Competency Mapping begins with identifying key competencies for an organization and/or a job and incorporating those competencies throughout the various processes (i.e. job evaluation, training, recruitment) of the organization. With a competency based job description, the second step involves mapping those competencies throughout the organization’s human resources processes. The competencies of the respective job description also become factors for assessment on performance evaluation. Using competencies helps in more objective evaluations based on displayed or not displayed behaviors. Taking competency mapping one step further, the results of performance evaluation can be used to identify in what competencies individuals need additional development or training.
Building Competency Models
There are three ways in which competencies models may be developed:
- Behavioral Indicators: Behavioral indicators describe the behaviors, thought patterns, abilities and traits that contribute to superior performance.
- Evaluative Competency Levels: Exceptional competencies of high performers are set as standards for evaluating competency levels of employees.
- Competencies Describing Job Requirements: This approach is useful for organizations having multiple competency models. Competencies required in a particular job are described. Job specific competency models help in structuring focused appraisal and compensation decisions.