Project Management and Entrepreneurship Annamalai Answers 2022


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1. What is project management and what are the phases of project life cycle?
2. Write the responsibilities of project managers in detail.
3. Explain break even analysis.
4. What are the characteristics of an entrepreneur?
5. What are the different phases of entrepreneurial development cycle?

Another Set of 2022

1. Describe two areas in a manufacturing project where there is a high level of uncertainty. How do you tackle these uncertainties?
2. Explain how to break the total project works and some major parts of the works into smaller and manageable item. Relate your answer to project phases, cost account, work package, activities and project schedule.
3. Should we combine debt – related cash flows with project cash flow? Why?
Discuss the issues related to the principle of treating the financing cash flow separately from the investment cash flow.
4. Why do role models impact the decision of people to become the entrepreneurs?
Do you think that a person whose parent was an entrepreneur of a failed business is more or less likely to start his or her own business than a person whose parents were managers of large established companies?

annamalai university assignment solutionProject Management and Entrepreneurship Annamalai Answers 2022