Quantitative Techniques for Management Application UPES MCQ Set 2 for 2022



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Latest UPES Online MCQ QTM Question Answer for 2022

Q1: Theory of equations is frequently used in solving the problems of ____________.
a) Companies
b) People
c) Business
d) None

Q2: Function form only tells us that there is a ____________ between the variables.
a) Equations
b) Relationships
c) Policies
d) Formulations

Q3: A statement of equality containing one or more variable is known as an _______________.
a) Equations
b) Policies
c) Frmulaes
d) Creatotions

Q4: _____________ nature is assumed that all the coefficients and resources are known with certainty and it is not affected by time and uncertainty.
a) Discriptive
b) Deterministic
c) Different
d) Directional

Q5: The aim of the game is to determine how the players must select their respective strategies such that the pay-off is _____________.
a) Reduced
b) Maximized
c) Minimized
d) Optimized

Q6: The __________________ model of linear programming is a flow optimization technique.
a) Linear
b) Transportation
c) Mathemetical
d) Scientific

Q7: Buying a house, manufacturing a product, spending money on a show are examples of _______________.
a) Labour
b) Land
c) Variables
d) Capital

Q8: The degeneracy occurs in the transportation problem when we find ________ and observe that if the numbers of occupied cells are less than the total number of rows plus columns minus one).
a) FCS
b) IFS
c) FSC
d) FFC

Q9: A decision always involves choice among several _______________.
a) Alternatives
b) Problems
c) Decisions
d) None

Q10: ___________ strategy is the decision rule which is always followed by the player to select the particular course of action.
a) Clean
b) Big
c) Formal
d) Pure

Q11: If Maximum value in row is equal to the minimum value in column, then saddle point _______________.
a) Exist
b) Does not exist
c) Lost
d) calculated

Q12: When the player has alternative courses of action and he has to select combination of these with some fixed probabilities are known to as ____________ strategy.
a) Pure
b) Mixed
c) Informal
d) None

Q13: The outcome of the play depends on every combination of courses of __________.
a) Choices
b) Policies
c) Actions
d) Lists

Q14: _____________ management decisions are primarily company-wide in nature.
a) High
b) Middle
c) Lower
d) None

Q15: To convert the unbalanced transportation problem into a balanced problem, add a _____________ destination.
a) Extra
b) Dummy
c) Single
d) Double

Q16: VAM stands for Vogels Approximation ___________________.
a) Machine
b) Maximization
c) Minimization
d) Method

Q17: ___________ condition is the necessary and sufficient condition for determining the optimal solution any transportation problem.
a) Effective
b) Formal
c) Rim
d) Demand

Q18: ________________ is a type of Assignment problem.
a) Zero
b) Formulae
c) Propotional
d) Restricted

Q19: In a payoff matrix ____________ point is one which is the smallest value in its row and the largest value in the column.
a) Saddle
b) Valuable
c) Average
d) None

Q20: A variable, the building block of the decision task, may be seen as a small piece of a complex _________________.
a) Building
b) Behaviour
c) Emotions
d) Mutimodels

Q21: A statement of equality containing one or more variable is known as an _______________.
a) Equations
b) Policies
c) Frmulaes
d) Creatotions

Q22: Variables whose values are dependent on the values taken by another variable are called the _______________ variables.
a) Permanent
b) Temporary
c) Dependent
d) Independent

Q23: Theory of equations is frequently used in solving the problems of ____________.
a) Companies
b) People
c) Business
d) None

Q24: A linear function is never an ideal model of production __________________.
a) Cost
b) Income
c) Loss
d) All Three

Q25: long-term data collection studies that can yield appreciable dividends quickly should be preferred to long term studies whose benefits may be difficult to foresee.
a) True
b) False

Q26: Function form only tells us that there is a policies between the variables.
a) True
b) False

Q27: The solution to a transportation problemwith m-rows and n-coloumns (destination) is feasible if number of positive allocations are-: m+n
a) True
b) False

Q28: Two or more equations are said to be equivalent if they have the wrong solution.
a) True
b) False

Q29: data is one of the major resources of the organization, developed over a period of time and therefore needs to be properly managed and safeguarded.
a) True
b) False

Q30: positive equations represent the linear relationship of constraints in a given situation.
a) True
b) False

Q31: A numeric value that indicate singularity or non-singularity of a square matrix is called none
a) True
b) False

Q32: For a monopolist, the demand curve for the market is the price curve to be used in calculating the loss of the firm.
a) True
b) False

Q33: The quantity demanded depends upon the price and, therefore, for a given price, we can determine the quantity Supplied
a) True
b) False

Q34: This definition of probability is called the classical or a priories definition of probability
a) True
b) False

Q35: Weighted averages have important applications in trend analysis and search
a) True
b) False

Q36: The factors of production are land, labour, capital and water.
a) True
b) False

Q37: The variables can be classified in terms of the traditional factors of production.
a) True
b) False

Q38: In the guesstimate conceptual model the forecast is based on expert opinion.
a) True
b) False

Q39: A sampling design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from the sampling frame
a) True
b) False

Q40: The most important application of geometric mean is in the construction of index numbers, i.e., averaging rates of change.
a) True
b) False

Q41: The objective should be defined implicitly
a) True
b) False

Q42: Linear Equation may be defined as an equation where the power of the variable(s) is one and no cross or product terms are present.
a) True
b) False

Q43: A dummy destination is added to the table, with a demand of 100 units.
a) True
b) False

Q44: For slow decision-making purposes, the subjective interpretation is frequently required.
a) True
b) False

Q45: If this m-1 condition is not satisfied, degeneracy occurs.
a) True
b) False

Q46: A vector may also add a vector.
a) True
b) False

Q47: In a matrix of transition probability,the probability values should add up to one in each-: all three
a) True
b) False

Q48: The set of values of the variable is known as the domain of the variable.
a) True
b) False

Q49: propotion means all relationships in objective functions and constraints are linear.
a) True
b) False

Q50: strategic decisions are concerned with external environment of the organization.
a) True
b) False

Q51: The mixed interviews are about complex and non-quantifiable subject matter.
a) True
b) False

Q52: primary data represents those items that are collected for the first time and first hand.
a) True
b) False

Q53: Averages give a historical concept to the relationship between different groups.
a) True
b) False

Q54: The none of the models play a very important role in forecasting.
a) True
b) False

Q55: The main advantage of mode is that the value of mode is not affected by the extreme values of the series
a) True
b) False

Q56: Underlying this input-output system is a feedback loop identified as managerial cordination system.
a) True
b) False

UPES MCQ Question Answer 15-May-2022 Part 2

Q1:The behaviour of the dependent variable with respect to change in independent variable(s) is different in different _____________.
0. ( ) Forms
1. ( ) Pattern
2. ( ) Variables
3. ( ) Situations

Q2:Variables are the terms used for _________________ quantities that can assume any values within a given set.
0. ( ) Georaphical
1. ( ) Economical
2. ( ) Political
3. ( ) Mathematical

Q3:A value of the variable which satisfies the given equation is called a solution or ______________.
0. ( ) Problems
1. ( ) Root
2. ( ) Results
3. ( ) None

Q4:Linear Equation may be defined as an equation where the power of the variable(s) is _______________, and no cross or product terms are present.
0. ( ) One
1. ( ) Two
2. ( ) Three
3. ( ) Four

Q5: The method to solve assignment problems wasn introduced by ______________, a Hungarian mathematician.
0. ( ) S.Phunsuk
1. ( ) D.Koing
2. ( ) J.Timothy
3. ( ) H.Hound

Q6: No player is aware of his opponent’s _____________ until he decides his own.
0. ( ) Strategies
1. ( ) Choices
2. ( ) Policies
3. ( ) Theories

Q7: The reasoning takes place in the decision making rectangle which is sometimes referred to as, quite appropriately, the ____________ box.
0. ( ) Blue
1. ( ) Red
2. ( ) Pink
3. ( ) Black

Q8: Buying a house, manufacturing a product, spending money on a show are examples of _______________.
0. ( ) Labour
1. ( ) Land
2. ( ) Variables
3. ( ) Capital

Q9: When the player has alternative courses of action and he has to select combination of these with some fixed probabilities are known to as ____________ strategy.
0. ( ) Pure
1. ( ) Mixed
2. ( ) Informal
3. ( ) None

Q10: If this _______________ condition is not satisfied, degeneracy occurs.
0. ( ) m+n-1
1. ( ) Co = m+n-1
2. ( ) m-1
3. ( ) Co=n-1

Q11: The ____________ model identifies the optimal way, but for a variety of reasons, other satisfying options may be selected and acted upon.
0. ( ) Basic
1. ( ) Forecasting
2. ( ) Programming
3. ( ) Mathematical

Q12: In industry, it is ultimately some kind of product, that is, a good service or on ___________.
0. ( ) Idea
1. ( ) Bad Service
2. ( ) Plan
3. ( ) Decision

Q13: The selection of strategy by player B is based on __________ principle.
0. ( ) Maximum
1. ( ) Minimax
2. ( ) Minimum
3. ( ) None

Q14: The objective of transportation problem is to minimize the cost of transportation under the given supply and ____________ constraints.
0. ( ) Supply
1. ( ) Demand
2. ( ) Formal
3. ( ) Informal

Q15: Each variable represents a distinct dimension of the _____________ making task.
0. ( ) Decision
1. ( ) Policy Holder
2. ( ) Formulator
3. ( ) All Three

Q16: There are _______________-wide and market-wide decisions that have to be made.
0. ( ) Formal
1. ( ) Industry
2. ( ) Promotional
3. ( ) Creation

Q17: In Assignment models, only ___________ unit can be supplied to each destination from each source.
0. ( ) One
1. ( ) Five
2. ( ) Ten
3. ( ) Zero

Q18: A _____________ problem can be tabulated in a matrix called transportation matrix.
0. ( ) Mathemetical
1. ( ) Geographical
2. ( ) Liner
3. ( ) Transportation

Q19: In a game with two players, if the gain of one player is equal to the loss of another player, then the game is a two person ___________________ game.
0. ( ) One-sum
1. ( ) All-sum
2. ( ) Zero-sum
3. ( ) Few-sum

Q20: In industry optimization means the minimization of ____________ and the maximization of profits.
0. ( ) Cost
1. ( ) Labour
2. ( ) Land
3. ( ) Time

Q21: Ordinarily items with values less than the average cancel out the items whose values are greater than the average.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q22: In stratified sampling method, the entire population is divided into a number of groups called stars
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q23: The objective of a diet problem is to ascertain the quantities of foods that should be eaten to meet certain nutritional requirement at a minimum cost.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q24: Errors due to calculations or improper convention of observation are called more sampling errors.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q25: In diplomatic situation the information is completely known and the outcome of a specified decision can be predetermined with certainty.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q26: zero is a type of Assignment problem.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q27: cluster sampling is also called multistage sampling or sub-sampling as it uses various stages to reach or make samples.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q28: In the long run,the state probabilities become 0 and 1 in all case
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q29: mode is that value which has the maximum frequency (i.e. occurs most often) in a given set of values.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q30: The two methods of for solving Markov chains are Transition Probability Matrix and decision Tree Diagram.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q31: No player is aware of his opponent’s choices until he decides his own.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q32: A numeric value that indicate singularity or non-singularity of a square matrix is called none
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q33: linear is the relationship between the variables is directly proportional.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q34: Game Theory is applicable to those competitive situations which are technically known as “outdoor games”.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q35: In calculating simple arithmetic mean it is assumed that all items were equal in importance.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q36: A decisions tree is a decision flow diagram that includes branches leading to alternatives one can select among the usual branches leading to events that depend on probabilities.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q37: In a matrix of transition probability,the probability values should add up to one in each-: all three
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q38: The factors of production are land, labour, capital and water.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q39: middle management decisions are primarily company-wide in nature.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q40: evvp is the maximum obtainable expected monetary value based on perfect information as to which state of nature will occur.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q41: linear means if a programme maximizes or minimizes some measure or criterion of effectiveness.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q42: motivating refers to both policy execution as well as policy development.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q43: An individual/group responsible for making a choice of appropriate course of action is known as Decision maker
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q44: The word ‘linear’ is used to represent a function, which can be represented by a straight line.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q45: If the maximin value is equal to minimax value, the game has a ending point.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q46: The objective functions can be in terms of minimization or maximization
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q47: In a pay-off matrix, the minimum value in each row represents the minimum loss for player A.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q48: primary data represents those items that are collected for the first time and first hand.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q49: long-term data collection studies that can yield appreciable dividends quickly should be preferred to long term studies whose benefits may be difficult to foresee.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q50: If all the equations of the model are linear then matrix algebra provides an efficient method of their solution than the traditional method of elimination of variables.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q51: The aim of the game is to determine how the players must select their respective strategies such that the pay-off is reduced
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q52: Broadly there are three types of decisions including Strategic decisions, formal Decisions and Operating Decisions.
0. ( )True
1. ( )False

Q53: A ____________ tree is a decision flow diagram that includes branches leading to alternatives one can select among the usual branches leading to events that depend on probabilities.
0. ( ) Managerial
1. ( ) Multilevel
2. ( ) Decisions
3. ( ) All Three

Q54: The linear function which is to be optimized is called ______________ Function.
0. ( ) Objective
1. ( ) Frequent
2. ( ) Revenue
3. ( ) Continuity

Q55: ________________ is the maximum obtainable expected monetary value based on perfect information as to which state of nature will occur.
0. ( ) EPPI
1. ( ) EVPI
2. ( ) EPEI
3. ( ) EVVP

Q56: ____________ probability distributions are those in which the random variable can take on only specific values.
0. ( ) Same
1. ( ) Continuous
2. ( ) Discrete
3. ( ) Different

PlaceholderQuantitative Techniques for Management Application UPES MCQ Set 2 for 2022