Q1: Corporate profits included in disposable personal income are
Answer: DividendsAnswer
Q2: Cost of idle time arising due to non-availability of raw material is
Answer: Charged to costing profit and loss A/CAnswer
Q3: Cost of sales include
Answer: DepreciationAnswer
General expenses
Q4: Cost plus contract is useful from the point of view of
Answer: Both contractor and contracteeAnswer
Q5: Cost reduction is achieved through
Answer: Inventory controlAnswer
Q6: Creative concept in makes the message
Answer: DistinctiveAnswer
Q7: Credit Creation increases
Answer: Supply of moneyAnswer
Q8: Credit signifies
Answer: Increase in liabilities accountsAnswer
Q9: Critical areas involved in strategic management include
Answer: All of these—a)Determining long-term objectivesAnswer
b)Determining the mission
c)Determining the goals
Q10: Cross-elasticity of demanded between petrol and automobiles is
Answer: NegativeAnswer
Q11: Current liabilities are
Answer: Dividends payableAnswer
Q12: Current ratio is a
Answer: Balance sheet ratioAnswer
Q13: Current ratio may be increased by
Answer: Overstating current assetsAnswer
Q14: Custom production
Answer: Is essential to mass productionAnswer
Q15: Customer contact is indirect in lase of
Answer: AdvertisingAnswer
Q16: Customers have the power to
Answer: Demand higher quality and Decrease processAnswer
Q17: Dealings in stock exchanges can be done by public
Answer: Only through brokersAnswer
Q18: Debentures are classified under
Answer: Term liabilitiesAnswer
Q19: Debentures are shown in the Balance Sheet of a company under the item
Answer: Secured loansAnswer
Q20: Debentures can be redeemed by
Answer: Any of the aboveAnswer
Q21: Debentures cannot be
Answer: Participating debenturesAnswer
Q22: Debit all losses and expenses and credit all income and gains is applicable to
Answer: Nominal accountsAnswer
Q23: Debit signifies
Answer: None of these—a)Increase in asset accountAnswer
b)Decrease in liability accounts
c)Decrease in capital accounts
Q24: Debtors turnover ratio is calculated by
Answer: Credit salesAnswer
Q25: Decentralisation of authority means
Answer: Departmentalising activitiesAnswer
Q26: Decision makers who are concerned about the quantity of both the sales representatives are
Answer: HesitantAnswer
Q27: Decision makers who are particularly positive towards advertising efforts, but negative toward sales representatives are known as
Answer: DoublersAnswer
Q28: Decisions that may be exempted from union participation include
Answer: PricingAnswer
Q29: Deferred shares can be issued by
Answer: Private companyAnswer
Q30: Delegation of authority is effective when
Answer: The concern is doing business in different branchesAnswer
Q31: Delphi is a(n)
Answer: A and CAnswer
Q32: Delphi is concerned with which life cycle stage
Answer: Product developmentAnswer
Q33: Demand can be measured at
Answer: Any of the aboveAnswer
Q34: Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
Answer: Is a statutory corporation and all commercial banks have to get insurance cover from it for their deposits received from publicAnswer
Q35: Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India was set up in
Answer: 1862Answer
Q36: Depreciation is identified as
Answer: ExpenseAnswer
Q37: Describing the quantity and quality of financial, human, and physical resources of the firm is
Answer: MissionAnswer
Q38: Development banks are institutions which
Answer: Provide term finance to industriesAnswer
Q39: DFHI provides short term liquidity by
Answer: Undertaking buy back arrangement in Government and oteh approved securitiesAnswer
Q40: Direct material is a
Answer: Manufacturing costAnswer
Q41: Disadvantage of outdoor advertising relates to
Answer: LifeAnswer
Q42: Disinvestment occurs when
Answer: The capital consumption allowance exceeds gross private domestic investmentAnswer
Q43: Disinvestments occurs when
Answer: The investment in public sector is shifted to private/ institution or individualAnswer
Q44: Dividend is a distribution to shareholders out of
Answer: Reserve available for this purposeAnswer
Q45: Dividend on preference capital will be paid
Answer: Only when directors recommendAnswer
Q46: Dividend policies are decided at the
Answer: Corporate levelAnswer
Q47: Doctrine of constrine notice means
Answer: Every person dealing with the company is deemed to have the notice of the documents that have been registered with the Registrar of companiesAnswer
Q48: Doctrine of constructive notice means
Answer: Notice to outside dealing with the company as to contents of Memorandum and ArticlesAnswer
Q49: Dogs describe company business that have
Answer: Weak market shares in low growth marketsAnswer
Q50: Double insurance means
Answer: Insuring the same risk with two or more independent insurersAnswer
Q51: Dr.John Watson stated that repetition of a stimulus tends to
Answer: Strengthen a responseAnswer
Q52: Drawing account of the proprietor is a
Answer: Personal accountsAnswer
Q53: Effective copy writing should not be
Answer: ForcedAnswer
Q54: Effective managerial performance is dependent on all but the manager’s
Answer: Level of motivationAnswer
Q55: Effective supervision is an activity of
Answer: Control functionAnswer
Q56: Effort-reward relationship is considered in
Answer: Equity theory of motivationAnswer
Q57: Elasticity of demand can be measured in the following way
Answer: %change in demandAnswer
Q58: Elasticity of Demand indicates
Answer: Changes in pricesAnswer
Q59: Electrification in rurals areas can be done better and on cheaper rate through
Answer: Solar energyAnswer
Q60: Entrepot means
Answer: Goods imported for re-exportAnswer
Q61: Entrepot trade means
Answer: Goods imported for re-exportedAnswer
Q62: Errors of carry forward affect
Answer: all of these—a)Personal accountsAnswer
b)Impersonal accounts
c)Nominal accounts
Q63: Errors which affect one account can be
Answer: Errors of principleAnswer
Q64: Establishing organizational goals and determining the manner of implementation is what managerial function
Answer: Planning and policy makingAnswer
Q65: Every Public Limited Company must have a minimum of
Answer: 3 directorAnswer
Q66: Examination of alternative courses of action is an activity which falls under
Answer: Direction functionAnswer
Q67: Exchange Control Authority in India is
Answer: Reserve Bank of IndiaAnswer
Q68: Exchange risk is eliminated in
Answer: Non-resident (external) accountAnswer
Q69: Export Credit Guarantee Organisation has been set up to
Answer: Provide guarantee/insurance risk involved in export riskAnswer
Q70: Export procedure begins with
Answer: IndentAnswer
Q71: F.E.D.A.I is
Answer: An association union of authorised dealers in IndiaAnswer
Q72: F.O.R (Free on Rail) price quotation includes
Answer: Cost of carrying the goods to railway stationAnswer
Q73: F.W Taylor is known as the father of
Answer: Scientific management approachAnswer
Q74: Factors which foster brand identification include
Answer: All of these–a)Customer creditAnswer
b)Customer service
c)Product differenced
Q75: Factory rent is identified as
Answer: Fixed costAnswer
Q76: FCNR accounts are maintained in
Answer: US $ SterlingAnswer
Q77: Field theotists are called
Answer: Holistic theoristsAnswer
Q78: Fire insurance covers
Answer: Both the elements of risk and investmentAnswer
Q79: FIRPS are issued for a maximum amount of
Answer: Rs. 10,000Answer
Q80: FIRPS instruments are encashable at
Answer: All branches in India of all Authorised Dealers and of other scheduled commercial banks who have agreed to abide by rules prescribed by F.E.D.A.I. in this regardAnswer
Q81: FIRPS instruments bear the signature of
Answer: Chairman of Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India as also of the Authorised Dealer issuing the instrumentAnswer
Q82: FIRPS was introduced by
Answer: F.E.D.A.I. to facilitate proceeds of personal remittances received from abroad in favour of resident Indians for credit of non-resident accountsAnswer
Q83: First of all the term ‘Quasi-rent’ was used by
Answer: Professor MarshallAnswer
Q84: Fixed assets are
Answer: Plant and machinery and each buildingAnswer
Q85: Fixed assets are purchased for
Answer: Helping in the production of goods and servicesAnswer
Q86: Fixed assets include
Answer: (a)+(b)+(c)Answer
Q87: Fixed cost per unit increase when
Answer: Production volume decreasesAnswer
Q88: Fixed Deposits are
Answer: Time LiabilityAnswer
Q89: Fixing definite price zones or ranges and selling within them is termed as
Answer: Margin pricingAnswer
Q90: Flexibility in capital structure is provided by
Answer: Preference shares and debenturesAnswer
Q91: Flexibility is usually increased at the expense of
Answer: SpecificityAnswer
Q92: For a brand, the idea of accumulating a reservoir of goodwill a good impressions is called as
Answer: Brand imageAnswer
Q93: For management budgeting is perhaps the most powerful
Answer: Control deviceAnswer
Q94: For opening current account of a partnership firm, the firm
Answer: Should not be registeredAnswer
Q95: For the proper discharge of his duties, a company secretary is answerable to
Answer: The directorsAnswer
Q96: For what type of asset deplation method of depreciation is used
Answer: MinningAnswer
Q97: For whom Balance Sheet Audit is useful
Answer: For a concern paying income taxAnswer
Q98: Foreign company means
Answer: Accompany incorporated outside India and having established place of business in IndiaAnswer
Q99: Foreign trade is controlled by
Answer: Chief controller of Imports and ExportsAnswer
Q100: Formal conflict is a kind of
Answer: Organisational conflictAnswer