Refund Policy is a market leader for academic help and we providing homework solution to distance learning courses. You can view Refund Policy of before purchase.

We provide reference material and you must use for study purpose only. We never commit for marks.

No cash or refund of money will be allowed after completing transaction except yearly course completion study plan. View Course Completion Study Plan Refund Policy.

Money back guarantee study plan

There are two Course Completion Study Plan i.e. One year and Two year

There are two part in one year plan

1 Year Plan100% Money back guarantee terms
1st semester100% refund if drop course or not success due to any reason in 1st semester
2nd semester50% refund if drop course or not success due to any reason in 2nd semester

2 Year Plan100% Money back guarantee terms
1st semester100% refund if drop course or not success due to any reason in 1st semester
2nd semester75% refund if drop course or not success due to any reason in 2nd semester
3rd semester50% refund if drop course or not success due to any reason in 3rd semester
4th semester25% refund if drop course or not success due to any reason in 4th semester



DistPub India Team provide academic writing help and we are working from year 2007 with highest satisfactions of student.