Q1: An over-statement of beginning work-in-progress inventory will
Answer: Understate the profitAnswer
Q2: An under-statement of ending work-in-progress inventory will
Answer: Understate net profitAnswer
Q3: An understanding approved at by certain businessmen to divide the market them is known as
Answer: Informal agreementAnswer
Q4: An unobseruable inner force that stimulates and compels a behavioural response is
Answer: AttitudeAnswer
Q5: Annual objectives are principally attained through
Answer: Long-term objectivesAnswer
Q6: Any person dealing with the company is deemed to have a knowledge of its
Answer: Memorandum as well as ArticlesAnswer
Q7: Arc elasticity is
Answer: Change in priceAnswer
Q8: Articles of Association can be altered by
Answer: A special resolution in general meetingAnswer
Q9: Articles of Association is a document which
Answer: Lays down the regulations or bye-laws for carrying into effect the objects of the company as defined in its memorandum of association and for the management of its internal affairsAnswer
Q10: Arumor clinic is
Answer: Information service to correct false rumoursAnswer
Q11: As an advertising medium which, of the following, is not the advantage of television
Answer: Relatively long lifeAnswer
Q12: As an economy develops
Answer: None of these—a)The share of agriculture in national products fallsAnswer
b)The share of agriculture in occupation structure falls
c)The share of industry in national product rises
Q13: As per Herzberg’s theory, what is a chief motivating factor
Answer: Job designAnswer
Q14: Asset Turnover Ratio of a company in increasing. It indicates
Answer: better capacity utilisationAnswer
Q15: Asset Turnover Ratio of a company is increasing. It indicates
Answer: Better capacity utilisationAnswer
Q16: Assets are properties that
Answer: Are ownedAnswer
Q17: Assets very easily convertible into cash are
Answer: Liquid assetsAnswer
Q18: Associated Comment Co (ACC) in India is an example of
Answer: Holding companyAnswer
Q19: Assume that an ad valorem tax is imposed on a commodity. The price of that commodity will rise if its elasticity of demand is
Answer: InfiniteAnswer
Q20: At the end of the year, after adjustments have been made there is a balance in Prepaid Interest account. It is an
Answer: AssetAnswer
Q21: Average cost means
Answer: Cost per Unit of productionAnswer
Q22: Awareness of technological changes in its industry helps the firm to
Answer: Resist obsolescenceAnswer
Q23: Bad bargain is a term for
Answer: Item which is not worth the price asked forAnswer
Q24: Bad debts means
Answer: Debtors fail to pay their debts in full and such debts are irecoverableAnswer
Q25: Balance sheet is a statement of assets and liabilities of a concern
Answer: On an given dateAnswer
Q26: Balance sheet shows the
Answer: Financial position of a businessAnswer
Q27: Bank account is a
Answer: Personal accountAnswer
Q28: Bank loan account is a
Answer: Personal accountAnswer
Q29: Bank overdraft account is a
Answer: Personal accountAnswer
Q30: Bank overdraft is a good a source of finance for
Answer: Short termAnswer
Q31: Bankers are called “dealers in credit and carries of risk” The risks that Bankers normally take are
Answer: Calculated risksAnswer
Q32: Banks in India who deal in foreign exchange are called
Answer: Authorised DealersAnswer
Q33: Barings is the name of the oldest British Bank which collapsed due to a bad-bed by Lesson. How old is the bank
Answer: 233 yearsAnswer
Q34: Basis of departmentation is
Answer: All of these—a) Services renderedAnswer
b)Products handled
c)Geographical area
Q35: Batch costing is a variant of
Answer: Job costingAnswer
Q36: BCG reasons that the two most rational strategic options for a questions mark/problem child business are
Answer: A hold-and-maintain strategy and a harvesting strategyAnswer
Q37: Because a company is considered a legal entity, it can
Answer: All of these—a)Sue and can be suedAnswer
b)Secure a title in its own name
c)Make conflicts in its own name
Q38: Behavioural effects which should be expected from the team approach to strategic management do not include
Answer: Determining the best available alternativesAnswer
Q39: Bill boards with unusual lighting effects are known as
Answer: SpectacularsAnswer
Q40: Bill exchange can be drawn payable
Answer: Either on demand or after a fixed timeAnswer
Q41: Bill of entry is prepared for
Answer: Goods for home consumptionAnswer
Q42: Bills receivable Book is a part of
Answer: LedgerAnswer
Q43: Block release indicates
Answer: A release of two or more promotionsAnswer
Q44: Bonus share can be issued out of
Answer: Capital reserveAnswer
Q45: Bonus shares are the shares issues to the
Answer: Existing shareholdersAnswer
Q46: Bonus shares can be issued out of
Answer: All of the these—a)Balance in the profit and loss a/cAnswer
b)Share Premium account
c)Capital Reserve
Q47: Brag-and-boast copy is an advertising text that is written from the — point of view
Answer: ConsumersAnswer
Q48: Brand identification is often called
Answer: Brand differentiationAnswer
Q49: Branding is concerning with – component of four ‘P’ is
Answer: ProductAnswer
Q50: Break-even means point level of the activity at which there is
Answer: No profit no lossAnswer
Q51: Break-even point denotes
Answer: A system of determining that level of operations where total revenues equal total expenses, i.e. the point of zero profitAnswer
Q52: Buda charge’ is paid by a
Answer: Either (a) or (b) aboveAnswer
Q53: Business advertising is used primarily to
Answer: To create new users and marketsAnswer
Q54: Business combinations are formed to derive the advantages of
Answer: Avoiding wasteful competitionAnswer
Q55: Business means
Answer: Industry and commerceAnswer
Q56: Business statesmanship on the part of peers is a
Answer: Union claimAnswer
Q57: Business success is determined by
Answer: MarketingAnswer
Q58: Calendar variance is a sub-variance of
Answer: Volume varianceAnswer
Q59: Capital gearing means
Answer: Fixation of a proper ratio between two or more types of securitiesAnswer
Q60: Capital is necessary for
Answer: Fixed facilitiesAnswer
Q61: Car cards advertising referred as to
Answer: Advertising posters with a vehicle used in itAnswer
Q62: Cartel is a type of
Answer: Vertical combinationAnswer
Q63: Cartel is form of which type of combination
Answer: FederationAnswer
Q64: Cash cows is the — stage in the life cycle of a SBU
Answer: SecondAnswer
Q65: Cash sales result into
Answer: Source of fundAnswer
Q66: Cause proxima implies that the loss must arise from
Answer: The cause insured againstAnswer
Q67: Charter party is for a
Answer: Definite period of time or a definite voyageAnswer
Q68: Co-operative and public companies are similar in respect of
Answer: The maximum number of membersAnswer
Q69: Co-ordination function of management aims at
Answer: Bringing harmony in various activitiesAnswer
Q70: Collaboration is a function of
Answer: Perceived power, trust and goal shareabilityAnswer
Q71: Collection of accounts receivable results in
Answer: Decrease in asset and increase in assetAnswer
Q72: Collection of cash from debtors will cause the current ratio to
Answer: Have to effectAnswer
Q73: Combination of plants at the same stage of production or in the same trade or commerce is called a
Answer: Horizontal combinationAnswer
Q74: Combine effort of various firms in an industry to promote their product is described as
Answer: Primary demand advertisingAnswer
Q75: Companies need approval in terms of amount and number of issue from
Answer: SEBIAnswer
Q76: Competitors who do not exhibit predictable reaction pattern are termed as the
Answer: Stockastic competitorAnswer
Q77: Computer ‘hardware’ refers to
Answer: All of the equipment required for proper functioning of a programmeAnswer
Q78: Computer generated letters that move across the bottom of the screen are
Answer: CrawlAnswer
Q79: Concentration is described as
Answer: A and CAnswer
Q80: Concersion of adventures into share capital results into
Answer: No flow fundAnswer
Q81: Considering organisational side of a company, the company’s —- is the hardest to change
Answer: StructureAnswer
Q82: Consignment account is of the nature of
Answer: Personal accountsAnswer
Q83: Consumer wants refer to
Answer: The goods and services for which a consumer is able and willing to payAnswer
Q84: Consumer’s surplus is also known as
Answer: Buyer’s surplusAnswer
Q85: Consumer’s surplus is described as
Answer: Happiness of the consumerAnswer
Q86: Consumption can be defined as
Answer: Any activity directed to the satisfaction of wantsAnswer
Q87: Contango charge is paid by
Answer: Bull speculator to bear speculatorAnswer
Q88: Contingent liabilities are shown under
Answer: None of these—a)Net worthAnswer
b)Term liabilities
c)Current liabilities
Q89: Contingent liability is shown due to
Answer: Convention of full disclosureAnswer
Q90: Contract costing is used in
Answer: Ship buildingAnswer
Q91: Contract price is not fixed in case of
Answer: All of these—a) de-escalation clause (b) cost plus contracts (c)escalationAnswer
Q92: Contribution margin is equal to
Answer: Fixed cost – lossAnswer
Q93: Contribution margin is known as
Answer: Marginal incomeAnswer
Q94: Control of management of the company mainly vests in
Answer: Equity shareholdersAnswer
Q95: Convergent lateral combination takes place when
Answer: Various firms join together with a major firm to supply its requirementAnswer
Q96: Conversion cost is equal to the total of
Answer: Direct wages and factory overheadAnswer
Q97: Convertible debentures can be converted into … after the expiry of a stipulated period
Answer: Equity sharesAnswer
Q98: Copy does not include
Answer: SignaturesAnswer
Q99: Copyrights and patents are an example of
Answer: Intangible assetsAnswer
Q100: Corporate -level decisions are characterized by
Answer: All of these—a)Decreased riskAnswer
b)Decreased cost
c)Decreased profit