Q1: An equation that can be written as ax2 + bx +C = 0, is called a___
Answer: quadratic equationAnswer
Q2: A matrix consisting of m rows and n columns, where m ≠ n, is called a___matrix
Answer: RectangularAnswer
Q3: Which sign identify the two sides are equal for all values of x, which can be confirmed by multiplying out the right-hand side
Answer: =Answer
Q4: F+Dx=___
Answer: TAnswer
Q5: 2x+4=8, we call this equation as___
Answer: LinearAnswer
Q6: a+a=2a is an example of___
Answer: Deterministic variablesAnswer
Q7: a+a=3a is an example of___
Answer: Heuristic variablesAnswer
Q8: Solve this equation: Find value of x 8x+14=34
Answer: 2.5Answer
Q9: In 2x+4=8, which one is dependent, independent, numeric coefficient
Answer: X-independent 2, 4 – numeric coefficientAnswer
Q10: Y=f(X), we call as___function
Answer: IdentityAnswer
Q11: Vectors can have more than___elements, but two vectors can only be added together if both have the same number of elements
Answer: TwoAnswer
Q12: matrix having only one row is called a___matrix
Answer: RowAnswer
Q13: [4 1 2 7] is a 1 x 4 is an example of___
Answer: RowAnswer
Q14: The probabilities of___events can be added to obtain the probability that one of a givencollection of the events will occur
Answer: mutually exclusiveAnswer
Q15: Input-output system is a___loop identified as managerial control system
Answer: FeedbackAnswer
Q16: ___revenue is a function
Answer: SalesAnswer
Q17: ___Equation may be defined as an equation where the power of the variable(s) is one, and no cross or product terms are present
Answer: LinearAnswer
Q18: If the customer, responsible for the order [4 2], If he asked for it to be tripled, it would become [12 6]. is called a___to distinguish it from a vector
Answer: ScalarAnswer
Q19: The set of values of dependent variable is called the___
Answer: RangeAnswer
Q20: We can assign a specific numerical value to each element of the set of events, a function that assigns these numerical values is termed a random variable
Answer: RandomAnswer
Q21: ___variables are those variables whose values are not governed by the values of another variable
Answer: IndependentAnswer
Q22: A square matrix with each of its diagonal elements equal to unity and all non-diagonal elements equal to zero, is called an ____ matrix
Answer: identityAnswer
Q23: A different example of a Bernoulli process is a survey to determine whether or not consumers prefer liquid to powdered soaps
Answer: SurveyAnswer
Q24: As stated above, the set of values of independent variable is called the___
Answer: DomainAnswer
Q25: The___process has both physical and mental properties
Answer: transformationAnswer
Q26: Matrix algebra also has the advantage of presenting a system of several equations in a compact form
Answer: Correct – TrueAnswer
Q27: ___variables can be measured with certainty. Thus, equal measures have equal cumulative impact
Answer: DeterministicAnswer
Q28: If the quantities of products that can be supplied by all the firms in this industry are totalled up for each price level of the product, this gives us the ___ function for the market as a whole
Answer: total supplyAnswer
Q29: How many ways are there for solving any pair of simultaneous linear equations
Answer: 3Answer
Q30: Letters from the end of the alphabet are used to represent___quantities
Answer: unknownAnswer
Q31: ___variables are those that exist in highly complex, unstructured, perhaps unknown decision making situations
Answer: HeuristicAnswer
Q32: A matrix having only one column is called a___matrix
Answer: ColumnAnswer
Q33: The probability of good and defective parts may remain___through a production run, but it may vary from run to run
Answer: Stable/ConstantAnswer
Q34: Variables whose values are dependent on the values taken by another variable are called the___variables
Answer: dependentAnswer
Q35: The fact that there are differences of opinion even over the definition of probability will serve as a warning to the reader of the difficulties of the subject, for there were no such disagreements over the subjects
Answer: Correct – TrueAnswer
Q36: Identity matrix is a particular case of a scalar matrix where each of its diagonal elements is not equal to unity
Answer: Wrong – FalseAnswer
Q37: ___are the terms used for mathematical quantities that can assume any values within a given set
Answer: VariablesAnswer
Q38: It became apparent to every decision maker that___variables had different properties and specific quantitative control mechanisms
Answer: quantifiedAnswer
Q39: ___making task results in an output which is the evidence of the decision taken
Answer: Every decisionAnswer
Q40: A triangular matrix can be
Answer: Upper triangular and Lower triangularAnswer
Q41: There would certainly be___agreement on this probability than there would be on the probabilities of drawing a red ball, or of a fair coin coming up heads
Answer: lessAnswer
Q42: Two or more equations are said to be___if they have the same solution
Answer: equivalentAnswer
Q43: Y is double of X. Which is dependent and independent
Answer: X-independent variabley-dependent variable (function X is called the independent variable and Y is called the dependent variable)Answer
Q44: Matrix algebra deals with a system of quadratic equations only
Answer: Wrong – FalseAnswer
Q45: All___methods can be applied using computer, but in practice computer programs tend to prefer matrix methods because of the wider applications of matrices
Answer: ThreeAnswer
Q46: The prices and quantity at the point of market equilibrium are known as___
Answer: equilibrium priceAnswer
Q47: ___methods are extremely valuable if there are a large number of different sets of equations, all of which have the same matrix of coefficients
Answer: MatrixAnswer
Q48: Probabilities of all the various possible outcomes of a trial must sum to___
Answer: OneAnswer
Q49: equilibrium___would be the price in the market
Answer: priceAnswer
Q50: ___of a row vector by a column vector, which always results in a scalar, is called the scalar multiplication of vectors
Answer: multiplicationAnswer
Q51: In order to state the range of values for which each of these equations is valid, it is necessary to use one of the family of symbols known as inequalities
Answer: Correct – TrueAnswer
Q52: Fitting demand and supply curves is much more___than solving other business situations
Answer: tediousAnswer
Q53: A statement of equality containing one or more variable is known as an___
Answer: equationAnswer
Q54: In equation Ax+B=0, what A and B denotes
Answer: real numberAnswer
Q55: A vector may also___a vector
Answer: multiplyAnswer
Q56: Quantitative relationships between different variables mathematically is known as___
Answer: FunctionAnswer
Q57: The difference between revenue and total production costs can be described as___
Answer: gross profitAnswer
Q58: Supply and Demand Functions are an important field of study for the___
Answer: economistsAnswer
Q59: A matrix is a___array of numbers arranged into rows and columns, where the numbers acquire meaning from their position in the array
Answer: Square/rectangularAnswer
Q60: (2)(1) is a 3*1 is an example of___(4)
Answer: ColumnAnswer
Q61: The probability of each value of the random variable is___to the sum of the probabilities of the events assigned to that value of the random variable
Answer: EqualAnswer
Q62: a set of equations which has___unique solution always gives a determinant of value zero and always provides a singular matrix. It is customary to speak
Answer: of “the determinant of a matrix” provided that it is a square matrixAnswer
Q63: f(X)=A for all X, we call as___function
Answer: CostantAnswer
Q64: What are the steps generally followed in the organization of field observations?
Answer: Determination of nature and limits of observationAnswer
Determination of time, place and subject of study
Determination of the investigators
Provision of mechanical appliances needed
Q65: A strategy can also be dominated when it isinferior to an average of two or more pure strategies is called___
Answer: Average DominanceAnswer
Q66: Useful and necessary data is available but is often in a form or location that makes it uneconomical and in feasible to retrieve is called___
Answer: InaccessibilityAnswer
Q67: All relevant information is known to each___
Answer: playerAnswer
Q68: ___attempt to combine cross section and time series aspects much like space-time representations
Answer: GeneralAnswer
Q69: the information is completely known and the outcome of a specified decision can be predetermined with certainty is called___
Answer: Deterministic situationAnswer
Q70: It provides a base on which further information can be collected to update it and finally use it. It provides valuable insights and contextual familiarity with thesubject matter is called___
Answer: Information insightAnswer
Q71: The payoff is___in advance
Answer: fixedAnswer
Q72: the producing activity is treated as single strata is called___
Answer: AggregateAnswer
Q73: An assignment problem is a special type of___problem
Answer: transportationAnswer
Q74: they quantify the movements for a shorttime period for a number of Origins and Destinations is known as___
Answer: Cross SectionAnswer
Q75: The game theory may not be suitable for___situationswhere there are number of companies/firms involved
Answer: oligopolyAnswer
Q76: ___programs often have the advantage of being more realistic than LPs, but the disadvantage of being much harder to solve
Answer: IntegersAnswer
Q77: ___is the availability of resources during planning horizon
Answer: LimitedAnswer
Q78: The players attempt to maximise___and minimise losses
Answer: gainsAnswer
Q79: In___situation, the decision maker knows the likelihood of the occurrence of each of state ofnature
Answer: StochasticAnswer
Q80: provides a method of rational decision making when consequences are not fully known
Answer: Correct – TrueAnswer
Q81: It is the decision rule which is always followed bythe player to select the particular course of action is called___
Answer: pure strategyAnswer
Q82: What are the types of interview
Answer: QuantitativeAnswer
Q83: It is applicable to those competitive situations which are technically known as___games
Answer: competitiveAnswer
Q84: Law of Statistical Regularity depends on which factors
Answer: Option 1: The larger the sample, the more reliable are its indications for the populationAnswer
(ii) The sample must be chosen at random
Q85: It is the effectiveness of particular combination of a course of action and state of nature. These are also called as conditional values/profits
Answer: Correct – TrueAnswer
Q86: An individual/group responsible for making a choice of appropriate course of action is decision makers
Answer: Correct – TrueAnswer
Q87: ___data needs of the manager vary with the level at which they are operating and the function within which they are working
Answer: Lack of identificationAnswer
Q88: The assumption in game theory that___player tries tomaximise the gains and the other tries to minimise the lossesmay not be true in case of today’s dynamic businessman
Answer: oneAnswer
Q89: Questions, which are of descriptive type and allow the respondent to cite his experiences, are known as___questions
Answer: open-endedAnswer
Q90: The___model of linear programming is a flow optimization technique
Answer: TransportationAnswer
Q91: Diagrams give more information means
Answer: In addition to thedepiction of the characteristics of data, the diagrams maybring out other hidden facts and relations which are notpossible to know from the classified and tabulated dataAnswer
Q92: Principles of Dominance are
Answer: RowAnswer
Q93: Reduce the matrix by selecting the___element ineach row and subtract with other elements in that row
Answer: SmallestAnswer
Q94: The___for a player is the list of all possiblecourses of actions that he will take for every pay-off that mightarise
Answer: strategyAnswer
Q95: Each player has available to him a___set of possiblecourses of action
Answer: finiteAnswer
Q96: Businessmen do not have the___of game theory and all the alternative strategies available to them or their competitors
Answer: knowledgeAnswer
Q97: It is used as a scientific approach to decision making and an optimization technique used in operations research. It is applied to maximize the cost or minimize the profit
Answer: Correct – TrueAnswer
Q98: The term ‘game’ represents a conflict between two or more___
Answer: organizationsAnswer
Q99: The questions that lack clarity and are so worded that the meaning is not clear are known as___questions. Such questions normally should not be included in the questionnaire as they are likely to confuse therespondent. The meaning of such questions is not uniformlyconvulsed to all the respondents
Answer: ambiguousAnswer
Q100: What are the methods of Primary Data Collection
Answer: ObservationAnswer
Personal interview
Case study – all answers