QN01. What are the main characteristics of an effective control system?
- Flexibility, accuracy, timeliness and objectivity
- Flexibility, measurability, timeliness and objectivity
- Flexibility, accuracy, relevance and objectivity
- Flexibility, accuracy, timeliness and relevance
(A)Flexibility, accuracy, timeliness and objectivity
QN02. What are the three interpersonal roles of managers?
- Figurehead, leader and liaison
- Spokesperson, leader, coordinator
- Director, coordinator, disseminator
- Communicator, organiser, spokesperson
(A)Figurehead, leader and liaison
QN03. What are the two main dimensions of the Ohio Studies into leadership?
- Starting position and end position
- Initial environment and changed environment
- Organisational structure and conditioning
- Initiating structure and considerations
(D)Initiating structure and considerations
QN04. What are workers primarily motivated by according to the instrumental approach?
- Peer recognition
- Promotion
- Greater freedom
- Economic reward
(D)Economic reward
QN05. What assumption is the garbage can model of decision making based on?
- Limited knowledge and great insight
- Limited knowledge but high level of experience
- Limited knowledge and uncertainty
- Limited knowledge and high risk
(C)Limited knowledge and uncertainty
QN06. What characteristic is not a key feature of the 'open systems' model of management?
- Morale
- Innovation
- Growth resource
- Adaptation
QN07. What do companies that focus on filling a gap in the market engage in?
- Direct marketing
- Traditional marketing
- Niche marketing
- Outbound marketing
(C)Niche marketing
QN08. What do the four 'P's' of marketing relate to?
- Product, price, place and promotion
- Product, price, press and promotion
- Product, price, publicity and promotion
- Product, price, post and promotion
(A)Product, price, place and promotion
QN09. What do you call a style of leadership that takes account of others' views, opinions and ideas?
- Laissez-faire
- People-oriented
- Democratic
- Autocratic
QN10. What do you call the understanding of a dominant culture before choosing a suitable control system?
- Market control
- Bureaucratic control
- Clan control
- People control
(C)Clan control
QN11. What does CRM stand for?
- Consumer Relations Management
- Customer Relationship Marketing
- Customer Relationship Management
- Consumer Returns Management
(C)Customer Relationship Management
QN12. What does PEST stand for?
- Political, environmental, strategic, testing
- Political, environmental, strategic, technological
- Political, economic, strategic, technological
- Political, economic, social, technological
(D)Political, economic, social, technological
QN13. What does situational theory of leadership emphasise?
- Personality traits
- Events
- Environment
- Political situation
QN14. What does the acronym SMART stand for?
- Suitable, measurable, actionable, rewarded and timely
- Specific, measurable, actionable, resourced and timely
- Standardised, measurable, achievable, rewarded, and timely
- Specific, measurable, achievable, rewarded and timely
(D)Specific, measurable, achievable, rewarded and timely
QN15. What does Unitarism as a human resource management approach assume?
- People are individuals and should be treated as such.
- People are individuals but should be part of a group.
- People in the organisation share the same aims and objectives.
- People in the organisation engage in internal competition.
(C)People in the organisation share the same aims and objectives.
QN16. What is a definition of an objective?
- A defined specified outcome to be achieved in the long-term
- A clear set of goals to be attained given a set number of resources
- A clearly defined and measurable outcome to be achieved over a specified timeframe
- A set standard of performance agreed by workers and managers
(C)A clearly defined and measurable outcome to be achieved over a specified timeframe
QN17. What is a Gantt chart a type of?
- Work flow design
- Work schedule design
- Work rate design
- Work output design
(B)Work schedule design
QN18. What is a normative perspective?
- The way things are.
- The way things are going to be.
- The way things should be.
- The way things were.
(C)The way things should be.
QN19. What is a paradigm?
- A theoretical assumption
- An illustration
- A theoretical model
- An example serving as a model
(D)An example serving as a model
QN20. What is a PDP?
- Personal Development Plan
- People Development Plan
- Personnel Development Plan
- Personal Development Payment
(A)Personal Development Plan
QN21. What is a social enterprise concerned with?
- Profit maximisation
- Maximising market share
- Providing public service
- Running a business to create social benefits
(D)Running a business to create social benefits
QN22. What is a strategic alliance?
- Any form of partnership between one firm and another
- Formal agreement committing two or more firms to exchange resources to produce products or services
- Formal agreement to share profits from a shared investment
- Formal agreement to share knowledge
(B)Formal agreement committing two or more firms to exchange resources to produce products or services
QN23. What is a succession plan?
- Dismissing an employee for a more favourable employee
- A formal process of planning to fill a role that will become vacant
- A vote of no confidence in a board member
- The formal process of acquiring a new staff member
(B)A formal process of planning to fill a role that will become vacant
QN24. What is a virtual organisation?
- An organisation that uses information and communications technologies (ICT's) to coordinate activities without physical boundaries between different functions
- An organisation that uses internet technologies to sell products to customers
- An organisation that manages the supply chain using digital technologies
- An organisation that coordinates the workforce via video conferencing
(A)An organisation that uses information and communications technologies (ICT's) to coordinate activities without physical boundaries between different functions
QN25. What is a whistleblower?
- Someone who reports illegal or unethical acts
- Someone who commits illegal or unethical acts
- Someone who benefits from illegal or unethical acts
- Someone who devises illegal or unethical acts
(A)Someone who reports illegal or unethical acts
QN26. What is another name for contingency planning?
- Synergy planning
- Ad hoc planning
- Business level planning
- Scenario planning
(D)Scenario planning
QN27. What is characteristic for the location of a virtual team?
- In the same building
- In the same industry
- In the same country
- remotely
QN28. What is Frank Gilbreth`s work most noted for?
- Working conditions
- Time and motion studies
- Work psychology
- Work as a social setting
(B)Time and motion studies
QN29. What is intuitive decision making based on?
- Guesswork
- Gambling
- Instinct
- Rationality
QN30. What is IS?
- Intelligent strategy
- Internal services
- International sales
- Information systems
(D)Information systems
QN31. What is not a characteristic of a corporate social responsibility framework?
- Retaining the status quo
- Understanding society
- Harnessing diversity
- Building capacity
(A)Retaining the status quo
QN32. What is not a component of an agile organisation?
- Market focus and position
- Human resources: multi-skilling
- Organisational structure
- Project-based culture
(D)Project-based culture
QN33. What is not a purpose of an organisational structure?
- To coordinate people and resources
- To organise lines of communication
- To formalise authority
- To limit workers' rights
(D)To limit workers' rights
QN34. What is not an advantage of a hierarchical structure?
- Clear chain of command
- Quick response to change
- Discipline and stability
- Small span of control
(B)Quick response to change
QN35. What is not an assumption underpinning the rational decision making model?
- Incomplete information
- An agreed goal
- A structured problem
- High level of certainty regarding the environment
(A)Incomplete information
QN36. What is not one of the layers of cultural influence?
- Social
- Business
- Organisational
- Company
QN37. What is not part of a marketing plan?
- Marketing mix
- Demand analysis
- Government support
- Competitor analysis
(C)Government support
QN38. What is OD?
- Organisational disputes
- Organisational development
- Organisational demands
- Organisational drift
(B)Organisational development
QN39. What is premise control based on?
- Buildings
- People
- Resources
- Assumptions
QN40. What is T-group training?
- A group whose aim is transformational change
- A group brought together to deliver training programmes
- Team training for the purposes of advancing technology
- Team building activities involving learning
(D)Team building activities involving learning