Q1: Which of the following securities proves a burden on finances of the company, when company is not earning profits
Answer: DebenturesAnswer
Q2: Which of the following should be included in the functions of a marketing organization
Answer: All of these—a)The establishment of policyAnswer
b)The development of new products
c)The identification of markets
Q3: Which of the following sources is not use for medium term financing
Answer: Issue of equity sharesAnswer
Q4: Which of the following speculative activities is based on disparity in quoted prices in different markets
Answer: ArbitrageAnswer
Q5: Which of the following speculators expect fall in the prices of securities in the near future
Answer: BearAnswer
Q6: Which of the following system (channels) of communication help achieve a coordinate effort aimed at the attainment of overall organisational goals
Answer: HorizontalAnswer
Q7: Which of the following transactions results in decrease of owner’s equity and increase in liabilities
Answer: Reduction in the paid value of shares from Rs. 5 to Rs. 3Answer
Q8: Which of the following transactions results in increase in owner’s equity and also decrease in owner’s equity
Answer: Issue of bonus sharesAnswer
Q9: Which of the following transactions results in increase in share holders equity and decrease in liabilities
Answer: Shared issue in payment of bills payableAnswer
Q10: Which of the following variance is always favourable
Answer: None of theseAnswer
Q11: Which of the following variances is always adverse
Answer: Calendar varianceAnswer
Q12: Which of the following will you classify as intangible asset
Answer: Accumulated lossAnswer
Q13: Which of the following will you classify under ‘Business Enterprises’
Answer: Beedimakers, cycle-hire shops, hotels/restaurants/tea stalls etcAnswer
Q14: Which of the followings include other threes
Answer: Trade promotionAnswer
Q15: Which of the followings is an accounting equation
Answer: Capital = Assets – LiabilitiesAnswer
Q16: Which of the followings is an equation
Answer: Assets = Equities + LiabilitiesAnswer
Q17: Which of the followings is correct
Answer: Cost of goods sold + Closing stock – Opening stock = PurchasesAnswer
Q18: Which of the followings is not a purpose of taxation
Answer: To dissuade people from increasing their income by extra workAnswer
Q19: Which of the speculators applies for new issues with a view to prompt resale
Answer: BullAnswer
Q20: Which of these is not part of promotional mix
Answer: Product designAnswer
Q21: Which option is wrong, Transformation advertising
Answer: Can work for products related to unpleasant experiencesAnswer
Q22: Who appoints first director of a company
Answer: PromotersAnswer
Q23: Who can issue C.D
Answer: All scheduled commercial banksAnswer
Q24: Who cannot become a partner in a partnership firm
Answer: Undischarged insolventAnswer
Q25: Who coined the concept of opinion poll
Answer: Dr. GallopAnswer
Q26: Who coined the idea of credit cards
Answer: Frank Memara in 1950.( Diners Club)Answer
Q27: Who controls credit in India
Answer: Reserve Bank of IndiaAnswer
Q28: Who developed Transaction Analysis
Answer: T.A.HarrisAnswer
Q29: Who gave In maturity–maturity theory
Answer: E. ScheinAnswer
Q30: Who gave the concept of mental revolution
Answer: F.W.TaylorAnswer
Q31: Who gave the definition – “Wants are unlimited and means are limited, hence economics is a science to balance ends and means.”
Answer: RobbinsAnswer
Q32: Who gave theory Z
Answer: Urwich/OuchiAnswer
Q33: Who had suggested that the 4 ps correspond to the customer’s 4 Cs
Answer: Carl LarsonAnswer
Q34: Who has (have) formulated ‘Life Cycle Theory ‘ of Leadership
Answer: Hersey and BlanchardAnswer
Q35: Who has (have) provided five OD steps (processes) comprising diagnosis, strategy planning, education, consulting and training and evaluation
Answer: Black and MoutonAnswer
Q36: Who has (have) suggested that, in a formalised and centralised organisational structure, the information processing is hampered despite its utmost necessity in the face of incertanity
Answer: Burns and stalkerAnswer
Q37: Who has analysed organisational behaviour from the standpoints of inter disciplinary human resources (supportive), contingency and systems approaches
Answer: Elton mayoAnswer
Q38: Who has considered an organisational consultant essentially as a guru
Answer: PareekAnswer
Q39: Who has evolved the concept of “takeoff” in the process of economic growth
Answer: W.W.RostowAnswer
Q40: Who has evolved the theory of social systems involving the elements of activities, interactions and sentiments
Answer: HumansAnswer
Q41: Who has provided four systems of management
Answer: LikertAnswer
Q42: Who has shown that high productivity is related to employee-oriented surpervision
Answer: BoseAnswer
Q43: Who has shown that two-thirds of management communications are either horizontal or diagonal
Answer: Wickes bergAnswer
Q44: Who has shown the closeness of supervision is not necessarily associated with low performance
Answer: Ganguli and SequeriaAnswer
Q45: Who has stressed the group theory (behavioural) of organisation
Answer: SimonAnswer
Q46: Who has suggested that achievement motivation among individuals and nations can be developed through training courses
Answer: McClellandAnswer
Q47: Who has written the “Economics of Welfare”
Answer: A.C. PigouAnswer
Q48: Who has written the “Social Framework”
Answer: A.C. PiguoAnswer
Q49: Who headed the committee in “Computerization in India an Banks (1988)
Answer: M.NarasimhanAnswer
Q50: Who is a ‘procastinator Customer’
Answer: One who always postpones his buying decisionsAnswer
Q51: Who is a free rider
Answer: A worker who receives benefits from a union without having joined itAnswer
Q52: Who is a neoclassical theorist
Answer: KhanAnswer
Q53: Who is a scab
Answer: A work who refuses to join a unionAnswer
Q54: Who is dormant partner
Answer: One who takes no active part in businessAnswer
Q55: Who is primarily liable on a promissory note
Answer: MakerAnswer
Q56: Who is the author of the following work: “The Economics of Sellers Competition”
Answer: Fritz MachlupAnswer
Q57: Who is the author of the work “Theory of Price”
Answer: G.J. StiglerAnswer
Q58: Who is the designated CM of NABARD
Answer: Dy. Governor of RBIAnswer
Q59: Who is the father or Quality Control Circles
Answer: LewinAnswer
Q60: Who propounded need based theory of motivation
Answer: A.H. MaslowAnswer
Q61: Who propounded the Wage Theory of Profit
Answer: David RicardoAnswer
Q62: Who tries to identify and secure the most profitable adn promising market segment
Answer: Operational managersAnswer
Q63: Who was proposed seven stages of development of individual’s personality from immaturity to maturity
Answer: ArgyrisAnswer
Q64: Who wrote “Human side of Enterprise”
Answer: D. MacgregorAnswer
Q65: Who wrote “Management task, Responsibility and Practice?”
Answer: Peter DruckerAnswer
Q66: Why was joint sector mooted in India
Answer: For mobilising initiative resourcesAnswer
Q67: Why window dressing is prohibited
Answer: It gives misleading pictureAnswer
Q68: Within a functionally organized marketing department, which function are under the direction of the marketing director
Answer: All of theseAnswer
Q69: Word “Bank” has been derived from a Latin word meaning
Answer: A bench for the keeping, lending and exchanging etc. of moneyAnswer
Q70: Working capital can be used for the purchase of
Answer: Raw materialAnswer
Q71: Working capital gap means
Answer: Total current assets minus current liabilities other than bank borrowingsAnswer
Q72: Working capital requirements can be raised by
Answer: Loans from commercial banksAnswer
Q73: Writing of a debtors as a bad debt will cause the quick ratio to
Answer: DecreaseAnswer
Q74: Xerography is a process of
Answer: Electrical photographyAnswer
Q75: Yellow pages advertising is an example of
Answer: Directional advertisingAnswer
Q76: ___is normally concerned with the plans and ideas of trying to make consumer exchange
Answer: MarketingAnswer
Q77: Net profit + Cost of goods sold + Operating expenses = Sales
Answer: Correct – TrueAnswer
Q78: In the sketch of the planning and control cycle, what do the arrows X and Y indicate
Answer: (X) Review plans, (Y) review implementation of plansAnswer
Q79: The sketch shows the process of communication from A to B. What labels apply to the arrows that cross in the centre
Answer: Transmission; feedbackAnswer