Account for Manager Objective Set 4

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Account for Manager Online Assignment Set 4

Study Account for Manager Online MCQ for your amity mba bba courses, ignou mba, imt cdl, smu and upes management program. This is important online mcq question answer for various distance learning program.

Q1: Fixed cost per unit remains constant-T/F


Answer: False

Q2: Direct cost is that cost which can not be easily allocated to cost units-T/F


Answer: False

Q3: Selling overheads form a part of cost of production-T/F


Answer: False

Q4: Manufacturing and administrative overheads are different-T/F


Answer: True

Q5: Total fixed cost remains unaffected by the change in volume of output


Answer: True

Q6: Variable cost per unit remains fixed-T/F


Answer: True

Q7: In chemical industries unit costing is used-T/F


Answer: False

Q8: The output of a process is transferred to next process-T/F


Answer: True

Q9: Good units bear the abnormal loss arising in the process costing-T/F


Answer: False

Q10: Excess of pre-estimated loss over actual loss is known as abnormal loss-T/F


Answer: False

Q11: Marginal costing is a method of ascertaining cost-T/F


Answer: False

Q12: A firm earns no profit or incurs no loss at BEP-T/F


Answer: Correct – True

Q13: Margin of Safety implies ‘Break Even Point’-T/F


Answer: False

Q14: In marginal costing, stock is valued at fixed costs-T/F


Answer: False

Q15: Sales below BEP mean profit-T/F


Answer: False

Q16: What is the main source of new long-term finance for UK limited companies?


Answer: Retained profit

Q17: During last year, Dartington Ltd sold a machine for £3,000 that cost £5,000 and had a written down value of £2,300. Under which of the following headings should the profit on the sale of the machine be shown in the cash flow statement?


Answer: Cash flows from operating activities

Q18: The P/E ratio is


Answer: the share price divided by the after-tax profit per share.

Q19: In a profit-volume chart, what does the point at which the contribution line touches the vertical axis represent?


Answer: Total fixed costs

Q20: Nanyang Ltd produces a single product. The selling price is £50 a unit and the variable costs is £30 a unit. The annual fixed costs of the business are £4,000. The business aims to make £10,000 profit during the forthcoming year. How many units must be sold to achieve this target?


Answer: 700 units

Q21: With traditional full costing in a multi-product business, indirect costs should be apportioned on the basis of


Answer: the benefits received by each cost unit

Q22: The net present value of a particular investment project represents


Answer: The increase or decrease in wealth that the project will generate for the investing business.

Q23: A business is considering an investment which will generate a cash flow in exactly five years’ time. The discount rate associated with the investment is 15% a year. To deduce the present value of the projected cash flow, we have to multiply the amount of the cash flow to be received in five years’ time by


Answer: 1/(1.15)5

Q24: You have just assessed a project, involving an immediate cash outflow followed by a series of cash inflows over the next seven years, by deducing the NPV and the IRR.
You have now discovered that you have underestimated the discount rate. Correcting for the underestimation will have the following effects, relative to your original deductions:


Answer: NPV———–IRR
reduce——-no changes

Q25: The internal rate of return can best be described as


Answer: the discount rate at which a set of cash flows have a zero net present value.

Q26: When a wealth maximising business uses the internal rate of return approach to assess an investment project, an assumption is being made which is not usually valid. This assumption is that:


Answer: a project with a higher IRRs than another project is better than the other project, irrespective of the relative sizes of the two projects.

Q27: Sienna plc has deduced the net present value of a potential investment project at two discount rates. The relevant data are as follows:
online mcq homework
What is the approximate internal rate of return of the project?


Answer: 23.3%

Q28: Use of which one of the common investment appraisal methods directly promotes wealth maximisation


Answer: Net present value

Q29: How do you assess the following two statements?
1. Interest payments on money borrowed to make the investment should not be treated as one of the projects cash flows when deducing the NPV.
2. Over the life of a project, the accounting operating profits will equal its undiscounted net cash flows.


Answer: Correct – True

Q30: Reducing the receivables collection period is:


Answer: possibly a good thing or possibly a bad thing depending on the circumstances

Q31: The operating cash cycle, in the context of a wholesaler of goods which buys and sells on credit, is


Answer: the period of time which elapses between paying creditors and receiving cash from the debtor, in respect of the sale of the same item of inventories.

Q32: In relation to inventories, what is usually meant by ‘lead time’


Answer: The period between placing an order for inventories and receiving them

Q33: How do you assess the following two statements?
1. The investment in current assets represents a fairly consistent proportion of long-term investment funds from one industry to the next.
2. Compared with total long-term investment, the investment in current assets tends to be significant in most businesses


Answer: False – True

Q34: How do you assess the following two statements?
1. A warrant is a loan stock which can be exchanged for equities, at the shareholders’ discretion, at a predetermined price and time.
2. A finance lease is virtually the same as a financier providing finance as a loan and that finance being used to buy a particular asset needed by the effective ‘borrower’.


Answer: False – True

Q35: How do you assess the following two statements?
1. Invoice discounting tends to be more expensive than debt factoring.
2. Invoice discounting tends to be less confidential to the business than debt factoring.


Answer: False – False

Q36: How do you assess the following two statements?
1. With finance leasing, the risks of operating the asset stay with the provider of the finance.
2. Finance leasing is a way of borrowing without this fact being shown on the business’s balance sheet.


Answer: False – False

Q37: How do you assess the following two statements?
1. A convertible loan stock is a form of financial derivative.
2. Convertible loan stocks tend to be self liquidating.


Answer: True – True

Q38: How do you assess the following two statements?
1. Preference shareholders normally expect higher returns than ordinary shareholders do.
2. Preference shares have lost their popularity recently because they tend to be more expensive to service than loans.


Answer: False – True

Q39: One purpose of accounting information is to help certain users assess how effectively the managers are running the business and to make judgements about likely levels of risk and return in the future. Which one of the following user groups is most likely to use accounting information for this purpose


Answer: Owners

Q40: Which one of the following is not considered to be a key qualitative characteristic of accounting


Answer: Timeliness

Q41: The generally accepted major financial objective of a business is assumed to be


Answer: Enhancement/maximisation of the wealth of the owners

Q42: One purpose of accounting information is to help certain users make decisions and plans for the business and to exercise control so that the plans come to fruition. Which one of the following user groups is most likely to use accounting information for this pupose


Answer: Managers

Q43: The study of business investment and financing decisions is known as


Answer: Finance

Q44: Accounting exists to help people make better___


Answer: decisions

Q45: ___is concerned with the collection, analysis and communication of economic information


Answer: Accounting

Q46: The two broad classes of accounting are management accounting and___accounting


Answer: financial

Q47: The process of ensuring that planned events actually occur is known as___


Answer: control

Q48: The generally accepted___of businesses is to maximise the wealth of the owners


Answer: objective

Q49: Deciding whether to produce an item of accounting information is a question of balancing the___against the cost


Answer: benefit

Q50: There are five key qualitative characteristics of accounting; these are relevance, reliability, comparability,___and materiality


Answer: understandability

Q51: Accounting can be seen as part of the total___system of the business


Answer: information

Q52: ___is concerned with financing and investment activities of the business


Answer: Finance

Q53: Accounting seeks to meet the___of various users


Answer: needs

Q54: Which one of the following is used as a criterion for deciding whether a resource should be regarded as an asset for accounting purposes


Answer: it must arise from a past transaction or event

Q55: Which one of the following statements is correct? The basis for valuing inventories in the balance sheet is


Answer: the lower of historic cost and net realisable value

Q56: Which one of the following items appearing on the balance sheet of a business is an intangible asset


Answer: Trade receivables

Q57: To appear on a balance sheet as an___the item needs to meet several tests, one of which is that it must represent a probable future economic benefit


Answer: asset

Q58: An asset that has physical presence is said to be a___one


Answer: tangible

Q59: ___is the name given to the claim of the owner(s) of a business


Answer: Capital

Q60: The claim of anyone other than the owner(s) of a business is called a___


Answer: liability

Q61: The assets of a business total £50,000 and the liabilities total £20,000, so capital must be___


Answer: £30,000

Q62: To a retail business, its premises would be one of its___assets


Answer: non-current

Q63: To a retail business, its trading inventories would be part of its ___assets


Answer: current

Q64: The___convention says that assets should be shown on balance sheets at values based on what was paid to acquire them


Answer: historic cost

Q65: The___convention says that the business and the owner(s) are separate, for accounting purposes


Answer: business entity

Q66: The___convention says that financial statements should err on the side of caution


Answer: prudence

Q67: Correct definition of profit, or loss, for a period? Profit, or loss, is the difference between


Answer: revenue and expenses

Q68: At what point is revenue normally recognised by a manufacturing business


Answer: When the goods are passed to, and accepted by, the customer

Q69: Which of the following best describes the conventional view of the purpose of accounting for depreciation


Answer: To charge to each period in which the asset is used, a fair share of the costs of using the asset

Q70: Jutland plc intends to change its accounting policies regarding inventories valuation for the forthcoming year. It intends to switch from the AVCO method to the FIFO method. It is expected that during the forthcoming period, prices of goods purchased will rise. If this is the case, what will be the effect of the change in inventories valuation method


Answer: An increase in profit and an increase in the value of closing inventories held

Q71: P. Patel and J. Singh Ltd has total trade receivables of £650,400 at the end of the most recent year. It is considered that £22,200 of the trade receivables will not pay and a further 2 per cent of the remainder are doubtful. Represent the net amount of trade receivables to be shown on the balance sheet at the end of the year


Answer: £615,636

Q72: When valuing inventories at the lower of cost or net realisable value, which one of the following conventions is being applied


Answer: Prudence

Q73: Profit is the difference between___and expenses


Answer: revenues

Q74: ___profit is the difference between sales revenue and cost of sales


Answer: Gross

Q75: If the level of inventories alters during a period, the cost of sales for that period cannot equal___


Answer: purchases

Q76: The___convention deals with what expenses are charged in the income statement for a particular period


Answer: matching

Q77: The___convention, in effect, says that net cash increase and profit for a particular period need not be equal


Answer: accruals

Q78: The___convention deals with extent to which other conventions are strictly followed where the amounts concerned are insignificant


Answer: materiality

Q79: Recognition of the expense arising from the ownership of most non-current assets is known as___


Answer: depreciation

Q80: A receivable that proves uncollectable is usually called a___debt


Answer: bad

Q81: The depreciation method where each year’s expense is the same is known as___


Answer: straight line

Q82: Accounting for depreciation is concerned with___the expense of owning the asset


Answer: allocating

Q83: Limited companies can have___life


Answer: perpetual

Q84: The___are the most senior managers of a limited company


Answer: directors

Q85: ___are the routine, normally-annual payments made by the limited company to its shareholders


Answer: Dividends

Q86: ___are profits or gains made by the company that form part of the shareholders’ claim


Answer: Reserves

Q87: A___issue of shares is an issue for cash that is made to existing shareholders according to how many shares each one held at the time


Answer: rights

Q88: Debentures are a form of___


Answer: loan

Q89: In the UK, limited companies pay___tax on their profits


Answer: corporation

Q90: The___are people who examine the financial statements of companies and express an opinion on the extent to which they comply with the legal requirements


Answer: auditors

Q91: Reserves arising from revaluing non-current assets are known as___reserves


Answer: capital

Q92: Where reserves are turned into shares and issued to shareholders as “free”, they are known as___shares


Answer: bonus

Q93: The cash that comes from day-to-day trading activities is known as “net cash flow from___activities”


Answer: operating

Q94: An increase in the inventories held during a period would have the effect of___the cash balance over the period


Answer: decreasing

Q95: An increase in the level of trade payables during a period would have the effect of___the cash balance over the period


Answer: increasing

Q96: Deriving the net cash flow from operating activities using the profit figure, rather than by analysing the cash records, uses the___method


Answer: indirect

Q97: A decrease in the level of trade receivables during a period would have the effect of___the cash balance over the period


Answer: increasing

Q98: Starting with the operating profit, it is necessary to___the annual depreciation charge when working towards the net cash flow


Answer: add

Q99: The section of the cash flow statement that deals with cash received from a new share issue is known as cash flows from___activities


Answer: financing

Q100: The word ‘___’ in the context of the cash flow statement refers to rewarding suppliers of finance for the use of their money


Answer: servicing


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