Q1: What is an imperfect market
Answer: A situation where market information is not availableAnswer
Q2: What is an infrastructure
Answer: Power, Transport and Banking insuranceAnswer
Q3: What is an odd lot
Answer: A lot of shares different from the round lotAnswer
Q4: What is an opinion leader
Answer: A member of a group who is capable of influencing others in that group to buyAnswer
Q5: What is an option
Answer: It is right to buy or sale before the due date at less than predetermined priceAnswer
Q6: What is an utility of a commodity
Answer: Want satisfying capacityAnswer
Q7: What is ARDC
Answer: Agricultural Refinance and Development CorporationAnswer
Q8: What is ARS
Answer: Automatic Refinance SchemeAnswer
Q9: What is balanced scheme
Answer: The scheme in which there is balancing of income, growth and stabilityAnswer
Q10: What is bearer’s share
Answer: Share CertificateAnswer
Q11: What is bounded warehouse
Answer: A warehouse that accepts imported goods for storage before payment of customAnswer
Q12: What is Brain storming
Answer: An idea generation process eith free lance thinkingAnswer
Q13: What is brand mark
Answer: A part of brand which can be recognised but cannot be utteredAnswer
Q14: What is Buymanship
Answer: Better, rational and prudent buying than emotional buyingAnswer
Q15: What is called to buying of shares by taking money from brokers
Answer: Margin tradingAnswer
Q16: What is called to the general statement that guides decision making while planning
Answer: A policyAnswer
Q17: What is called to the special kind of plan formulated in order to meet challenge if the policies of competitors
Answer: A strategyAnswer
Q18: What is called to the speed with which inventory is converted into cash
Answer: TurnoverAnswer
Q19: What is called to the voluntary non-profit association of people engaged in trade, commerce and industry
Answer: Chamber of CommerceAnswer
Q20: What is carrying cost
Answer: The expenses associated with maintenance and storage of a commodity before it is soldAnswer
Q21: What is Causa Proxima
Answer: It is the nearest possible cause for occurance of an eventAnswer
Q22: What is coersive power
Answer: Power due to positionAnswer
Q23: What is collectivism
Answer: A national culture attribute that describes the social fabric/framework od a countryAnswer
Q24: What is conflict paradox
Answer: Conflict contributes to a group’s performance but most groups and organisation try to eliminate itAnswer
Q25: What is conglomerate diversification
Answer: 1. The development of business unrelated to the firms current businessAnswer
2. A situation where the company undertakes new activities in new markets
Q26: What is cornering
Answer: Formation of a false and misleading opinion about a company in stock marketAnswer
Q27: What is customer sensing
Answer: This is studying the customer reactions to the business/productAnswer
Q28: What is Delphi method sales forecast
Answer: A survey of expert opinion bases on futuristic broad estimatesAnswer
Q29: What is distinguished unemployment
Answer: More works engaged in a job than requiredAnswer
Q30: What is dividend mandate
Answer: Dividend to be deposited in account on request of shareholdersAnswer
Q31: What is doctrine of constructive notice
Answer: Every internal person dealing with a company should ne properly informed about its activitiesAnswer
Q32: What is double option
Answer: A combination of both, call and put optionAnswer
Q33: What is engineering standars
Answer: A standard concerned with parts of the product which are directly concerned with manufacturing activityAnswer
Q34: What is ERG theory
Answer: Three needs of a man, Existance, Relatedness and GrowthAnswer
Q35: What is Ergonomics
Answer: An arrangement of sitting, posture etc. to improve work performanceAnswer
Q36: What is expectancy motivation formula
Answer: M = incentives x productivityAnswer
Q37: What is family packaging
Answer: When a particular manufacturer uses and identical way packaging for all his productAnswer
Q38: What is FEDAI
Answer: Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of IndiaAnswer
Q39: What is forward purchasing
Answer: Purchase in advance for specified future period through forward deliveryAnswer
Q40: What is Franco price in marketing
Answer: C and F price plus other expenses upto buyers doorAnswer
Q41: What is gold bricking
Answer: A special productivity linked incentiveAnswer
Q42: What is golden handshake
Answer: A tax free sum of money given to a retiring employeeAnswer
Q43: What is goldenhand cuts
Answer: Special term of employment which make it functionally difficult for an employees to resignAnswer
Q44: What is Grasp
Answer: Graphical Robot Assessment and Simulation PackageAnswer
Q45: What is growth scheme
Answer: In growth scheme, emphasis is given on capital appreciationAnswer
Q46: What is HIPO
Answer: High input process outputAnswer
Q47: What is ICRA
Answer: Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of IndiaAnswer
Q48: What is Indent House
Answer: Professional middlemen operating in the foreign market in connection with overseas exporters and importersAnswer
Q49: What is IRBI
Answer: Industrial Reconstruction Bank of IndiaAnswer
Q50: What is KANBAN System of production
Answer: Non computer based, control of work flow to reduce the inventory to zero (Just in Time)Answer
Q51: What is Kerb dealing
Answer: Transaction done among dealers after the closing of the official trading hoursAnswer
Q52: What is kinesics
Answer: The study if body motionsAnswer
Q53: What is known as a charter of a Company
Answer: Memorandum of AssociationAnswer
Q54: What is Market Griding
Answer: The technique which facilitates discrimination of markets into classesAnswer
Q55: What is markup pricing
Answer: The selling price of the product is fixed by adding a margin to the cost priceAnswer
Q56: What is matrix mixture
Answer: A structure that creates dual lines of authorityAnswer
Q57: What is meant by span of control
Answer: A manager can supervise limited number of personsAnswer
Q58: What is monoposny
Answer: Single buyer dominates the marketAnswer
Q59: What is normative standard
Answer: Standard based on presence or absence of certain qualitiesAnswer
Q60: What is not included in the Balance Sheet
Answer: Non monetary transactionsAnswer
Q61: What is ORG
Answer: Operations Research GroupAnswer
Q62: What is parri-passu
Answer: With place togetherAnswer
Q63: What is PMTS
Answer: Predetermined Motion Times StudiesAnswer
Q64: What is point of purchase material
Answer: The collective name for promotional tools used in sales displays. (Banners, price cards, posters etc.)Answer
Q65: What is principle reason for charging of depreciation
Answer: Outdated assets to be replacedAnswer
Q66: What is QWL
Answer: Quality of work life. A process by which organisation responds to its members to improve their overall living standardAnswer
Q67: What is reinforcement
Answer: Fundamental condition of learningAnswer
Q68: What is run out approach
Answer: Refusal by employees to do critical jobsAnswer
Q69: What is SAMMIE
Answer: System for Aiding Man Machine Interaction EvaluationAnswer
Q70: What is SDR
Answer: Special Drawing RightsAnswer
Q71: What is seen as a part of border movement that seeks increased social responsibility
Answer: Sorietal marketingAnswer
Q72: What is Semantics
Answer: The effect of symbols upon minds and actionsAnswer
Q73: What is Social Audit
Answer: Attempt to measure social product and generation of social wealthAnswer
Q74: What is stand alone risk
Answer: Risk of a project when viewed in isolationAnswer
Q75: What is SWAP in financial market
Answer: Exchange of one set of financial obligation for motherAnswer
Q76: What is SWOT Analysis
Answer: Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and ThreatsAnswer
Q77: What is the aim of production activity
Answer: To convert materials into goodsAnswer
Q78: What is the estimated work force of child labour in the country
Answer: 150 lakhsAnswer
Q79: What is the function STC
Answer: Promotion of tradeAnswer
Q80: What is the maximum no. of the persons a Pvt. Ltd. company can have as its members
Answer: 50 Plus past employee plus existing employees or whom the shares are issuedAnswer
Q81: What is the remedy for over capitalization
Answer: Redemption of debenturesAnswer
Q82: What is the salient feature of MBO
Answer: Individual’s objectives coincide with organisation’s objectivesAnswer
Q83: What is traded in Bullion Market
Answer: Silver, Gold and Precious StonesAnswer
Q84: What is ultravires
Answer: An action beyond the scope/preview of ones specialised limitAnswer
Q85: What is VPP
Answer: Value Payable by PostAnswer
Q86: What is work to rule
Answer: A contract to work strictly acc. to terms agreed between union and managementAnswer
Q87: What is yellow Dog Contract
Answer: A contract that only authorised unions will be allowed to participate in negotiationsAnswer
Q88: What kind of asset is goodwill
Answer: IntangibleAnswer
Q89: What kind of ratio is D/E ratio
Answer: Solvency ratioAnswer
Q90: What one means by wild cat strike
Answer: A strike without pre-noticeAnswer
Q91: What term is used for declaring a member if defaulter
Answer: Lame darkAnswer
Q92: What the term graphology indicates
Answer: A study of handwritingAnswer
Q93: What the term valance indicates
Answer: An important ingredient in motivationAnswer
Q94: When a company is registered and a certificate of incorporation is issued by the Registrar
Answer: It acquires a perpetual by the RegistrarAnswer
Q95: When a company issues shares to vendors of assets for a consideration other than cash, such shares are issued
Answer: Any of theseAnswer
Q96: When a company organizes by markets, served the markets are usually
Answer: Differentiated and largeAnswer
Q97: When a contract is not completed at the end of the year, loss on incomplete contract is
Answer: Transferred to Profit and Loss AccountAnswer
Q98: When a country decides to product goods that will bring it the greatest advantage, it is accepting the principle of
Answer: Economic advantageAnswer
Q99: When a group generates new ideas and forecasts, this is called
Answer: BrainstormingAnswer
Q100: When a growing company reaches the point where the product lines are too complex for a functionally oriented marketing department, it will often turn to
Answer: All of theseAnswer