
MS94 Technology Management ignou assignment solution

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Last date of submission for MS94 July 2022 session is 31st October, 2022 and for January 2023 session is 30th April, 2023.

MS94 IGNOU Assignment Question for Answer July 22

1. In the unprecedented times we are witnessing many technological changes that affect our day to day functioning. These changes also have an impact on the production of goods and services. Write a note on any such technological change and its impact on our day to day life.
2. What is the importance of generation, up gradation or improvement of technology? Discuss.
3. Explain any three types of technology forecasting methods. Support your answer with relevant examples.
4. Discuss the importance of technology in
 Education
 Empowerment
 Quality of life
Illustrate giving relevant examples.
5. Chose an organization of your choice which has gone for a major change in technology. Identify the groups/agencies involved in managing the technology of that organization and analyze their roles and linkages.

Previous ms94 jan 22

1. What is the role of technology at the enterprise level for a country? Elucidate.
2. What is Information Technology Revolution? Explain giving relevant examples.
3. Explain the concept of relevance tree and develop a “problem relevance tree” for an electric car.
4. Read the articles on technological innovation which recently had a great impact on the global front. List out the major attributes of this innovation and discuss how these attributes can be used to develop a communication strategy for the target market.
5. What are the various options for financing new technology projects? Explain any two of them in brief.

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IGNOU Solution for December 2021MS94 Technology Management ignou assignment solution
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