In this method first the trainer describes the situations and different personalities involved. Then the trainee is asked to play the role of those personalities in different situations. In the end both the trainer and trainee appraise each player’s effectiveness and suggest how performance of each has been improved.
Thus, role playing can be defined as “a method of human interaction which involves realistic behaviour in an imaginary situation”.
The merits of the role-playing method are:
- Learning by doing is emphasised.
- Human sensitivity and interactions are stressed.
- The knowledge of results is immediate.
- Trainee interest and involvement tend to be high.
- Trainees learn to accept criticism from others and the group soon recognises that sound suggestions benefit everyone.
- Role player’s practice introspection through participating in the appraisal of their own performances.
- Role playing provides chance to learn valuable tricks and gain acting experience.
(Learning by Doing)
The case is a set of data (real or fictional, written or oral). Miniature description and summary of such data presents issues and problems calling for solutions or action on the part of trainee.
Example: When the trainees are given cases to analyse, they are asked to identify the problem and to recommend tentative solutions through group discussions.