1. Which method/s of representation of numbers occupies large amount of memory than others ?
a) Sign-magnitude
b) 1’s compliment
c) 2’s compliment
d) 1’s & 2’s compliment
Answer: a [Reason:]
2. Which representation is most efficient to perform arithmetic operations on the numbers ?
a) Sign-magnitude
b) 1’s compliment
c) 2’S compliment
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c [Reason:]
3. Which method of representation has two representations for ‘0’ ?
a) Sign-magnitude
b) 1’s compliment
c) 2’s compliment
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a [Reason:]
4. When we perform subtraction on -7 and 1 the answer in 2’s compliment form is ___
a) 1010
b) 1110
c) 0110
d) 1000
Answer: d [Reason:]
5. When we perform subtraction on -7 and -5 the answer in 2’s compliment form is ________
a) 11110
b) 1110
c) 1010
d) 0010
Answer: b [Reason:]
6. When we subtract -3 from 2 , the answer in 2’s compliment form is ___
a) 0001
b) 1101
c) 0101
d) 1001
Answer: c [Reason:]
7. The processor keeps track of the results of its operations using a flags called ________
a) Conditional code flags
b) Test output flags
c) Type flags
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a [Reason:]
8. The register used to store the flags is called as ___
a) Flag register
b) Status register
c) Test register
d) Log register
Answer: b [Reason:]
9. The Flag ‘V’ is set to 1 indicates that,
a) The operation is valid
b) The operation is validated
c) The operation as resulted in an overflow
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c [Reason:]
10. In some pipelined systems, a different instruction is used to add to numbers which can affect the flags upon execution. That instruction is _______
a) AddSetCC
b) AddCC
c) Add++
d) SumSetCC
Answer: a [Reason:]
11. The most efficient method followed by computers to multiply two unsigned numbers is _______
a) Booth algorithm
b) Bit pair recording of multipliers
c) Restoring algorithm
d) Non restoring algorithm
Answer: b [Reason:]
12. For the addition of large integers most of the systems make use of ______
a) Fast adders
b) Full adders
c) Carry look-ahead adders
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c [Reason:]
13. In a normal n-bit adder, to find out if an overflow as occured we make use of ________
a) And gate
b) Nand gate
c) Nor gate
d) Xor gate
Answer: d [Reason:]
14. In the implementation of a Multiplier circuit in the system we make use of _______
a) Counter
b) Flip flop
c) Shift register
d) Push down stack
Answer: c [Reason:]
15. When 1101 is used to divide 100010010 the remainder is ______
a) 101
b) 11
c) 0
d) 1
Answer: d [Reason:]