Q1: Insurance premium is payable to Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
Answer: Half-yearlyAnswer
Q2: Insured is a person who has
Answer: Insured his life or goodsAnswer
Q3: Insurer is a person who has
Answer: Insured his life or goodsAnswer
Q4: Intangible assets include
Answer: Goodwill, parents and rights and preliminary expensesAnswer
Q5: Interest on capital is determined mainly by
Answer: The demand of moneyAnswer
Q6: Interest on drawing
Answer: Interest on the money withdrawn by the owner for his personal useAnswer
Q7: Interest payable is
Answer: Current liabilityAnswer
Q8: International Development Association (IDA) credits to India are
Answer: In public sectorAnswer
Q9: International Development Association credits to India in which sector
Answer: Public SectorAnswer
Q10: Introduction of luggage cases with the wheels by aristocrat luggage was an example of
Answer: Augumented productAnswer
Q11: Introduction of new products under existing brand names is termed as product
Answer: Brand extensionAnswer
Q12: Investment in Government securities are
Answer: Current assetsAnswer
Q13: Investment in which of the following is most risky
Answer: Equity sharesAnswer
Q14: Investments in Government securities are
Answer: Current assetsAnswer
Q15: Issue of bonus shares is desirable when the price of share is considered to be
Answer: LowAnswer
Q16: Issue of equity capital in exchange of land and building will cause the return on equity capital to
Answer: Have no effectAnswer
Q17: Issue of share capital in consideration of purchase of plant and machinery results into
Answer: No flow fundAnswer
Q18: It identifies the scope of its operations in product and market terms
Answer: The corporate objectivesAnswer
Q19: It inerrant worker is one who
Answer: A worker moving from place to placeAnswer
Q20: Job costing is used in
Answer: Printing pressAnswer
Q21: Job involvement is a type of
Answer: AttitudeAnswer
Q22: Joint product manufacturing is fundamental in
Answer: Oil refineriesAnswer
Q23: Key issues in the remote environment include
Answer: SuppliersAnswer
Q24: Labour power represents
Answer: A power blocAnswer
Q25: Labour productivity is measured by comparing
Answer: None of these—correct answer.Answer
Actual time
Total output with total man hours
Added value for the product with total wage cost.
Q26: Large structure erected on highways and roads for the display of huge advertising posters
Answer: HoardingsAnswer
Q27: Law of diminishing Marginal utility applies to
Answer: None of these—a)DrunkardsAnswer
c)Stamp collectors
Q28: Leap troggins means
Answer: Communication which bopasses the official chain of commandAnswer
Q29: Leasehold property is generally depreciated by
Answer: Annuity methodAnswer
Q30: Left side of asset accounts is for
Answer: Recording decreasesAnswer
Q31: Leverages implies that
Answer: The return on equity share capital exceeds the interest on borrowed capitalAnswer
Q32: Liability of partners in respect of the firm’s debt is
Answer: Limited up to the amount of his capital and loan to the firm if anyAnswer
Q33: Life Insurance Corporation of India was set up in
Answer: 1956Answer
Q34: Liquid assets include
Answer: Cash, debtors (except bad debts) and marketable acuitiesAnswer
Q35: Liquid liabilities include
Answer: Creditors and other unpaid amountsAnswer
Q36: Listing of securities in a stock exchange for the purpose of trading indicates that
Answer: At the time of listing, the company is legally organisedAnswer
Q37: Lobbying is the activity of
Answer: Public relationAnswer
Q38: LOCO price quoted includes
Answer: Cost of goods plus cost of loading the goods on board the shipAnswer
Q39: Logos and signatures are the elements of
Answer: TextAnswer
Q40: Long-range planning includes
Answer: All of theseAnswer
Q41: Mail transfer is a
Answer: Not-transferable instrumentAnswer
Q42: Management by exception means
Answer: Only important problems are looked after by the top managementAnswer
Q43: Management by Trust experiment provides measures for
Answer: Integrating the individual, group and organisational goalsAnswer
Q44: Managers are distinguished by their ability to
Answer: All the aboveAnswer
Q45: Managing Agency System used to bring about integration of business units in India in the form of
Answer: Community of interestAnswer
Q46: Manufacturers of similar product generally try to combat indirect competition through
Answer: Advertising campaignsAnswer
Q47: Marginal cost is the cost
Answer: Of marginal unitAnswer
Q48: Mark the correct statement
Answer: India is a fast growing economyAnswer
Q49: Market cause
Answer: A reduction in the speed between “buying” and “selling” prices and in profits middlemen can obtain from further tradesAnswer
Q50: Market information in a control report generally includes
Answer: Market share compared with that of the competitorsAnswer
Q51: Marketing concept refers to
Answer: Customer-need productionAnswer
Q52: Marketing manager may be classified in the category of
Answer: Top level managementAnswer
Q53: Marketing organization should be
Answer: Dynamic systemsAnswer
Q54: Maslow’s need-hierachy theory of motivation has classified the human needs into five categories as follows
Answer: Esteem needsAnswer
Q55: Mate’s receipt issues by
Answer: The captain of the ship or his assistantAnswer
Q56: Media are compared on the basis of their relative efficiency, which means
Answer: Cost and audience sizeAnswer
Q57: Media plans are interwoven with other areas of advertising except
Answer: None of theseAnswer
Q58: Members of Bombay stock exchange are unofficially classified into
Answer: Brokers and tarawaniwalasAnswer
Q59: Members of the board of directors may be personally liable for
Answer: Gross negligenceAnswer
Q60: Memorandum of Association is a document which
Answer: Defines the company’s relation with the outside world and the scope of its activitiesAnswer
Q61: Memory unit is a part of
Answer: electronic data processingAnswer
Q62: Merchant banking includes
Answer: Managing issue of sharesAnswer
Q63: Methods to develop new product features include
Answer: Only B and CAnswer
Q64: Microeconomics deals primarily with
Answer: Comparative statics, partial equilibrium and normative economicAnswer
Q65: Mimeograph is a
Answer: Stencial duplicatorAnswer
Q66: Miscellaneous expenses account is likely to have
Answer: Only debit entriesAnswer
Q67: MNCs are involved mainly in which of the following strategies
Answer: All of these—a)Export-import activitiesAnswer
b)Foreign licensing
c)Technological transfer
Q68: Monopolist can fix
Answer: Either price or outputAnswer
Q69: Moral suasion is
Answer: Persuasion of banks to adhere to central bank desiresAnswer
Q70: Most business firms employ the
Answer: Combination of cash and accrual basisAnswer
Q71: Most companies fail to plan adequately because
Answer: Planning is considered something for the classroom and not for the real worldAnswer
Q72: Most consumers want
Answer: Small quantities of many productsAnswer
Q73: Motivation research is type of
Answer: Consumer researchAnswer
Q74: Much industrial advertising is designed to
Answer: Create a favourite image of the companyAnswer
Q75: Multinationals must evaluate several environments. This is usually done
Answer: SynergisticallyAnswer
Q76: Multiple costing method is used in
Answer: Car manufacturing companyAnswer
Q77: Multisided bulletin board structure designed for public posting of messages is known as
Answer: Way billsAnswer
Q78: NABARD started functioning from
Answer: 12th July, 1982Answer
Q79: Name Gluenberg Diagonal was tagged by
Answer: Wayne WalleyAnswer
Q80: Name the economist who dynamised the theory of pricing for the first time
Answer: David RicardoAnswer
Q81: Name the non-cash expense that is often shown in Balance Sheet
Answer: DepreciationAnswer
Q82: Narrowly focussed markets that defined by some special interest are termed as
Answer: Target marketsAnswer
Q83: National income is
Answer: Sun total of incomesAnswer
Q84: National Industrial Development Corporation Ltd, was established in
Answer: 1954Answer
Q85: Negotiable instruments are defined under
Answer: Section 13 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881Answer
Q86: Net income is derived by substracting
Answer: Operating expenses from gross profitAnswer
Q87: Net national excludes
Answer: Replacement investmentAnswer
Q88: Net worth means
Answer: Owner’s stake in the business consisting of capital reserves and surplusAnswer
Properties owned by the proprietors
Q89: Network advertising schedules are dominated by
Answer: None of theseAnswer
Q90: New issue market is an integral part of the
Answer: Capital marketAnswer
Q91: New markets for existing products can be tapped by
Answer: A different marketing approachAnswer
Q92: Nominal share capital is
Answer: The maximum amount of share capital which a company is authorised to issueAnswer
Q93: Non-banking financial intermediaries
Answer: Accept deposits and also withdrawable by chequesAnswer
Q94: Non-intellectual traits of personality are
Answer: Performance traitsAnswer
Q95: Of most relevance in deciding how indirect costs should be assigned to product is the degree of
Answer: CausalibilityAnswer
Q96: Old boy net work means
Answer: Using old contacts to run a businessAnswer
Q97: Oligoply describes
Answer: A kind of monopolistic competition in which there is collusion among the producers in the industryAnswer
Q98: On which of the following dividend, interest at a fixed rate is not payable
Answer: Equity shareAnswer
Q99: One advertising principle states that, tell as mush as of the study in—- as possible
Answer: Body copyAnswer
Q100: One benefit of using ratio analysis when interpreting financial statements is that
Answer: Ratios facilitate comparisons between different companiesAnswer