A Job description is a written statement of what the job holder actually does, how he or she does it, and under what conditions the job is performed. This information is in turn used to write a job specification. This lists the knowledge, abilities, and skills needed to perform the job satisfactorily. While there is no standard format you must use in writing a job description, most descriptions contain at least sections on:
- Job Identification: It includes the job title, alterative title, department, division, and plant and code number of the job. The job title identifies and designates the job properly, the department, division, etc., indicate the name of the department where it is situated – whether it is the maintenance department, mechanical shop etc. Location gives the name of the place. This portion of job description gives answer to two important questions: to what higher level job is this job accountable. And who is supervised directly?
- Job Summary: Job summary describes the contents of the jobs in terms of activities or tasks performed. Job summary should clear the nature of the job. Primary, secondary and other duties to be performed on the job should clearly be indicated separately.
- Duties and Responsibilities: This is the most important phase of job description and should be prepared very carefully. It describes the duties to be performed along with frequency of each major duty. Responsibilities concerning custody of money, supervision and training of staff etc. are also described in this part.
4. Supervision: Under it is given number of persons to be supervised along with their job titles, and the extent of supervision involved –general, intermediate or close supervision.
5. Relation to Other Jobs: It describes the vertical and horizontal relationships f work flow. It also indicates to whom the jobholder will report and who will report to him. It gives an idea of channels of promotion.
6. Machine, tools and equipment define each major type or trade name of the machines and tools and the raw materials used.
7. Working Conditions: The working environment in terms of heat, light, noise, dust and fumes etc, the job hazards and possibility of their occurrence and working conditions should also be described. It will be helpful in job evaluation.
8. Social Environment: It specifies the social conditions under which the work will be performed. In this part the size of work group, interpersonal interactions required to perform the job and development facilities are mentioned