come first

Q56: Which of the following is not a key factor for success


Answer: Identification of specific parts of a market and the development of different market offerings that will be attractive to those segments

Q57: Which of the following is not one of the three main difficulties in studying the environment


Answer: New products, adoption of new technologies, R&D expenditure etc.

Q58: Which of the following is a reason for why customer service and quality are important


Answer: They may deliver competitive advantage

Q59: What is the main reason for analysing competitors


Answer: To enable the organisation to develop sustainable competitive advantages against them

Q60: Which feature of a competitive advantage is considered most desirable


Answer: Sustainability

Q61: What do strategists mean when they refer to ‘differentiation’


Answer: The development of unique features or attributes in a product or service that position it to appeal especially to a part of the total market

Q62: Firms may seek competitive advantages of greater efficiency and effectiveness through vertical integration. But what does it mean to ‘vertically integrate’


Answer: The backward acquisition of raw material suppliers and/or the forward acquisition of distributors

Q63: What is the purpose of the E-S-P paradigm


Answer: To evaluate the role of government in a country’s business environment through analysis of the national environment, political system and government policies

Q64: Which of the following is not one of the political trends (cited in the book) that have affected many industries and firms’ corporate strategies


Answer: The reform of the Commission of the European Community following the dismissal of the Commission headed by Jacques Santer in 1999

Q65: What do we mean when we refer to a ‘concentration ratio’


Answer: The degree to which turnover, or value-added, is concentrated in the hands of a few or large number of firms in an industry

Q66: When discussing innovation strategy, four types are identified. Which of the following is not one of them


Answer: Copy a competitor

Q67: In strategy, reference is often made to ‘rewriting the rules of the game’. What does this mean


Answer: Devising a new innovative ways of satisfying customer needs that dramatically change the way whole industries operate

Q68: Which of the following is not one of the four main attack strategies noted in the book


Answer: Loose-brick strategy

Q69: Tkay advises against over-reliance on militaristic notions of strategy (i.e. defend and attack) because, he argues, it leads to overestimating the planning abilities of the ‘generals’ (i.e. leaders) and it overemphasises the importance of size and scale (of resources)


Answer: True – Correct

Q70: What axes are used in the portfolio model developed by the Boston Consulting Group (i.e. BCG matrix)


Answer: Relative market share and market growth rate

Q71: Which of the following is not a criticism of portfolio matrices


Answer: They were developed in the 1970s and are no longer valid

Q72: Which of the following is not a key issue when analysing distributors


Answer: Available choice

Q73: Which company’s ice cream products struggled to gain market share in Europe due to problems with distribution


Answer: Mars

Q74: The internationalisation of companies in recent decades has been prompted by many factors. Which of the following is not one of the three key factors cited in the book


Answer: Subsidies from national governments

Q75: There has been a decline of the centrally directed command economies of Eastern Europe, coupled with the move towards democracy and freer markets


Answer: True – Correct

Q76: Which of the following is not a way in which governments can influence companies


Answer: Franchises

Q77: ‘Government and industrial policy analysis is conducted at two levels: national economy and industry-level studies’. Which of the following does not form part of national economy analysis


Answer: Competition policy

Q78: Which of the following statements is not relevant to competitive advantage


Answer: Each market will bring its own strategic opportunities and problems

Q79: The concept of a customer-driven strategy is captured in the famous quotation: “The purpose of an enterprise is to create and keep a customer”. Who is credited with this statement


Answer: Theodore Levitt

Q80: A customer-driven strategy has three main strands. Which of the following is not one of them


Answer: An obsession with efficiency

Q81: Simple financial measures of profitability will not be enough to ensure the growth and survival of a business: they need to be linked to customer satisfaction and customer loyalty


Answer: True – Correct

Q82: What is a ‘customer profile’


Answer: A description of the main characteristics of the customers and how they make their purchase decisions

Q83: Which famous pair of strategy gurus claimed: “Any company that can do no more than respond to the articulated needs of existing customers will quickly become a laggard”


Answer: Gary Hamel and C. K. Prahalad

Q84: The customer/competitor matrix groups strategies along two dimensions (axes). What are they


Answer: Customer needs and competitor advantage

Q85: Which of the following is not a desirable characteristic of a market segment if it is to be useful in strategic customer analysis


Answer: Location

Q86: Which of the following statements best defines a product or service’s competitive positioning


Answer: The choice of differential advantage that the product or service will have against its competitors

Q87: What five aspects of a brand are relevant in adding value to a product


Answer: Reputation, continuity, distinctive formula, established position and signal

Q88: Why do organisations communicate with their customers


Answer: To inform them, persuade them to buy and establish a competitive advantage in relation to their product or service

Q89: There is one overriding criterion for the evaluation of marketing communications strategies – what is it


Answer: (blank)

Q90: Which of the following is not an example of the options available for persuading customers to buy the organisation’s product or service


Answer: Price reductions

Q91: What two considerations are central to pricing decisions


Answer: Costs and competitor’s prices

Q92: What is meant by the term ‘target pricing’


Answer: Target pricing is the setting of prices to match competitors and then setting internal cost targets that must be met to deliver a product to market at the set price

Q93: Who’s famous article ‘The globalisation of markets’, published in 1983, argued that the world’s tastes are homogenising due to the global availability of low priced quality products


Answer: Theodore Levitt

Q94: Which of the following is not a benefit of using the emergent approach to developing a customer-driven strategy


Answer: Provides greater clarity and precision in analysis of market

Q95: Which of the following is not an aspect of customer profiling


Answer: Identification of gaps in segment provision may provide the basis of new strategic opportunities

Q96: Competitive positioning has four main steps. The first two are perceptual mapping and positioning. Which of the following are the final two steps


Answer: Options development and testing

Q97: Which of the following statements best describes the function of a brand


Answer: A specific name or symbol used to distinguish a product or service from a functional product

Q98: Which of the following is not a consideration of international customer analysis


Answer: Needs to communicate with customers in order to inform and persuade them about the merits of products and services

Q99: Japanese strategy guru Kenichi Ohmae stresses that scarce resources must be focused on the ‘key factors for success’. He proposes a simple model known as Ohmae’s 3 Cs for identifying these key areas. What are the 3 Cs


Answer: Customers, competition and the corporation

Q100: Which of the following is not one of the criticisms of the concept of key factors for success (KFS)


Answer: They are usually too numerous for one organisation to address them all


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