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1. Digitization of Land Records: Bhoomi Project
Bhoomi project is an attempt made by Karnataka State Government for Computerization of Land Records. This project is sponsored jointly by Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India and State Government of Karnataka.
Under the Bhoomi E-Governance project all 20 million land records of 6.7 million land owners in 176 taluks of Karnataka have been computerized. This system works with the software called “BHOOMI” designed fully in-house by National Informatics Center, Bangalore.
(i) Important Features of BHOOMI
- This software provides for printing of land records as and when required.
- It incorporates process of online updation to ensure that the RTCs provided to the farmers is in sync with the time.
- All the mutations to the land records database are done on the computer itself so as to ensure that data on computer remain current with time.
- It incorporates the state of the art bio-logon metrics system from Compaq, which authenticates various users on the Bhoomi software on the basis of fingerprints. This ensures that no body can hack the system by imitating other users.
- This software also has the provision of scanning of original mutation orders of the revenue inspector (who is the authorized person to pass orders in the mutations in the field) and notices served on interested parties. Both documents are scanned to ensure that not only responsibility can be fixed on Officials by showing the original documents signed by them but also to ensure that the interested parties do not claim in the court that they were not served with the notice before effecting the mutation.
- The software enables the administrators to generate various reports based on type of soil, land holding size, type of crops grown etc. This information would enable administrators to take informed policy decision.
(ii) Components of Bhoomi
There are 3 main components in Bhoomi system –
- The computer centre where mutation and updation are done in online fashion. It includes finger print authentication and scanning of important documents to ensure robust and secured system. Most of the components of the Computer Centre are funded under the Central Scheme.
- Land Records kiosk from where the farmers can collect the copy of their record by paying Rs.15. They can also lodge request for mutation to their land records . the Kiosk is fully funded by State Government.
- Touch Screen Kiosk where farmers can see their land related information without anybody’s intervention or help.
(iii) Benefits of Bhoomi

2. Indian Railways RAILNET
The Indian Railways is Asia’s largest and the world’s second largest rail network. Adopting e-Governance in right earnest and to reap the benefit of IT explosion, Indian Railways have established a ‘Corporate Wide Information System’ (CWIS) called RAILNET. It provides smooth flow of information on demand for administrative purposes, which would enable taking quicker and better decisions.
Realizing the important role that information plays in customer services and in railways operations, IR had embarked on its computerization program. IR developed a dedicated skeletal communication network, as a basic requirement for train operation. After the early introduction of basic computer applications e.g. Pay rolls, Inventory Control and Operating Statistics, Railways went for deployment of computers for productivity improvement through building up operational databases.
(i) Use of IT in Railway

(ii) RailNET MIS
For running any business organization, the efficiency of the MIS is very important. Indian Railways have many areas, where use of IT is going to have a telling effect. Some of these are listed down:
CRIS has developed RBCS for collecting budgetary inputs from the different zones and production units of the Indian Railways. The system facilitates capturing of data, building of database, analysis of demands and pruning of the estimates for inclusion in the Railway Budget. Besides MIS reports, the system enables printing of budget documents in bilingual, Hindi and English. This system is implemented at 88 locations spread over Zonal Railways and Production Units apart from Railway Board.