Q1: Formal organisation variable consists of
Answer: Organisational structure, management processes and technologyAnswer
Q2: Formula to calculate productivity
Answer: P = OP/IPAnswer
Q3: Formula writing that uses clich’s, generalities, stock phrases and superlatives is
Answer: AdeseAnswer
Q4: Forward margin is
Answer: Difference between spot rate and forward rateAnswer
Q5: Forward rates are quoted
Answer: Either at a premium or at a discount over spot ratesAnswer
Q6: FRANCO price covers
Answer: All charges necessary for sending the goods to the buyer’s place of businessAnswer
Q7: Franking machine is used for
Answer: Stamp fixingAnswer
Q8: Freight, Duty, Dock dues and Clearing charge are
Answer: Addition to the cost of the goodsAnswer
Q9: Fringe benefits would include
Answer: Paid vacations and holidaysAnswer
Q10: Functional managers are typically responsible for which of the following
Answer: Annual objectivesAnswer
Q11: Funds flow statement means a statement
Answer: Of sources and application of funds in a unitAnswer
Q12: Golden parachute means
Answer: A heavy sum paid to a retired executiveAnswer
Q13: Goodwill account is a
Answer: Nominal accountAnswer
Q14: Goodwill is
Answer: An extra value attaching to an old established business because of its past connections, continued prosperity and reputation of the business concernAnswer
Q15: Goodwill should be classified as a
Answer: Intangible assetAnswer
Q16: Grand strategies include
Answer: Concentric diversificationAnswer
Q17: Grapevine means
Answer: Unofficial communications network in an organizationAnswer
Q18: Gross profit ratio is the ratio of
Answer: Gross profit to net total salesAnswer
Q19: Gross Working Capital means
Answer: Current assetsAnswer
Q20: Growth means
Answer: effectivenessAnswer
Q21: Heavy initial advertisement expense on introducing a new product in the market should be classified as
Answer: Deferred revenue expenditureAnswer
Q22: Henry Mintzberg identifies a mode which he associates with medium-sized firms in relatively stable environments in general, this mode is identified by Mintzberg as which of the following
Answer: EntrepreneurialAnswer
Q23: Hierarchial conflict is a kind of
Answer: Institutional conflictAnswer
Q24: High-powered money is
Answer: Rupees held as legal bank reservesAnswer
Q25: Higher pay-off for collaboration is
Answer: A basis of collaborationAnswer
Q26: Hooking is term for
Answer: A strategic withdrawalAnswer
Q27: How EOQ is calculated
Answer: EOQ = 2 AS/C A = order cost S – annual sale rate C = internal costAnswer
Q28: How P/V ratio is calculated
Answer: PVR = S – V/S x 100Answer
Q29: Human relations is worth studying because it contributes towards
Answer: People skills buildingAnswer
Q30: I.M.F General body meets
Answer: QuarterlyAnswer
Q31: Idle time a variance is a sub-variance of
Answer: Labour efficiency varianceAnswer
Q32: If a company wishes to establish a factory overhead budget system in which estimated costs can be derived directly from estimates of activity levels, it should prepare a
Answer: Flexible budgetAnswer
Q33: If a partnership is not registered it
Answer: Cannot sue in any court a third party for any right arising out of a contractAnswer
Q34: If an oligopolist incurs loses in the short-run, then in the long-run
Answer: Any of these possible—a)He will go out of businessAnswer
b)He will stay in business
c)He will break even
Q35: If demand @ Rs.10 is 100 units and @ Rs. 8 is 150 units then the demand is
Answer: ElasticAnswer
Q36: If factor prices and factor quantities move in the same direction, we have
Answer: A constant cost industryAnswer
Q37: If liabilities exceed assets, it shows the
Answer: Loss incurred by the concernAnswer
Q38: If preferences shares are redeemed at premium, then such premium may be provided out of the
Answer: Share Premium accountAnswer
Q39: If preferred shared are redeemed at premium, them such premium may be provided out of the
Answer: Capital redemption reserve accountAnswer
Q40: If the government requires a monopolist to practice marginal cost pricing, we can be sure that this monopolist will end up
Answer: Producing less outputAnswer
Q41: If the increase in demand is more than the increase in supply, the price will
Answer: IncreaseAnswer
Q42: If the supply and demand increase equally the price will
Answer: Remain the sameAnswer
Q43: IFCI has its Registered Office in
Answer: BombayAnswer
Q44: Image advertising that changes the experience of buying a using a product is
Answer: Transformation advertisingAnswer
Q45: Impact of an indirect tax is on
Answer: The one who eventually pay sitAnswer
Q46: Import licences are issued by
Answer: Chief Controller of Imports and ExportsAnswer
Q47: Import procedure begins with
Answer: IndentAnswer
Q48: In “line and staff” organisation, the authority lies in
Answer: LineAnswer
Q49: In a bill of exchange, drawee is the person
Answer: On whom the bill is drawnAnswer
Q50: In a break-even chart, angle of incidence is formed by the inter-section of
Answer: Sales line and total cost lineAnswer
Q51: In a developed economy which sector contributes major share
Answer: Service sectorAnswer
Q52: In a job cost system, costs are accumulated
Answer: By specific jobAnswer
Q53: In a line type of organization, each worker reports
Answer: To a single superior who is responsible for all departmental functions and needsAnswer
Q54: In a manufacturing company assets in the balance-sheet are arranged in the order of
Answer: UtilityAnswer
Q55: In a member’s voluntary winding up, the company shall give notice of the appointment of a liquidator to the
Answer: CourtAnswer
Q56: In a private limited company, the transfer shares is
Answer: RestrictedAnswer
Q57: In a promissory note the words “or order” are
Answer: Not necessary but it is usual to insertAnswer
Q58: In a pure a barter economy
Answer: Freedom of choices is limitedAnswer
Q59: In addition to the field sales force, distributors retailers and customers, marketing control information can be gathered from
Answer: All of theseAnswer
Q60: In a___budget revenues equals expenditure
Answer: BalancedAnswer
Q61: In BCG-Matrix “Question marks are company business that operate in
Answer: High growth market with low market shareAnswer
Q62: In break-even chart, x-axis represents
Answer: Any of theseAnswer
Q63: In break-even chart, Y-axis represents
Answer: Cost and sales in rupeesAnswer
Q64: In calculating the return on share holders equity, the denominator is
Answer: Equity capital plus preference capitalAnswer
Q65: In cash/fund flow depreciation is treated as
Answer: A sourceAnswer
Q66: In Hindu Undividend Family, the karta is
Answer: The eldest male member of the familyAnswer
Q67: In India, the foreign exchange reserves are controlled by
Answer: RBIAnswer
Q68: In infrastructure of economy we include
Answer: All of these—a)PowerAnswer
Q69: In law what is suibono
Answer: Who is the gainerAnswer
Q70: In marine insurance, the insures must have insurable interest at the time when
Answer: The event happensAnswer
Q71: In order for the corporation to organize, it must
Answer: All of these—(a) have a minimum number of stockholders (b) possess a minimum amount of capital (c) pay incorporation fees taxesAnswer
Q72: In production planning, the major portion of coordination would be the responsibility of
Answer: The product planning departmentAnswer
Q73: In relation to a company, the term “Ultravires” means
Answer: An action outside the memorandum of association of the companyAnswer
Q74: In the case of a Giffen goods like bajra a fall in its price tends to
Answer: Reduce the demandAnswer
Q75: In the co-operative organisation, the voting rights of members are
Answer: Equal, irrespective of amount of capital contributionAnswer
Q76: In the process of delegating authority, the manager’s responsibility will
Answer: No effect on his responsibilityAnswer
Q77: In Varoom’s theory, motivation results from
Answer: Valence x ExpectancyAnswer
Q78: In what form C.P.s are issued
Answer: Promissory notesAnswer
Q79: In which of the following incentive plans of wages payment, wages on time basis are NOT guaranteed
Answer: Taylor’s differential piece rate systemAnswer
Q80: In which of the following methods, materials are issued at the price prevailing at the time of issue
Answer: Replacement price methodAnswer
Q81: In which of the following methods, the charge to production is at actual cost
Answer: FIFOAnswer
Q82: In which of the following price quotations, all the expenses are borne by the buyer
Answer: LOCO priceAnswer
Q83: In which of the following, interest/dividend is payable even if the company does not earn profit
Answer: DebenturesAnswer
Q84: In which period the Industrial Revolution started in England
Answer: 1760-1800Answer
Q85: In which price in (marketing) all charges excluding the time when good are placed in railway wagon are to be paid by the buyer
Answer: FORAnswer
Q86: In which type of partnership life of concern depends on the will of partner
Answer: Partnership for a particular purposeAnswer
Q87: Income earned and collected results in
Answer: Increase in asset and decrease in assetAnswer
Q88: Income elasticity of demand is expressed as
Answer: Percentage change in quantity demandedAnswer
Q89: Increase in Return on Investment Ratio indicates
Answer: Better utilisation of assetsAnswer
Q90: Increased sales-promotion expenditures were effective in producing share gains for companies
Answer: EstablishedAnswer
Q91: Indexing is an important
Answer: Aid of filingAnswer
Q92: Indicate which of the following is correct
Answer: Sale – Cost of goods sold – Operating expenses = Net ProfitAnswer
Q93: Indicate which of the following is not correct
Answer: Net profit – Operating expenses = Gross profitAnswer
Q94: Indicate which of the following is not false
Answer: Gross profit – Operating expenses = Net profitAnswer
Q95: Net profit + Operating expenses + Cost of goods sold = Sales
Answer: Correct – TrueAnswer
Q96: Individual proprietorship form of business organisation is not advisable for the enterprises which
Answer: Are large in sizeAnswer
Q97: Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Ltd. (ICICI) is a
Answer: (b)+providing risk and loan capital, expansion or modernisation of productive facilities and furnishing or finding managerial, technical and administrative advice and service for Indian IndustiresAnswer
Q98: Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Ltd., was incorporated in
Answer: 1955Answer
Q99: Industrial Finance Corporation of India was established in
Answer: 1948Answer
Q100: Influential individuals and diverse groups are often called
Answer: High holdersAnswer