Q1: The minimum number of shareholders in a Public Limited Company is
Answer: 7Answer
Q2: The mionopoliliatic firm will be in equilibrium where
Answer: Marginal revenue = Marginal costAnswer
Q3: The mission
Answer: Establishes general directionAnswer
Q4: The mission is a statement of
Answer: AttitudeAnswer
Q5: The mission statement clearly indicates
Answer: All of these—a)Basic productsAnswer
b)Basic market
c)Primary technology
Q6: The most common grand strategy is
Answer: TurnaroundAnswer
Q7: The most common method used for marketing of new securities is
Answer: Direct sale to public through prospectusAnswer
Q8: The most common reason for the dissolution of a joint venture is that a syndicate is formed
Answer: To accomplish a series of purposesAnswer
Q9: The most important advantage of a joint stock company form of business organisation is that
Answer: It mobilises vast amount of financial resourcesAnswer
Q10: The most important advantage of the corporation to the stock holder is
Answer: Limited liabilityAnswer
Q11: The most important economic function of new issue market is to
Answer: Provide facilities for covering saving into investmentsAnswer
Q12: The most important test of solvency of business is calculated with the help of the following ratio
Answer: Total assetsAnswer
Q13: The most practical approach to advertising budgeting is
Answer: Based on the task to be accomplishedAnswer
Q14: The most rigorous test of liquidity is
Answer: Acid test ratioAnswer
Q15: The most suitable cost system where the products differ in type of materials used and work performed is
Answer: Job costingAnswer
Q16: The National Small Industries Corporation was set up in
Answer: 1955Answer
Q17: The need-hierachy theory of motivation is given by
Answer: MaslowAnswer
Q18: The nine-cell CE matrix is an improvement over the four-cell BGG matrix because
Answer: It eliminated the need to consider strategies for “average” businessAnswer
Q19: The number of coples to be prepares for a bill lading are
Answer: threeAnswer
Q20: The number of members in a private company should not exceed
Answer: 50Answer
Q21: The number of partners in a partnership firm is limited to…. persons doing banking business
Answer: 10Answer
Q22: The number that divided a group in half is known as
Answer: The medianAnswer
Q23: The object of F.E.D.A.I is
Answer: With the prior approval of the RBI, regulate foreign exchange dealings by framing rules for the conduct of exchange businessAnswer
Q24: The objective of financial accounting is to provide information to individuals and organizations
Answer: Within the business firmAnswer
Q25: The oldest form of business organisation is
Answer: Sole partnershipAnswer
Q26: The operating environment consists of
Answer: All of these—a)CompetitorsAnswer
c) Customers
Q27: The organizational structure that is considered to be separate from its owner is known as
Answer: The corporationAnswer
Q28: The organizational theory which emphasizes human behaviour is the
Answer: NeoclassicalAnswer
Q29: The outline in monetary terms of a firm’s planned activities is called
Answer: A budgetAnswer
Q30: The owners of a company are subject to
Answer: Unlimited liabilityAnswer
Q31: The partnership entity is
Answer: Legal entity and accountable entityAnswer
Q32: The percentage of advertising messages in a medium by one brand among all messages for that product or services is called as
Answer: Share of voiceAnswer
Q33: The percentage of customers who name the competitor in response of the statement ‘Name the company from whom you would prefer to buy the product is referred as
Answer: Share of voiceAnswer
Q34: The person concerned with discipline and absenteeism of workers is called as
Answer: Shop disciplinarianAnswer
Q35: The phrase ‘demonstration effect’ was coined by
Answer: James DussenberryAnswer
Q36: The poverty line is defined as
Answer: The line is minimum caloric intake for bare subsistenceAnswer
Q37: The present paid up capital of DICGC is
Answer: Rs. 15 croresAnswer
Q38: The price of a share quoted in the stock exchange is cum, dividend when
Answer: It is inclusive of dividend declaredAnswer
Q39: The primary factor in retail targeting is
Answer: ProductAnswer
Q40: The primary function of an office is
Answer: Making using and preserving recordsAnswer
Q41: The principle of subrogation applies to
Answer: Fire insurance and marine insuranceAnswer
Q42: The process of accounting includes
Answer: All the aboveAnswer
Q43: The process of formulating a strategy is largely
Answer: Grand strategyAnswer
Q44: The process used in salt mining is
Answer: ExtractiveAnswer
Q45: The product for which there are few, if any major differences are
Answer: Cluster productsAnswer
Q46: The proportion of term liabilities to net worth is as curtained by
Answer: Debt equity ratioAnswer
Q47: The purpose of a letter of credit is to
Answer: Establish the bonafides of exporterAnswer
Q48: The purpose of a Memorandum of a company is to
Answer: Inform the shareholders as to what the objects of the company areAnswer
Q49: The QWL approach has been voluntary in nature jointly undertaken as a mutual responsibility in
Answer: USAAnswer
Q50: The rate at which RBI discounts approved bill of exchange is
Answer: Discount rateAnswer
Q51: The real owners of a company are
Answer: Equity shareholdersAnswer
Q52: The remote environment includes
Answer: SuppliersAnswer
Q53: The Reserve Bank is the agent of Central Government and all State Governments in India excepting that of
Answer: Jammu and KashmirAnswer
Q54: The results which an organization seeks over a multiyear period are its
Answer: Grand strategiesAnswer
Q55: The retail stores establishes its image as a leader in fashion price and wide merchandise selection, as well as superior service, or quality through
Answer: Display advertisingAnswer
Q56: The return on the capital employed ratio is determined by dividing
Answer: Net profit after interest, tax and dividend by paid up share capitalAnswer
Profit before interest, tax and dividend by total assets
Q57: The risk capital is provided by
Answer: Equity shareholdersAnswer
Q58: The role of ‘staff’ in line staff organisation is
Answer: AdvisoryAnswer
Q59: The safest method of product pricing is
Answer: Total cost methodAnswer
Q60: The sales logic-behind an advertising message is known as
Answer: Message benefitAnswer
Q61: The sales manager’s control over the sales persons activity can be maximised by the compensation system of
Answer: CommissionAnswer
Q62: The schedule of change in working capital is prepared with the help of
Answer: Current assets and current liabilitiesAnswer
Q63: The significance of leadership stemp from
Answer: Incompleteness of organisational designAnswer
Q64: The strategic management model is
Answer: PrescriptiveAnswer
Q65: The style of marketing relevant where there is and irregular demand is
Answer: Synchro marketingAnswer
Q66: The success of a flexible budget depends upon careful study and classification of expense into
Answer: Fixed, variable and semi-variableAnswer
Q67: The sum of the total exposure potential of a series of media vehicles expressed as a percentage of the audience population is referred as
Answer: Total rating pointsAnswer
Q68: The term “Balance of trade” means
Answer: The difference between the total cost of the imports and cost of exports of the countryAnswer
Q69: The term “Bank money” denotes
Answer: Demand deposits used as money i.e. deposits with drawable by chequesAnswer
Q70: The term “Blue chip” means
Answer: Shared of progressive, soundly run Public Limited companies with excellent dividend recordAnswer
Q71: The term “Cheap Money” is used to denote
Answer: A situation where the banks and other financial institutions charge low rates of interest on their loans and advancesAnswer
Q72: The term “Hallow Corporation” refers to the company with
Answer: No vertical integrationAnswer
Q73: The term “Hot money” means
Answer: Short-term capital investments from the country to an other seeking safety, or less often, higher rate of interestAnswer
Q74: The term “Hyper-inflation” is used to denote
Answer: A situation when inflation is the result of external factorsAnswer
Q75: The term “Imprest System” is used in relation to
Answer: Petty cash bookAnswer
Q76: The term “liquid surplus” means
Answer: Cash in hand and at bankAnswer
Q77: The term “Paper Gold” means
Answer: Special Drawing RightsAnswer
Q78: The term “tangible net worth” means
Answer: Equity plus reserves minus intangible assetsAnswer
Q79: The term “Token money” means
Answer: Coins where the value of metal in them is less than the value attached to them by lawAnswer
Q80: The term ‘Capitalisation’ is used in relation to
Answer: Joint stock companiesAnswer
Q81: The term ‘funds’ as used in ‘funds flow statement’ means
Answer: Current assets minus current liabilitiesAnswer
Q82: The term ‘Junk Mail’ refers to
Answer: Direct marketingAnswer
Q83: The term ‘Kite Flying’ refers to
Answer: Drawing, accepting of bills just to accommodate the other party without backing of any genuine trade transactionAnswer
Q84: The term ‘Merchant Banking’ connotes
Answer: Service rendered by banks for merchants and tradersAnswer
Q85: The term ‘working capital’ means
Answer: Current assets minus current liabilitiesAnswer
Q86: The term annuity stands for
Answer: Money paid each year to are tired person in return for a lumpsumAnswer
Q87: The term bench mark indicates
Answer: Point of reference for assessmentAnswer
Q88: The term current liabilities is used to describe such obligations which are paid within one year and
Answer: Both—a)Out of current assetsAnswer
b)By creating current liabilities
Q89: The term depletion is used in relation to
Answer: Wasting assetsAnswer
Q90: The term fixed assets include
Answer: Long term investmentAnswer
Q91: The term meritocracy stands for
Answer: A merit based selection systemAnswer
Q92: The term milkround, indicates
Answer: Regular incentivesAnswer
Q93: The term organisation means
Answer: The process of assigning duties to individuals to achieve specified ends effectivelyAnswer
Q94: The term poaching means
Answer: Enticing employees to work for another organizationAnswer
Q95: The term psychometrics indicates
Answer: Way of measuring intelligence and personality when the result is shown on a scaleAnswer
Q96: The term sensitivity training indicates
Answer: A training to develop special skillsAnswer
Q97: The term show of hands stands for
Answer: A trial of strengthAnswer
Q98: The term used for new employees hired by management in order to cause regular workers to return by their positions is
Answer: Yellow-dogsAnswer
Q99: The term vestibule training stands for
Answer: Job rotationAnswer
Q100: The term watch dog body signifies
Answer: A Govt. Deptt. To monitor business activitiesAnswer