Although the personal interview is the most widely used method of selection of employees, it has its limitations. It is a costly, inefficient and usually invalid procedure. It is vitiated by the bias, prejudices and subjective attitude of the interviewer. Because of these drawbacks, it is aided by psychological tests.
A test is a systematic procedure for comparing the behaviour of two or more persons. Many firms use psychological tests in the staffing process. Psychological tests are superior to interviews since tests are mainly objective and impartial and free from biases.
A psychological test is an objective and standardized measure of a sample of behaviour from which inferences are drawn as to future behaviour or performance.
It is used to measure the abilities, aptitudes, interest, intelligence and personality of an individual in quantitative terms.
With the help of these tests, it is possible to determine how much of a given characteristic an individual possesses in relation to others with whom he is being compared. Tests are the most misused; the least understood yet the most valuable sources of information about applicants.
Psychological tests are not as widely used in India as in the West. In the selection of skilled workers, trade tests are used. Tests represent sample problems or short tasks which demand similar ability for their solution as that which is required in the particular job to be filled.
Tests are used in business mainly for three purposes – (i) the selection and placement of new employees; (ii) appraising employees for promotional potential and (iii) counseling employees. Tests are also sometimes used in selecting employees for training purposes and in evaluating candidates for transfer.
Tests that are used for selection are of various kinds. These are intelligence tests, personality tests, interest tests, special aptitude tests, achievement tests, performance tests and paper and pencil tests.
Intelligence tests are designed to measure a candidate’s mental calibre, thus helping to assess if he is likely to be bright enough to meet the demands the job would make on him.
Special aptitude tests measure whether the candidate has the potential ability to learn a specific job if he is given adequate training. All sorts of aptitudes can be tested-mathematical, practical, mechanical, musical, journalistic, etc.
Performance tests imply doing something with materials and instruments while paper and pencil tests involve checking answers to written questions.
Achievement or proficiency tests measure the degree of mastery or skills already acquired in a given job.