Q1: Sales promotion cannot
Answer: Neutralize competitive promotionsAnswer
Q2: Sales promotions can
Answer: Convert rejection of an inferior product into acceptanceAnswer
Q3: Saving is defined as the
Answer: Accounting difference between concurrent income and consumptionAnswer
Q4: Scenario development has the complexity level which is
Answer: Dependent of the size of the data baseAnswer
Q5: Second cover page of magazine is called as to
Answer: Back cover pageAnswer
Q6: Selling inventory on account will cause the stock liquid ratio to
Answer: IncreaseAnswer
Q7: Separation of ownership from management leads to
Answer: Professional managementAnswer
Q8: Shake out means
Answer: Complete change where inefficient people are removedAnswer
Q9: Share application account is a
Answer: Personal accountsAnswer
Q10: Share capital consists of
Answer: Equity and Preferences sharesAnswer
Q11: Share Premium account is shown
Answer: On the Liabilities side under the heading “Reserved and Surplus”Answer
Q12: Shareholder’s funds X 100 is a Total assets
Answer: solvency ratioAnswer
Q13: Short-range planning, offer delegated to middle mgt, seldom covers periods in excess of
Answer: Six-monthsAnswer
Q14: Sinecure is a term for
Answer: Well pain job with little workAnswer
Q15: Skeleton staff is a term used to indicate
Answer: Staff left to carry our essential workAnswer
Q16: Small Coin Depot is the property of
Answer: Government of IndiaAnswer
Q17: Society faces economic problems because
Answer: All of these—a)Somebody invented moneyAnswer
b)People’s wants are unlimited
c)Technology i snot a good enough
Q18: Sources of fund mean
Answer: Increase in liabilitiesAnswer
Q19: Span of control is narrow when the
Answer: Posts in the top management increasesAnswer
Q20: Specific efforts to enhance the image of the products or services fall within the activity of
Answer: Sales promotionAnswer
Q21: Speculation in stock exchange means
Answer: Buying and selling in the hope of making profit due to changes in pricesAnswer
Q22: Sponsored messages that can be of any size and location within the newspaper, with the exception of the editorial page is
Answer: Free-standing advertisementsAnswer
Q23: Staffing function of management needs to be performed
Answer: Both in new and going enterprisesAnswer
Q24: Stakeholders of a firm include
Answer: Outsiders affected by a corporation’s actionsAnswer
Q25: Stakeholders of the business include
Answer: All of these—a)OwnersAnswer
b)Top managers
Q26: Standard cost are useful in all of the following except
Answer: Establishing recordsAnswer
Q27: Standard costing can be used along with
Answer: All of these—(a) Marginal costing (b) Job and process costing.’ (c) Absorption costingAnswer
Q28: Starts is the – stage in the life cycle of a SBU
Answer: SecondAnswer
Q29: Statistics involves
Answer: All the aboveAnswer
Q30: Stimulus-response theories state that learning takes place when
Answer: A person is rewarded for making a correct response to a stimulusAnswer
Q31: Stock does not include
Answer: Goods sold awaiting delivery to the buyerAnswer
Q32: stock exchange deals with the
Answer: second hand securitiesAnswer
Q33: Stock Exchanges in India are under the control of
Answer: Central GovtAnswer
Q34: Stock should include
Answer: Goods with customers for approval on sale ore return basisAnswer
Q35: Stock trade is a
Answer: Current assetAnswer
Q36: Stock turnover does not mean that the company is
Answer: Buying in big lost and sell slowlyAnswer
Q37: Stock turnover ratio is a
Answer: Liquidity ratioAnswer
Q38: Stockholders absent from a meeting can still register their opinions through a device known as
Answer: ProxyAnswer
Q39: Stocks of finished goods are normally held
Answer: To satisfy immediate demandAnswer
Q40: Strategic formulation and implementation of a plan are
Answer: SequentialAnswer
Q41: Strategy evaluation is concerned with
Answer: The identification and evaluation of competitor’s strategiesAnswer
Q42: String need that cannot be satisfied by any existing product is
Answer: Latent demandAnswer
Q43: Studies of firms using a strategic management approach indicate
Answer: The process is only beneficial to extremely large corporationsAnswer
Q44: Subheads, Captions, Sogans are included in
Answer: TextAnswer
Q45: Surrender value is applicable only in case of
Answer: Life insuranceAnswer
Q46: Surrener value of a life policy is the amount payable by Life Insurance Corporation when
Answer: The life policy is withdrawn before its maturityAnswer
Q47: Swap transaction is also known as… transaction
Answer: BudleeAnswer
Q48: Table A contains a model form of
Answer: Memorandum and Articles of Association of a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capitalAnswer
Q49: Table A given in Schedule I to the Companies Act, 1956 gives the model
Answer: Articles of AssociationAnswer
Q50: Tangible Net Worth is
Answer: Net worth less intangible assetsAnswer
Q51: Taxheaven is a term signifies
Answer: A country with low tax ratesAnswer
Q52: Technical data on how to use a firm’s product is a
Answer: Customer claimAnswer
Q53: Technological leap frogging is a type of
Answer: Flank attackAnswer
Q54: Technological progress
Answer: Reduces the amount of factors of production required to produce any output levelAnswer
Q55: Teleworking
Answer: Telephonic instruction about workAnswer
Q56: Term liabilities include
Answer: Mortgage loan and debenturesAnswer
Q57: Tests of two versions of the same ad are known as
Answer: Comparity testsAnswer
Q58: The “desire to become more and more what one is to become everything that one is capable of becoming” is a case of which of the following needs in Maslow’s theory of motivation
Answer: Self-actualisation needsAnswer
Q59: The – stimulated the purchase at the critical moment when the consumer is making a choice
Answer: PackageAnswer
Q60: The ability to process only certain information and avoid other stimuli is
Answer: Selective retentionAnswer
Q61: The abnormal loss on consignment is credited to
Answer: Consignment accountAnswer
Q62: The accounting equation consists of
Answer: All the aboveAnswer
Q63: The ads with incomplete headline employ a psychological principle called as
Answer: ApertureAnswer
Q64: The advantage of television is
Answer: Reaches large audiencesAnswer
Q65: The advantages of combination are
Answer: Large control over the market of the advantagesAnswer
Q66: The advertising analogy of market segmentation is the
Answer: Shortgun approachAnswer
Q67: The agent of brokers who obtain business for them are
Answer: RemesiersAnswer
Q68: The agreement of partnership
Answer: Can be either oral or in writingAnswer
Q69: The aim of production activity is
Answer: To earn profitAnswer
Q70: The apex institution in agricultural finance is
Answer: N.A.B.A.R.DAnswer
Q71: The apex institution in the field of industrial finance is
Answer: Industrial Development Bank of IndiaAnswer
Q72: The appointment of one agency to handle all the advertising of a client’s divisions is termed as
Answer: Single contractingAnswer
Q73: The Articles of a company may be altered by
Answer: The shareholders by passing a special resolutionAnswer
Q74: The Articles of Association establishes relation-ship between
Answer: Company and its members and members intenseAnswer
Q75: The articles of association of a company
Answer: Contains the rules and regulations of the companyAnswer
Q76: The articles of association of a company state that there shall be at least four directors, but only three directors are appointed. The company approaches the bank for opening a current account. The mandate empowers any two directors to operate the account. The account
Answer: The account cannot be opened unless the fourth director is appointed as required under the articles of associationAnswer
Q77: The Asian Clearing Union was established with its head quarters at Tehran on
Answer: 9th December, 1974Answer
Q78: The assets side of a balance sheet consists of
Answer: Current assets, fixed assets and other non-current assetsAnswer
Q79: The assets that can be converted into cash quickly
Answer: The current assetsAnswer
Q80: The Balance Sheet of company
Answer: Must be preferred in the form set out by law as per schedule VI of the Companies Act 1956Answer
Q81: The basic difference between the current ratio and the acid test ratio is that the latter excluded which account
Answer: InventoryAnswer
Q82: The basis of influence in informal organisation is
Answer: PersonAnswer
Q83: The blend of the promotional mix elements depends on
Answer: All of theseAnswer
Q84: The board of directors is responsible for
Answer: Major decision makingAnswer
Q85: The brand supplied to the several products is known as
Answer: Multiple productAnswer
Q86: The Bretton Woods System
Answer: All of these—a)Set up a code of rules for nations to follow in their conduct on international trade and financeAnswer
b)Set up borrowing facilities for nations in temporary balance of payments difficulties
c)Evolved over the years in several important ways
Q87: The Bretton Woods System was
Answer: A gold-exchange standardAnswer
Q88: The budget that is set first and all the other budgets are subordinate to it, is
Answer: Budget for the key factorAnswer
Q89: The centralized cartel
Answer: All of these—a)Leads to the monopoly solutionAnswer
b)Behaves as the multi plant monopolist if it wants to minimize the total cost of production
c)Is illegal in the U.S.
Q90: The chamber of commerce is a form of
Answer: Commercial organisationAnswer
Q91: The channel used to sell products through large chain stores generally
Answer: 4 level channelAnswer
Q92: The charter of a company is its
Answer: Memorandum of associationAnswer
Q93: The charter of the company is its
Answer: Memorandum of AssociationAnswer
Q94: The checkpoints in a marketing control system can be best determined from knowledge of
Answer: Marketing researchAnswer
Q95: The chief financial officer of the firm is known as
Answer: The treasurer or controller of financeAnswer
Q96: The chief purpose of India’s Community Development project is to
Answer: Educate rural populationAnswer
Q97: The choice of a product is, among other things, based on
Answer: All of these—a)AttitudesAnswer
c)Personality traits
Q98: The classification of items in ABC analysis is made on the basis of
Answer: All of theseAnswer
Q99: The company can be dissolved by
Answer: All of these—a) Court orderAnswer
b)The approval of the majority of the stockholders
c)The expiration of a corporate charter
Q100: The company which is based on the long term average of the sales expectancy level is known as
Answer: Normal capacityAnswer