Indian Economy LPU solved assignments



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Indian Economy LPU solved assignments 1

Q1. “The actual policy regime that India followed in its early days of Independence was a mixture of the two competing visions- A Soviet style planning system where capitalism was also allowed to flourish.” Discuss. What led to a change in the perspective in regard to the role of planning and the role of state? [10 Marks]

Q2. “The India 1947, under British rule, showed all the signs of what is today called an underdeveloped economy.” Discuss, with particular reference to the composition of national income and the occupational distribution of workforce. [10 Marks]

Indian Economy LPU solved assignments 2

Q1. “Altogether the overall post reform growth has been very good, India unfortunately still has miles to go on matters of basic needs and the development of the most disadvantaged” Discuss. In the light of the above what needs to be done in the next round of reforms. [10 Marks]

Q2. Evaluate the latest Monetary Policy Committee report in light of the current economic condition of the country? [10 Marks]

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LPU AssignmentsIndian Economy LPU solved assignments