Q51261 A car company is faced with an allocation problem resulting from a rental agreement, which allow cars to be returned to locations other than those from where they were originally rented. At the present time there are two locations with 15 and 13 cars respectively and 4 locations requiring 9, 6, 7 and 9 cars respectively. Table 1 depicts the unit transportation costs (in dollars) between the locations.


D1 D2 D3 D4
Sources S1 45 17 21 30
S2 14 18 19 31
Table 1 Unit Transportation Costs between Locations

Obtain a minimum cost schedule.


Since the supply and requirements are not equal it is called an unbalanced transportation problem. In general, if £ai£bj then it is called an unbalanced transportation problem. We introduce either a dummy row or a column with cost zero quantities and £bi£aj respectively. Applying Vogel’s approximation method we find the basic feasible solution. Table 2 depicts the basic feasible solution.

Table 2: Basic Feasible Solution using Vogel’s Approximation Method

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21 8 image 1070

For non-allocated cells, determine cij– uI– vi. Since all the quantities are non-negative, the current solution is optimal. The minimum transportation cost is equal to:

6×17+3×21+6×30+9×14+4×19+3×0 = 547.

This is achieved by transporting x12 = 6 cars from source 1 to destination 2, x13 = 3, x14 = 6 cars from sources 1 to destinations 3 and 4 respectively; x21 = 9 and x33 = 4 cars from sources 2 to destinations 1 and 3 respectively.


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