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1. What are ‘Derivatives’? Explain the various types of derivatives and discuss their uses and applications.
2. What is Hedging? What are the various inefficiencies persisting in the process of hedging?
3. What are Futures? Explain the process of price adjustments of futures when dividend or bonus shares are paid out.
4. What is an ‘Option’? What are the factors taken into consideration for determining call option prices?
5. Explain the following:
(i) Delta
(ii) Gamma
Old Set
1. What is a Forward Contract? Explain how does it work? Distinguish between Forward Contract and a Future Contract.
2. What are ‘SWAPs’? Explain the different type of SWAPs giving examples.
3. Explain Stock Futures and Index Futures. Give a comparative analysis on the product features of an Index future and a Stock Futures Contract.
4. What are ‘OPTIONS’? Explain the factors that drive call option prices and discuss the manner in which these factors impact their prices.
5. Who is a clearing member? Discuss the different types of clearing members. Explain the clearing and settlement mechanism of futures contracts.
Another Set of ignou
1. What are derivatives? Briefly explain about the various derivative products and discuss in detail the mechanism of various SWAP contracts.
2. What are Index and Stock futures? How can index and stock futures be used to hedge an equity portfolio?
3. What is an ‘Option’? Differentiate between At the money (ATM), In the money (ITM) and Out of the money (OTM) options. How is the minimum price of an option decided?
4. Discuss the factors used in Call option Pricing. Explain the option strategies used for the purpose of Hedging and Arbitrage.
5. What is Value at Risk (VAR)? How it is computed? Describe the application of VAR in deciding margins applicable to exposures taken by investors.
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