Strength of Materials MCQ Number 01445

Strength of Materials MCQ Set 1

1. A beam which is supported on more than two supports is called as______
a) Fixed beam
b) Continuous beam
c) Cantilever beam
d) Simply supported beam


Answer: b [Reason:] A beam which is supported on more than two supports is known as continuous beam. The intermediate supports of a continuous beam are always subjected to some bending moment.

2. Which of the following them is also known as multi span beam _______
a) Cantilever beam
b) Simply supported beam
c) Fixed beam
d) Continuous beam


Answer: d [Reason:] A continuous beam is a beam which is supported on more than two supports. It is also known as multi span beam. The degree of indeterminacy depends upon the number of supports and nature of supports.

3. In deflection of continuous beam, when loaded there will be convexity upwards over ____ supports.
a) End
b) Alternate
c) Intermediate
d) Every


Answer: c [Reason:] When continuous beam is loaded, the deflection of the beam takes place along the intermediate supports with convexity upwards.

4. The ____ is more over the supports then at midspan in continuous beams.
a) Slope
b) Bending moment
c) Deflection
d) Shear force


Answer: b [Reason:] The bending moment is more over the supports then at midspan in case of continuous beams and hence the weight of the beam does not materially affect the stresses in the beam.

5. Moment distribution method is also known as _______
a) Hardy Cross method
b) Macaulay’s method
c) Mohr’s Theorems method
d) Kennedy’s theory


Answer: a [Reason:] The moment distribution method is evolved by professor Hardy cross in 1932 and can be used with advantage to analyse statically indeterminate structures and frames with rigid joint this method is simple and involves process of relaxation.

6. Which of the following device is not based on Bernoulli’s equation?
a) Venturimeter
b) Orificemeter
c) Hydraulic lift
d) Pitot tube


Answer: c [Reason:] Bernoulli’s equation is applied to incompressible liquid flow where energy consideration is involved. Some of the hydraulic devices which are based on Bernoulli’s equation are venturimeter, orificemeter, Pitot tube.

7. Pascal’s law is applied in ____________
a) Pitot tube
b) Hydraulic lift
c) Orificemeter
d) Venturimeter


Answer: b [Reason:] hydraulic lift is an example of Pascal’s law. According to Pascal’s law the “At a given point, the force is applied in all directions” and the rest are the examples of Bernoulli’s equation.

8. Which of the following devices measures the velocity of flow?
a) Pitot tube
b) Venturimeter
c) Orificemeter
d) Hydraulic jacks


Answer: a [Reason:] A pitot tube is a device which is used for measuring the velocity of flow at any point in a pipe or channel. It is based on the principle that if velocity of flow at any point becomes zero, the pressure there is increased due to conversion of kinetic energy into pressure energy.

9. Which of the following is the coefficient of pitot tube?
a) 0.96
b) 0.98
c) 0.97
d) 0.95


Answer: b [Reason:] The velocity (V) = Cv (2gh)1/2.
Where Cv = coefficient of pitot tube = 0.98
h= difference between liquid levels in the pitot tube and piezometer.

10. Bernoulli’s equation is applicable only for ___ flow.
a) Rotational
b) Steady
c) Compressible
d) Unsteady


Answer: b [Reason:] The Bernoulli’s equation has been derived on assumption that the velocity is uniform over the section. The Bernoulli’s equation is applicable only for steady, incompressible and irrotational flows.

11. Flow of water when a tap is just open is an example of ____flow.
a) Uniform
b) Steady
c) Un steady
d) Turbulent


Answer: c [Reason:] The flow is said to be unsteady, if at any point in flowing liquid any one or all flow characteristics change with time liquid that is flowing at a changing rate as in case. The flow in tap is just opened is a perfect example for unsteady flow.

12. A Straight cantilever of uniform area carries a udl over its entire length. If the free end of a cantilever is now prop at the level of the fixed end, the vertical force required at the prop be __
a) 3/4 W
b) 3/8 W
c) 5/8 W
d) W


Answer: b [Reason:] Where, total load on beam = W = wl
Wl3/8EI = B×l3 / 3EI
Reaction at B = 3W/8.

13. ____ is used to empty a tank of water having no outlet.
a) Venacontracta
b) Syphon
c) Summit
d) Dyne


Answer: b [Reason:] A syphon is used to connect two different elevations separated by a mountain
They also used to supply water to a town over a ridge and supply type of water having an outlet.

14. Find out the elongation of a tie of 2m long, if the axial rigidity is 5000 × 104 mm2. The axial pull be 20 kN.
a) 0.8 mm
b) 0.6 mm
c) 0.5 mm
d) 1mm


Answer: a [Reason:] Axial pull 20000N.
Elongation : Pl/ AE
Change in length = PL/ AE
= 20×10/500;×11÷103.

15. Glass is an example of_________
a) Elastic
b) Brittle
c) Toughness
d) Hardness


Answer: b [Reason:] Brittleness is a property of material by which It Breaks without much deformation produce his property generally considered to be highly objectionable in engineering.

Strength of Materials MCQ Set 2

1. In cantilever beams, the extra support is known as ____
a) Hinch
b) Prop
c) Cripple
d) Indeterminate end


Answer: b [Reason:] In case of cantilever beam, some support other than existing ones may be provided to reduce the amount of bending moment developed. The additional support is known as prop.

2. Prop reduces ___ in the beam.
a) Deflection
b) Slope
c) Shear
d) Moment


Answer: a [Reason:] The extra support provided in case of cantilever beam excluding the existing ones is known as prop. It is provided in order to avoid excessive deflection caused due to unequal loading.

3. Which of the following is indeterminate structure?
a) Singly rereinforced beam
b) Propped cantilever beam
c) Over hanging beam
d) Simply supported beam


Answer: b [Reason:] The statically indeterminate structures are not capable of being analysed by using equation of statics. We need some more extra conditions for finding unknowns like €i and €y etc. A propped cantilever beam is an example of indeterminate structures.

4. ____ is used to produce due to temperature variation in indeterminate structures.
a) Stresses
b) Strains
c) Deflections
d) Moment


Answer: a [Reason:] Statically indeterminate structures need some extra conditions for the further simplification. Normally stresses are produced due to variation in indeterminate beams.

5. In cantilever beams, the maximum deflection occurs at ____
a) Fixed end
b) Free end
c) Through out
d) Point of loading


Answer: b [Reason:] The maximum deflection in cantilever beam occurs at free end. To resist that excessive deflection, the beam has to be supported by an extra support known as prop.

6. As per IRC, maximum width of lane considered as ____
a) 2.44 m
b) 2.35 m
c) 3.5 m
d) 3.4 m


Answer: a [Reason:] As per IRC, the maximum width be 2.44 m. For single lane, the width considered is 3.8 m. The pavement having two or more lanes the weight of 3.5 metre per lane is considered sufficient.

7. ______ is the area of land acquired and reserved for future development.
a) Right of pier
b) Carriage way
c) Right of way
d) Camber


Answer: c [Reason:] It is desirable to acquire more land because the cost of adjoining land in variable increases after laying the road. The right of way is area of land acquired and reserved for future development.

8. Stability of high rise vehicles will be affected due to ____
a) Camber
b) Gradient
c) Super elevation
d) Formation Width


Answer: a [Reason:] The rise given to the centre portion of the proposed carriageway with reference to its peripheral edge is called camber. Road users use more in the central portion of road and get worn out. The stability of high rise vehicles will be affected due to heavy camber.

9. The longitudinal rise or fall off road surface along its length is _________
a) Camber
b) Super elevation
c) Gradient
d) Carriage way


Answer: c [Reason:] The gradient is defined as the longitudinal rise or fall off road surface love its length is expressed as ratio 1 vertical: n horizontal or as a percentage.

10. Which of the following gradient is usually used in construction of roads?
a) Exceptional gradient
b) Limiting gradient
c) Hydraulic gradient
d) Ruling gradient


Answer: d [Reason:] Ruling gradient may be used as isolated over in flat country roads carrying a large volume of slow moving traffic. Gradient up to the ruling gradient for different terrains. It is to be adopted in normal course of design.

11. According to IRC, the height of the object is taken to the height of ___mm.
a) 200 mm
b) 100 mm
c) 450 mm
d) 600 mm


Answer: b [Reason:] Sight distance is an important requirement for safety of travel on highways the height of the object is taken to be at a depth of 100 mm above road.

12. What is the minimum shoulder width provided for village roads?
a) 1.25 m
b) 1.4 m
c) 0.5 m
d) 1 m


Answer: c [Reason:] The minimum shoulder width provided for village roads is 0.5m.

Class of road Minimum shoulder width(Hilly terrain)
NH & SH ways 1.25 m
MD roads 0.5
Village roads 0.5

13. In case of vertical curves, the ____ are taken above the road.
a) Gradient
b) Super elevation
c) Earth quantities
d) Summit


Answer: c [Reason:] The line of sight of a driver above the road is taken as 1.2m. The height of the object is taken to be height of 100 mm. Sight distance is an important resource requirement for the safety of travel. The designing layout plays a very vital role.

14. The time required for overtaking ___ seconds.
a) 9 to 14
b) 8 to 10
c) 11 to 15
d) 14 to 19


Answer: a [Reason:] In case of vertical curves, the sight distance is an important requirement for the safety of travel. It it is necessary that sight distance of adequate length should be available in different situations to permit driver enough time and distance to control their vehicles so that there are no unwarranted accidents.

15. _____ provide gradual introduction of super elevation.
a) Transition curves
b) Summit curves
c) Joint curves
d) Adjoining curves


Answer: a [Reason:] The transition curves are necessary for a vehicle to have smooth entry of straight section into circular curve. They provide aesthetic experience of the road. They provide graduate introduction of super elevation.

Strength of Materials MCQ Set 3

1. Unsymmetrical bending occurs due to ______
a) The Beam cross section is unsymmetrical
b) The shear Centre does not coincide with neutral axis
c) The Beam is subjected to trust in addition to bending moment
d) The bending moment diagram is unsymmetrical


Answer: d [Reason:] If the bending moment diagram of a beam seems to unsymmetrical, then with respect to that diagram, the bending is said to be unsymmetrical bending.

2. A body having similar properties throughout its volume is said to be___
a) Isotropic
b) Homogeneous
c) Continuous
d) Uniform


Answer: b [Reason:] A body having similar properties throughout its volume is said to be “homogeneous” and the material which exhibit the same elastic properties in all directions is called “isotropic”.

3. Principal plane has____
a) Maximum shear stress
b) Maximum tensile stress
c) Zero shear stress
d) Minimum bending stress


Answer: c [Reason:] Principal stress is a magnitude of direct stress, across a principal plane which is particular plane having no shear stress at all.

4. Calculate the Strain energy that can be stored in a body to be pulled with 100 N/mm2 stress (f) and E = 2×105 N/mm2.
a) 0.9 kNm
b) 0.05kNm
c) 0.87kNm
d) 0.54kNm


Answer: b [Reason:] Strain energy stored in the body be “U” = f2/ 2 E × Volume.
= 1002/ 2×2×105
= 0.05 kNm.

5. Materials exhibiting time bound behaviour are known as_______
a) Isentropic
b) Reactive
c) Fissile
d) Visco elastic


Answer: d [Reason:] Materials exhibiting time bound behaviour popularly known as visco elastic and if a body having similar properties throughout its volume it is known as homogeneous and according to one assumption, the concrete is considered to be a homogeneous material.

6. What are the units of true strain?
a) Kg/m2
b) Kg/ m3
c) No dimensions
d) N/mm


Answer: c [Reason:] As we know strain is the ratio of change in dimension to original dimension. It is denoted by “e”. Metres/metres hence no dimensions.

7. Revert size is generally expressed in terms of_______
a) Shank width
b) Girder length
c) Lap length
d) Shank diameter


Answer: d [Reason:] Rivets are ductile metal pins of often used for joining structure members as in case of trusses, stanchions plate girders, cylindrical shells etc. The distance between two heads is known as shank and rivet size is generally expressed in terms of shank diameter.

8. ________ joints are necessary to keep a structure safe against shrinkage.
a) Construction
b) Functional
c) Transverse
d) Longitudinal


Answer: b [Reason:] Functional joints are necessary to keep the structures safe against shrinkage, expansion sliding and warping of concrete. These types of joints are made by forming continuous breaks in large continuous areas of structures at suitable distance apart distance apart. The joints or breaks may be 6 to 38 mm wide.

9. The specific gravity of sand is __________
a) 2.8
b) 2.25
c) 3.2
d) 2.65


Answer: d [Reason:] The specific gravity of sand is 2.65.

Materials Specific gravity
Trap 2.9
Gravel 2.66
Granite 2.8
Sand 2.65

10. To what radius a silver strip 200 mm wide and 40 mm thick can be bent if the maximum stress in the ship is 80 N/mm2. Young’s modulus for Silver is 80×103 N/mm2.
a) 20m
b) 30m
c) 15m
d) 35m


Answer: a [Reason:] Here, b = 200 mm; d = 40mm
y = 40/2 = 20 mm
f = 80N/mm2
From the relation; E/R = f/y
R = E×y / f
= 80000×20 / 80
= 20000mm = 20m.

Strength of Materials MCQ Set 4

1. In simple bending, ______ is constant.
a) Shear force
b) Loading
c) Deformation
d) Bending moment


Answer: d [Reason:] If a beam is undergone with simple bending, the beam deforms under the action of bending moment. If this bending moment is constant and does not affected by any shear force, then the beam is in state of simple bending.

2. If a beam is subjected to pure bending, then the deformation of beam is_____
a) Arc of circle
b) Triangular
c) Trapezoidal
d) Rectangular


Answer: a [Reason:] The beam being subjected to pure bending, there will be only bending moment and no shear force it results in the formation of an arc of circle with some radius known as radius of curvature.

3. When a beam is subjected to simple bending, ____________ is same in both tension and compression for the material.
a) Modulus of rigidity
b) Modulus of elasticity
c) Poisson’s ratio
d) Modulus of section


Answer: b [Reason:] It is one of the most important assumptions made in the theory of simple bending that is the modulus of elasticity that is Young’s modulus [E] is same in both tension and compression for the material and the stress in a beam do not exceed the elastic limit.

4. Statement: “ E/R = M/I = f/y is a bending equation “.
Above mentioned statement is
a) True
b) False


Answer: a [Reason:] The above-mentioned equation is absolutely correct.
E/R = M/I = f/y is a bending equation. It is also known as flexure equation (or) equation for theory of simple bending.
E stands for Young’s modulus or modulus of elasticity.
R stands for radius of curvature.
M stands for bending moment
I stands for moment of inertia
f stands for bending stress
y stands for neutral axis.

5. Maximum Shearing stress in a beam is at _____
a) Neutral axis
b) Extreme fibres
c) Mid span
d) Action of loading


Answer: a [Reason:] Shearing stress is defined as the resistance offered by the internal stress to the shear force. Shearing stress in a beam is maximum at neutral axis.

6. At the neutral axis, bending stress is _____
a) Minimum
b) Maximum
c) Zero
d) Constant


Answer: c [Reason:] Neutral axis is defined as a line of intersection of neutral plane or neutral layer on a cross section at the neutral axis of that section. At the NA, bending stress or bending strain is zero. The first moment of area of a beam section about neutral axis is also zero. The layer of neutral axis neither contracts nor extends.

7. Curvature of the beam is __________ to bending moment.
a) Equal
b) Directly proportion
c) Inversely proportion
d) Coincides


Answer: b [Reason:] From the flexural equation, we have 1/R is called as the “curvature of the beam”.
1 / R = M / EI
Hence the curvature of the beam is directly proportional to bending moment and inversely proportional to flexural rigidity (EI).

8. What are the units of flexural rigidity?
a) Nm2
b) Nm
c) N/m
d) m/N3


Answer: a [Reason:] The product of young’s modulus (E) of the material and moment of inertia (I) of the beam section about its neutral axis is called flexural rigidity.
Units for E are N/m2
Units for I are m4
Their product is Nm2.

9. What are the units for section modulus?
a) m2
b) m4
c) m3
d) m


Answer: c [Reason:] The ratio of moment of inertia to the distance to the extreme fibre is called modulus of section or section modulus. It is generally denoted by the letter Z. Section modulus is expressed in m3
Z = I/y
= m4/ m
= m3 .

10. What are the units of axial stiffness?
a) m3
b) m2
c) N/ m
d) -m


Answer: c [Reason:] Axial rigidity is a product of young’s modulus (E) and the cross-sectional area (A) of that section. Axial rigidity per unit length is known as axial stiffness the s i units of axial stiffness are Newton per metre (N/m).

11. Calculate the modulus of section of rectangle beam of size 240 mm × 400 mm.
a) 5.4 × 106 mm3
b) 6.2 × 106 mm3
c) 5.5 × 106 mm3
d) 6.4 × 106 mm3


Answer: d [Reason:] b = 240 mm & d = 400 mm
Moment of inertia (I) = bd3/12; y = d/2
Section modulus (Z) = I/y = bd2/ 6
= 1/6 × 240 × 400 ×400
= 6.4 × 106 mm3.

12. What is the product of force and radius?
a) Twisting shear
b) Turning shear
c) Turning moment
d) Tilting moment


Answer: c [Reason:] Twisting moment will be equal to the product of the perpendicular force and existing radius. Denoted by letter T and SI units are Nm.

13. Determine section modulus for beam of 100mm diameter.
a) 785 × 103 mm3
b) 456 × 103 mm3
c) 87 × 103 mm3
d) 98 × 103 mm3


Answer: d [Reason:] d = 300mm
For circular sections; I = π / 64 × d4
y= d/2
Z = π/32 × d3 (d = 100 mm)
Z = 98.17 × 103mm3.

Strength of Materials MCQ Set 5

1. Calculate the eccentricity of a trapezoidal dam with distance between the centre of gravity and point where the resultant cuts the base is 5m. The bottom width of dam be 3m.
a) 2.5m
b) 3.5m
c) 4.5m
d) 5m


Answer: b [Reason:] The eccentricity (e) = Z – b/2.
Z= distance between the centre of gravity and point where the resultant cuts the base is 5m.
= 5-3/2 = 1.5m.

2. Which of the following is not a failure of retaining wall?
a) Structural slide
b) Shear sliding
c) Crushing
d) Slope pitching


Answer: c [Reason:] Crushing Failure is related to dams. The retaining walls are the structures constructed to store earth on one side especially in case of hill or ghat roads.

3. ________ pressure which occurs commonly in dams.
a) Passive earth pressure
b) Active earth pressure
c) Soil moisture tension
d) Wind pressure


Answer: b [Reason:] Active earth pressure is exerted by backfill on retaining walls. It is also called as practical pressure. It occurs commonly in dams.

4. _________ failures contribute 40% to earthen dams.
a) Seepage
b) Structural
c) Hydraulic
d) Natural


Answer: c [Reason:] On the basis of various investigation reports and case studies, hydraulic failures contribute about 40% of failures to earthen dams. The rest of failures is shared by seepage failures and structural failures.

5. Which of the following filters are also known as chimney drains?
a) Horizontal filter
b) Inclined filter
c) Rock toe
d) Toe drain


Answer: b [Reason:] The filters which are laid across the outer slope of the impervious core are called as inclined filters. They are also known as Chimney drains. They are provided mainly to collect the seepage emerging out of the core.

6. Zoned earthen dams are also known as ______
a) Heterogeneous dams
b) Core wall dams
c) Homogeneous dams
d) Hydraulic dam


Answer: a [Reason:] The dams are constructed on shallow pervious foundations in this dam section about outer zones are made fairly pervious material and the inner most zoning called “hearting” is done was fairly impervious material. It is also known as heterogeneous dam.

7._____ dams are built with key trenches.
a) Heterogeneous earth dam
b) Homogeneous earth dam
c) Earth Dam with Core wall
d) Rolled fill dam


Answer: c [Reason:] The outer zones of this dam are made of pervious material as in zoned dam. In this case, it is essentially build cut-off wall (cut-off trench) built quite deep preferably upto impervious rock layer in the foundation.

8. Line of seepage is also known as____
a) Hydraulic gradient
b) Phreatic line
c) Seepage gradient
d) Hydraulic seepage line


Answer: b [Reason:] The line within the dam section below which there are positive hydrostatic pressures in a dam and above the line the hydrostatic pressures are negative. It gives a divide line between dry and saturated soils.

9.______ represents the top stream line.
a) Phreatic line
b) Hydraulic gradient line
c) Seepage gradient
d) Hydraulic seepage line


Answer: a [Reason:] Phreatic line is also called as line of seepage or saturation line. The phreatic line represents the top streamline and hence helps us in drawing the flow net.

10. The hydrostatic pressures on phreatic line is equal to____
a) Zero
b) Maximum
c) Minimum
d) Constant


Answer: a [Reason:] The hydrostatic pressure on phreatic line is equal to atmospheric pressure and hence equal to zero, the flow through the body of the dam below the phreatic line reduces the effective weight of the soil and thus reduces the shear strength of the soil.

11. Expand MWL?
a) Minimum water level
b) Maximum water level
c) Meagre water level
d) Most wind level


Answer: b [Reason:] The water level that is attained during floods is called maximum water level. The dams and spillway sections are designed to withstand water pressure at this level.

12. ______ is the difference of Level between full reservoir level and top of the dam.
a) Net free board
b) Gross free board
c) Design free board
d) Over free board


Answer: b [Reason:] In dams, in order to prevent the overtopping during peak floods, a sufficient margin is provided between the full reservoir level and top of the dam. This is known as gross free board.

13. By keeping the phreatic line within the downstream toe, the ___ can be avoided.
a) Piping
b) Gullying
c) Sloughing
d) Over topping


Answer: c [Reason:] If the filter at downstream side toe is choked then also the downstream too becomes saturated. In such circumstances, some erosion occurs in downstream toe this causes sloughing. To avoid this phreatic line must be within the downstream toe.

14. Springs(closely coiled) are examples of _____
a) stiffness
b) hardness
c) toughness
d) creep


Answer: a [Reason:] The property of a material or substance which offers resistance to bending action and measures the load required to be applied is called stiffness. It is denoted by s or k. Springs are the best examples of stiffness.

15. Perennial canals are also known as ________
a) Inundation canal
b) Productive canal
c) Feeder canal
d) Permanent canal


Answer: d [Reason:] The canal which is fed by permanent source of supply is said to be a permanent Canal. It has also regulatory works. This canal is also sometimes known as perennial canal.

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