
Industrial Relation MIBM 21

Original price was: $22.50.Current price is: $15.00.

Section – A (Marks – 50)
Attempt any five questions
1- Explain Apprentices Act, 1961 with all its objectives and regulation.
2- Explain Classification of labour laws in India with an overview of important labour laws in India
3- Explain Special points to be noted while drafting Employment Agreement.
4- Explain Constitutional provisions with regard to labour laws
5- List of Labour laws in India with its classification.
6- Explain Employees Provident Fund and Misc. Provisions Act, 1952 51 in detail.
Section – B (Marks – 35)
Attempt any five questions –
1- Explain History of Labour laws and Constitutional provisions with regard to labour laws.
2- Explain various Laws related to Equality and Empowerment of Women.
3- Explain Laws related to Social Security.
4- Explain Laws related to Wages.
5- Explain Laws related to Industrial Relations.
6- Explain Laws related to Deprived and Disadvantaged Sections of the Society.
Section – C (Marks – 15) Attempt any three questions –
1- What is an objective ground for treatment in a less favorable manner?
2- Explain objective conditions determining a Fixed-Term Contract. 3- Explain Factories Act, 1948 58 in detail.
4- Explain Evolution of Labour law in India.



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DistPub Homework helpIndustrial Relation MIBM 21
Original price was: $22.50.Current price is: $15.00.
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