Q1: The compensation system that maximises the incentive is
Answer: Commission plus salaryAnswer
Q2: The competitor who attracts or reacts swiftly and strongly to any assault is referred as
Answer: Shield competitorAnswer
Q3: The concept of “Brand name was coined by”
Answer: Claude HopkinsAnswer
Q4: The concept of “driving forces”
Answer: Is useful in understanding the direction of industry growth and profitabilityAnswer
Represents a regression analysis of industry ternds
Q5: The concept of ‘management by exception’ refers to management’s
Answer: Consideration of only those items which materially very form plansAnswer
Q6: The concept of ‘Quasi-Rent’ means
Answer: The return to a factor of production which is fixed in supply in the short periodAnswer
Q7: The concept of elastic of demand was developed by
Answer: Alfred MarshallAnswer
Q8: The concept of elasticity of demand is given by
Answer: Alfred MarkshalAnswer
Q9: The concept of elasticity of demand was evolved by
Answer: J.S.MillAnswer
Q10: The concept of real cost of production was evolved by
Answer: Paul SamuelsonAnswer
Q11: The consumer is in equilibrium
Answer: Where the price line is a tangent to the indifference curveAnswer
Q12: The corporation was first defined by
Answer: Justice MarshallAnswer
Q13: The cost of a product as determined under standard cost system is
Answer: Pre-determined costAnswer
Q14: The costing method that considers all fixed costs as period costs in
Answer: Marginal costingAnswer
Q15: The critical area of strategic management composed of broad statements of the firm’s purpose, philosophy and goals is called
Answer: Company missionAnswer
Q16: The crucial determinant of the size of the market is
Answer: Inducement for investmentAnswer
Q17: The debentures holders are
Answer: Creditors of the companyAnswer
Q18: The debt-equity ratio of a concern is 15:1. It indicates
Answer: Creditors of the concern have a security of Rs. 1.50, for every Re. 1 lentAnswer
Q19: The decreasing trend of the ratio “Gross Profit to Sales” indicates
Answer: Severe competitionAnswer
Q20: The degree to which memberships, responsibilities, authority, and discretion in decision-making are specified is called
Answer: FormalityAnswer
Q21: The delegation of authority depends on the subordinate’s
Answer: Ability and potentialAnswer
Q22: The development of a marketing strategy begins with the decision to find
Answer: None of these—a)InvestorsAnswer
b)Compete create an advertising
c) Campaign
Q23: The difference between long and short-term objectives is principally
Answer: Greater specificityAnswer
Q24: The difference between total customer value and total customer cost is
Answer: Customer profit valueAnswer
Q25: The direction of grievance procedures is
Answer: Upward verticalAnswer
Q26: The disadvantage of radio is
Answer: Mental imageryAnswer
Q27: The doctrine of consumer’s surplus is based on
Answer: The law of diminishing marginal utilityAnswer
Q28: The doctrine of indoor management means
Answer: So far as the internal proceeding are concerned strangers dealing with the company are entitled to assume that everything is down regularlyAnswer
Q29: The documents required to be filed with the Registrar at the time of incorporation of a public company include
Answer: Memorandum of AssociationAnswer
Q30: The economic wage theory that treats labour as a commodity is known as
Answer: The ability-to-pay theoryAnswer
Q31: The elasticity of demand describes
Answer: The responsiveness of quantity demanded to change in priceAnswer
Q32: The elasticity of demand explains the relationship between
Answer: Price and demandAnswer
Q33: The entire issued capital of IDBI is held by
Answer: Reserve Bank of IndiaAnswer
Q34: The environment behaviour is often better predicated by
Answer: OperatingAnswer
Q35: The Exim bank has started functioning from
Answer: 1st January, 1982Answer
Q36: The existence of a joint stock company is interrupted by
Answer: The death of insolvency of its managing directorAnswer
Q37: The expenses not directly associated with the principal activity of the business are
Answer: Non-operating expensesAnswer
Q38: The external environment consists of
Answer: The operating environmentAnswer
Q39: The famous book “General and Industrial Management” was written by
Answer: Henry FayolAnswer
Q40: The famous book “The Philosophy of Management ” was written by
Answer: Oliver SheldonAnswer
Q41: The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is an example of
Answer: A public corporationAnswer
Q42: The field of statistics is most closely related to the managerial function of
Answer: ControllingAnswer
Q43: The first collective bargaining issue is usually
Answer: Recognition of union representationAnswer
Q44: The first element in a layout that the eye sees is
Answer: Focal pointAnswer
Q45: The first joint stock bank was established at Calcutta by the name of
Answer: Bank of HindustanAnswer
Q46: The first stage in the life cycle of a SBU is
Answer: Question marksAnswer
Q47: The first stock exchanges was set up in India in
Answer: BombayAnswer
Q48: The Fixed Assets Coverage Ratio indicates
Answer: SolvencyAnswer
Q49: The fixed-variable cost classification has a special significance in the preparation of
Answer: Flexible budgetAnswer
Q50: The flow of fund is said to have taken place when
Answer: Cash is paid to creditorsAnswer
Q51: The functional level of decision making is characterized by
Answer: Activity managers deriving annual objectives and short-term strategiesAnswer
Managers of product, geographic and functional areas
Q52: The functionality oriented marketing department is
Answer: Not practical for industrial companiesAnswer
Q53: The fundamental economic problem being faced by a nation is one of
Answer: Multiplicity of wants and scarcity of resourcesAnswer
Q54: The funds flow statement is useful to
Answer: Know the sources of funds raised in the period in question and how those funds were usedAnswer
Q55: The headlines referred as ‘Blind’ are
Answer: PrimaryAnswer
Q56: The I.D.A. grants credit to
Answer: Undeveloped and semi-developed countries for specific purposes (development of large scale industries and public utility works)Answer
Q57: The idea a product takes, such as friendliners, trust worthiness, or is nobbery is termed as
Answer: Product characteristicAnswer
Q58: The ideal patter of output
Answer: Can be determined apart from the society being considered and then used to evaluate the actual pattern of output in that societyAnswer
Q59: The image the company seeks to project is reflected in the firm’s
Answer: MissionAnswer
Q60: The immediate external environment includes
Answer: CompetitorsAnswer
Q61: The immediate solvency ratio is
Answer: Quick ratioAnswer
Q62: The import licence is obtained from
Answer: Controller of Import ExportAnswer
Q63: The import procedure begins with which document
Answer: IndentAnswer
Q64: The income statement is a summary of
Answer: Revenue and expensesAnswer
Q65: The Industrial Development Bank of India is
Answer: An autonomous public sector institutionAnswer
Q66: The inputs of production include all about
Answer: ServicesAnswer
Q67: The interval between two AGM should not be more than
Answer: 18 monthsAnswer
Q68: The investment the recognises of charged debt of a company is
Answer: DebentureAnswer
Q69: The Job Description Index (JDI) technique has been developed by
Answer: Hull and KolstadAnswer
Q70: The journal is known as
Answer: The book of original entryAnswer
Q71: The last stage in the life cycle of a SBU is
Answer: DogsAnswer
Q72: The law of demand states that when
Answer: When price falls demand risesAnswer
Q73: The liabilities side of a balance sheet consist of
Answer: Net Worth, Term Liabilities and Current LiabilitiesAnswer
Q74: The liability of a sole proprietor is
Answer: Limited to the extent of the value of business assets and his all private assetsAnswer
Q75: The liability of members of a co-operative society is
Answer: limited or unlimited depending upon what the society has opted forAnswer
Q76: The liability of shareholders of a public company is limited to the
Answer: Nominal value of sharesAnswer
Q77: The lien is
Answer: Method to create charge over customer’s propertyAnswer
Q78: The lien is a right to
Answer: Retain goods or securities belonging to a debtor until he has discharged a debt due to the retainer of goodsAnswer
Q79: The lien is defined in
Answer: The sale of Goods ActAnswer
Q80: The limit the maximum number of members in apublic company is restricted to
Answer: No limitAnswer
Q81: The line is a right to
Answer: Retain goods or securities belonging to a debtor until he has discharged a debt due to the retainer of goodsAnswer
Q82: The longer the period of time of elasticity of supply will be
Answer: Less elasticAnswer
Q83: The main drawback of function organisation developed by Taylor is that it fails recognise the
Answer: Principle of unity of commandAnswer
Q84: The main objective of budgeting is
Answer: All of these—a)PlanningAnswer
Q85: The main purpose of preparing a trial balance is
Answer: To prepare a summary of all the balancesAnswer
Q86: The major goal of informal organisation is
Answer: Statisfitability of their membersAnswer
Q87: The major obstacle in the path of an Indian top executive’s open contacts with the worker is
Answer: His own official positionAnswer
Q88: The man who connected economic development with the evolution of credit was
Answer: HildebrandAnswer
Q89: The management of IMF and activities are supervised by a Board of Governors (general body) consisting of
Answer: Each member country appointing oneAnswer
Q90: The management of International Development Association (IDA) lies in the hands of the Board of Governors, Board of Executive Directors, Chairman and other officials of the
Answer: World BankAnswer
Q91: The mandatory acceptance of a third person in order to settle a dispute is known as
Answer: MeditaitonAnswer
Q92: The marketing mix includes
Answer: PromotionAnswer
Q93: The marketing task to find ways to alter the same pattern of demand through flexible pricing, promotion and other incentives is termed as
Answer: Promotional marketingAnswer
Q94: The maximum number of directors in a public company should not exceed
Answer: TwentyAnswer
Q95: The maximum number of partners in a firm carrying on banking business is
Answer: 20Answer
Q96: The maximum period of time in which a current asset is expected to be realized in cash is
Answer: One yearAnswer
Q97: The maximum period of time that an income statement can reflect transaction is
Answer: One yearAnswer
Q98: The memorandum of association of a company
Answer: Defines the object of its existence and operationsAnswer
Q99: The minimum number of members in a private limited company is
Answer: 2Answer
Q100: The minimum number of members required for registration of a co-operative society is
Answer: TenAnswer