Assignment – A
Question 1. What is your understanding of Johari Window? What is the major difference between blind and hidden area, how does it facilitates a manager in his/her organizational life?
Question 2. How will you us the concept of Transactional Analysis for removing dysfunctional behavior in your organization? Substantiate your answer with suitable illustration.
Question 3. What is stress? Is it always bad for the individual? Explain the nature, mechanism and classification of stress.
Question 4. In our culture, do you think the traditional or the behavioral approach to conflict management is most frequently taken by the managers? Give the plausible reasons for your projected answer?
Question 5. Apply the concepts of activities, interactions, and sentiments to the group in which you have been a member either in academic setting or in a work setting and describe the events. Describe for each concept the required and emergent behavior in that situation.
Assignment – B
Question 1. Describe your own pattern of needs and discuss the kind of work environment that will be most satisfying to you in terms of fulfilling your needs from the any theory of work motivation
Question 2. Explain the concept of perceptual defence. What are most common perceptual errors that you make? How does it operate? How can we reduce it?
Question 3.. What is risky shift? Give an example of the operation of the phenomena in any situation that you are aware of, have been exposed to. Describe: A, the norms in any of your class project groups in which you have been identified, B. the extent of the cohesion in the group and the reasons therefore.
Case Study
Question 1.. Why is there such conflict between these groups?
Question 2. What are the consequences of this conflict?
Question 3. What will you do as a consultant to this hospital?
Assignment – C
1. The Hawthorne experiment was started by:
(a). Kurt Lewin
(b). B.F.Skinner
(c). Elton Mayo
(d). W.Dickson
2. Father of scientific Management:
(a). F.W.Taylor
(b). Max Weber
(c). Henri Fayol
(d). L.Urwick
3. Father of Administrative Management:
(a). F.W.Taylor
(b). Max Weber
(c). Henri Fayol
(d). L.Urwick
4. The ‘Carrot and Stick’ theory of motivation is related to:
(a). Theory X
(b). Theory Y
(c). Theory Z
(d). Maslow’s need hierarchy
5. The dual factor theory given by:
(a). Maslow
(b). Herzbery
(c). Vroom
(d). Adam
6. Learning is a——-.. behavior.
(a). Permanent
(b). Flexible
(c). Relatively permanent
(d). Natural
7. The concept of observational learning given by:
(a). Watson
(b). Thorndike
(c). Bandura
(d). Skinner
8. Reinforcement principle is associated with:
(a). Tollman
(b). Hull
(c). Skinner
(d). Guthrie
9. Attribution theory has been proposed by:
(a). Kelly
(b). Hull
(c). Dollard & Miller
(d). Pavou
10. The ‘ERG’ theory is related to:
(a). Maslow
(b). Herzberg
(c). Alderfer
(d). McGregor
11. The motives which are unlearned but not physiologically based are called:
(a). Prime Motives
(b). Secondary Motives
(c). General Motives
(d). None
12. Equity theory of motivation has been advocated by:
(a). Porter & Lawler
(b). Adams
(c). Vroom
(d). Argyris
13. Rorchach is a:
(a). Personality inventory
(b). Projective technique
(c). Situational test
(d). Group test
14. Individual exposed to ambiguous picture and to makeup a story:
(a). MMPI
(b). TAT
(c). Rorschach
(d). Brooktest
15. Field theorists are called:
(a). Trait theorist
(b). Learning theorist
(c). Holistic theorist
(d). Work theorist
16. Which one is called as trait theorist:
(a). Rogers
(b). Sheldon
(c). Maslow
(d). Dollard & Miller
17. The father of stress:
(a). Kohler
(b). Hans Selye
(c). Cooper & Marshal
(d). Pestonjee
18. Perceptual Organization is determined by:
(a). Functional factor
(b). Mental set
(c). Physiological factors
(d). None
19. Divergent perceptual sets may cause:
(a). Industrial conflict
(b). Absenteeism
(c). Indiscipline
(d). Attitude
20. One of the sub-process of perception:
(a). Halo effect
(b). Set
(c). Feedback
(d). Thinking
21. Cluster is a type of:
(a). Grapevine
(b). Informal Organization
(c). Formal Organization
(d). None
22. The basic influence in informal organization is:
(a). Position
(b). Power
(c). Authority
(d). control
23. Bases of power identified by:
(a). French & Raven.
(b). French & Bell
(c). French
(d). French & Thomas
24. Elements of interaction, activity and sentiments given by:
(a). Homans
(b). Asch
(c). Janis
(d). Watson
25. There are stages of group development:
(a). Two
(b). Three
(c). Four
(d). Five
26. Asch experiment was on:
(a). Decision Making
(b). Group Pressure
(c). Group think
(d). Group size
27. Labor power represents:
(a). A power bloc
(b). A power elite
(c). Power corollary
(d). None
28. Which is positively related with group cohesiveness:
(a). Legitimate power
(b). Expert power
(c). Referent power
(d). None
29. Authority can be classified as:
(a). Relation, traditional and charismatic
(b). Basic, general and independent
(c). Coercive, legitimate and reference
(d). None
30. Who has conducted auto kinesis experiments:
(a). Shaw
(b). Mereil
(c). Sherif
(d). None
31. Which of the following is more relevant in determining ability of individuals to remember communication over time:
(a). Non-verbal communication
(b). Feedback
(c). Presentation
(d). None
32. Which of the following is concerned with an understanding of interpersonal styles in social encounters:
(a). Communication Networks
(b). Johari Window
(c). Flow pattern of message
(d). None
33. Which of the is communication networks is more effective vis-à-vis speed and accuracy of performance:
(a). Circle
(b). Wheel
(c). Diagonal
(d). None
34. Which one is called a naturalistic or an organic organization?
(a). Project
(b). Matrix
(c). Free form
(d). None
35. Which of the following is the vertical expansion of jobs:
(a). Job enlargement
(b). Job enrichment
(c). Job rotation
(d). None
36. Which is neo classical theorist:
(a). Fayol
(b). Kahn
(c). Worthy
(d). None
37. Which of the following is the vertical expansion of job:
(a). Job design
(b). Job enrichment
(c). Job rotation
(d). Job enlargement
38. One of the objectives of organizational change is:
(a). Increased motivation
(b). Greater innovation
(c). Change in an organization’s level of adaptation to its environment.
(d). None
39. provided five OD steps comprising diagnosis, strategy planning, education, consulting and training and evaluation:
(a). Blake and Mouton
(b). Lippitt
(c). White
(d). Beckhard
40. One of the advantages of process consultation is:
(a). Stress on participants involvement
(b). Involvement of title time and cost
(c). Focus on significant interpersonal inter group problems
(d). None
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