Q1: The terms TRIPS and TRIMS are related to
Answer: GATTAnswer
Q2: The theory of MBO is developed by
Answer: DruckerAnswer
Q3: The ther “Paper Gold” means
Answer: Special Drawing RightsAnswer
Q4: The total Indebtedness Ratio is an indicator of
Answer: SolvencyAnswer
Q5: The total utility is maximum when
Answer: M.U. is zeroAnswer
Q6: The Unit Trust of India was established in
Answer: 1964Answer
Q7: The ups and downs the occur regularly after intervals in capitalist economy are called as
Answer: Trade cyclesAnswer
Q8: The use of a respected brand name to add value to a product is termed as
Answer: Brand personalityAnswer
Q9: The use of as many different stations and programmer as possible to avoid the duplicating the message audience, is called as
Answer: DispersionAnswer
Q10: The utility may be defined as
Answer: The power of a commodity to satisfy wantsAnswer
Q11: The utility of a commodity is
Answer: The fact that it is wanted by some peopleAnswer
Q12: The value of an idea is measured by its
Answer: NoveltyAnswer
Q13: The visual element in an ad is known as
Answer: CopyAnswer
Q14: The word advertisement first appeared around
Answer: 1670Answer
Q15: The yellow-dog contract
Answer: Is actively opposed by the unionAnswer
Q16: Theory of collective bargaining is given by
Answer: Batrix WebAnswer
Q17: There are economics of scale in
Answer: Production and MarketingAnswer
Q18: There is increase in demand when
Answer: None of these—a)Less is demanded at the same priceAnswer
b)More is demanded at a lower price
c)Less is demanded at a higher price
Q19: There is no explicit mention of industrialisation, technology, natural resources, or political tradition of the definition of economic development, because
Answer: These are not easily quantified and each has its limitationsAnswer
Q20: Those who work within a Gestatt framework tend to feel that behaviour is determined mainly by
Answer: ExperienceAnswer
Q21: Three organizational elements provide fundamental, long-term means of institutionalizing a firm’s strategy. One of the element is
Answer: StructureAnswer
Q22: Threshold agreement is signed for the purpose
Answer: Agreement with inbuilt provision of payriseAnswer
Q23: Time series is a
Answer: Quantitative methodAnswer
Q24: To approach the understanding of a consumer market, one should have a knowledge of
Answer: All of these—a)Age factorsAnswer
b)Personal interests
c)Income levels
Q25: To arrive at a decision about new product development, the following functions would have some say except the
Answer: Personnel departmentAnswer
Q26: To be most effective, the communication models described should be a circular, rather than St. Line process. The last step is provision for
Answer: Consumer feedbackAnswer
Q27: To gain the most effect from market segmentation, it is important that information relating to buyers be
Answer: Capable of analysisAnswer
Q28: To manage “is to forecast and plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to control.” These are the words of
Answer: Henry FayolAnswer
Q29: To receive co-op money retailers must send the manufacturer the pages form a newspaper on which an ad papers is technically termed as
Answer: CuttingAnswer
Q30: Token strike is strike
Answer: To show that workers have grievanceAnswer
Q31: Total business saving is composed of
Answer: Dividends and undistributed corporate profitsAnswer
Q32: Trade balance of a country is equal to
Answer: Export – Import balanceAnswer
Q33: Traditional delivery of magazines refers to
Answer: Delivery through professionalsAnswer
Q34: Traditionally, managers were marked by
Answer: Reactive and tribalistic valuesAnswer
Q35: Transactions are recorded in the journal in
Answer: Chronological orderAnswer
Q36: Transformation advertising is an example of
Answer: Direct action advertisingAnswer
Q37: Trashcan hypothesis states that
Answer: No work is less importantAnswer
Q38: Traveller’s cheque is a cheque issued by
Answer: The bank and encashable at one branchAnswer
Q39: Trend analysis may be characterized by
Answer: Assuming that the future will be continuation of the past in some long-term trendAnswer
Q40: Trimmings in timber industry should be treated as a
Answer: ScrapAnswer
Q41: Under expectancy theory motivation increases when
Answer: Valence increasesAnswer
Q42: Under expectancy theory of motivation, increase in motivation results when
Answer: Valence increaseAnswer
Q43: Under the Companies Act, the “Financial Year” of a company
Answer: May be more or less than a calendar year, but it shall not exceed 15 monthsAnswer
Q44: Under the permanent deposit scheme
Answer: The importer maintains a running a/c with the custom officeAnswer
Q45: Under-capitalisation may result from
Answer: Understanding the rate of capitalisationAnswer
Q46: Under-capitalisation refers to
Answer: Actual capitalisation being lower than proper capitalisationAnswer
Q47: Underachiever is a person who
Answer: Achieves less than he is capable of for want of challenging jobAnswer
Q48: Unfreezing means
Answer: A condition of latiqueAnswer
Q49: Unity of command is violated under
Answer: Functional organisationAnswer
Q50: Until a bill of exchange is accepted, primary liability there on is that of
Answer: DrawerAnswer
Q51: Uses of the funds means
Answer: Decrease in liabilitiesAnswer
Q52: Utility in Economics means
Answer: What satisfyingAnswer
Q53: VABAL Based Advance Licensing
Answer: Value Based Advance LicensingAnswer
Q54: Variable cost per unit
Answer: Remains constantAnswer
Q55: Variable Reserve Ratio means varying the
Answer: Ratio of balance the banks have to keep with ReserveAnswer
Q56: Warehouse expense is an example of
Answer: Distribution overheadAnswer
Q57: Waters capital means
Answer: Part of the capital not represented by assetsAnswer
Q58: What are marketing mix variables
Answer: Product, Place, Price and promotionAnswer
Q59: What are the consumer goods
Answer: Convenience goodsAnswer
Q60: What are the two patronage motives
Answer: Emotional and Rational patronageAnswer
Q61: What area of marketing is called as ‘Dark Continent’
Answer: Physical DistributionAnswer
Q62: What characteristic distinguishes line management from staff management
Answer: CompetenceAnswer
Q63: What do you mean by halo error
Answer: An error of judgementAnswer
Q64: What do you mean by managerial grid
Answer: A leadership systemAnswer
Q65: What do you mean for bank giro
Answer: Method used by clearing banks for rapid funds transferAnswer
Q66: What do you understand by comparative advertising
Answer: The style of advertising that names competition directlyAnswer
Q67: What do you understand by kickback
Answer: A illegal commission paid to grab a contractAnswer
Q68: What for ‘AAA’ stands
Answer: Highest Safety, Return and Investment SecurityAnswer
Q69: What for BBB stands
Answer: Moderate safety, risk and returnAnswer
Q70: What for ECGCI stands
Answer: Export Credit and Gurantee Corporation of IndiaAnswer
Q71: What for GNATT charts are used
Answer: They help to plan production and actual performance over a period of timeAnswer
Q72: What for memory unit in a computer is used
Answer: Storing dataAnswer
Q73: What for NCAER Stands
Answer: National Council for Applied Economic ResearchAnswer
Q74: What for the term secondary boycott stands
Answer: Pressure put on employer by those not directly involved in an industrial disputeAnswer
Q75: What IQ is calculated
Answer: IQ=MA/PAAnswer
Q76: What is a certificate of origin
Answer: A certificate indicating origin of importAnswer
Q77: What is a complex man concept in organisational behaviour
Answer: A man with different ideas, attitudes, expectations at one timeAnswer
Q78: What is a customer want
Answer: Goods for which consumer is willing and able to payAnswer
Q79: What is a franchise
Answer: An independent business that sells or services, uses the name of the company and adopt policies in an exclusive territory granted by the companyAnswer
Q80: What is a Halo effect
Answer: The transfer of consumer goodwill from one product in a company’s line to another because both products use the company’s name &/or same brandnameAnswer
Q81: What is a jobclub
Answer: A placement agencyAnswer
Q82: What is a loss leader
Answer: A member of a group who is capable of inflencing others in that group to buyAnswer
Q83: What is a managerial grid
Answer: A nine by nine matrix outlining 81 different leadership stylesAnswer
Q84: What is a matrix organization
Answer: An organization with many deptts and product centresAnswer
Q85: What is a portfolio management
Answer: Balancing of risk, and capital gains by proper management of equity and other forms of assetsAnswer
Q86: What is a private brand
Answer: A brand which is sponsored by merchants / agentsAnswer
Q87: What is a proxy
Answer: It is a substitute to vote for anotherAnswer
Q88: What is a Random Walk theory
Answer: In market an investor if benefited by one particular scrip once, similar advantage cannot be gained by him twiceAnswer
Q89: What is a self image
Answer: Idea that a person has ideas about his own characterAnswer
Q90: What is a SIMO chart
Answer: Simultaneous Motion chartAnswer
Q91: What is a solid
Answer: Association of merchants and shopkeepersAnswer
Q92: What is a Wash Sale
Answer: The sale in which the seller repurchases the security immediately after sellingAnswer
Q93: What is a white collar crime
Answer: Bribes accepted by officerAnswer
Q94: What is ab-initio
Answer: Right from the beginningAnswer
Q95: What is ABC analysis
Answer: Always Better Control of inventory controlAnswer
Q96: What is accounting treatment to discount on issue of shares or debentures
Answer: Increase in fixed liabilitiesAnswer
Q97: What is ad interim
Answer: For the mean timeAnswer
Q98: What is ad volerem
Answer: According to valueAnswer
Q99: What is an holding company
Answer: A company having control over the another is called as the holding companyAnswer
Q100: What is an host country
Answer: A country in which the operational unit of MNC residesAnswer