Q1: The ability see the organization as a whole and being aware how changes in any one part of the organization affect all the other parts is known as
Answer: Conceptual SkillAnswer
Q2: Which of the following should be encouraged by the manager in order to develop subordinate loyalty
Answer: Opening communication and effective motivationAnswer
Q3: A system in which the level of equilibrium between its subordinate subsystems is always dynamic may be termed as
Answer: A system which is self sufficient and self regulatoryAnswer
Q4: A plan can not said to be exist unless
Answer: Commitment of resources, direction, or reputation has been madeAnswer
Q5: The managerial function of staffing means
Answer: Filling, and keeping filled, positions in the organization structureAnswer
Q6: Corporate planning is nothing but (choose the most appropriate one)
Answer: Planning the future of the organizationAnswer
Q7: (2+2=5) effect is often used to indicate
Answer: SynergyAnswer
Q8: Which of the following is not a component of McKingsey’s 7-S framework
Answer: SaleAnswer
Q9: SWOT Analysis (TOWS Matrix) is a modern management tool for
Answer: Developing of alternate strategies during planningAnswer
Q10: A company
Answer: is an artificial person, invisible, intangible and existing only in contemplation of lawAnswer
Q11: Conflicts in work environment could be classified as under
Answer: Latent conflictAnswer
Q12: Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 provides the following Industrial Relations machinery for resolution of conflicts
Answer: ArbitrationAnswer
Q13: The most common performance appraisal scheme followed in Public sector is
Answer: Management Group AppraisalAnswer
Q14: What can management do to alleviate stress (Tick the wrong one)
Answer: Organize job evaluationAnswer
Q15: The power of a person derived from closeness to a powerful person is known as
Answer: AuthorityAnswer
Q16: The saying “Give a man fish, He will eat it, Train a man to fish, He will feed his family” is used in relation to which management activity
Answer: TrainingAnswer
Q17: The influence a person has because of his high competence may be termed as
Answer: Referent PowerAnswer
Q18: When a young person joins an organization he needs some senior person in whom he can confide and get advice and support. Such a relationship may be called
Answer: MentoringAnswer
Q19: The term OCTAPAC is used in relation to which of the following
Answer: Organizational culture and climateAnswer
Q20: Job specification spell out
Answer: The functional description of the jobAnswer
Q21: The method of recruitment may include
Answer: All of the aboveAnswer
Q22: Write name which is not typical Rater error
Answer: Central tendencyAnswer
Q23: The logical and possible sequences of positions that could be held by an individual based on what and how people perform in an organization is called
Answer: Career PathAnswer
Q24: In basket technique is used in
Answer: Production And/OR Training
Q25: The Act which aims to ensure regular and prompt payment of wages and to prevent the exploitation of wage earners by prohibiting arbitrary fines and deduction is called
Answer: The Payment of Wages Act, 1936Answer
Q26: All reasonably healthy adults have a considerable reservoir of potential energy is one of the basis principles of
Answer: MotivationAnswer
Q27: For reduction/retrenchment firms now offer inducements to the workforce to leave on their own before they reach the age of superannuation. Such a scheme is called
Answer: Both (a) and (b) aboveAnswer
Q28: An inquiry into the allegation of misconduct against an employee conducted within the organization based on the principles of natural justice is called
Answer: Disciplinary proceedingAnswer
Q29: What are the barriers to communication
Answer: All of the aboveAnswer
Q30: Which one is not a type of communication
Answer: InwardsAnswer
Q31: Decreasing the role of subordinates in decision-making is known as
Answer: CentralizationAnswer
Q32: Which of the following refers to the flow of information among people on the same or similar organizational levels
Answer: HorizontalAnswer
Q33: Which of the following is a question that needs to be answered in job analysis
Answer: What physical and mental tasks does the worker accomplish?Answer
(b) What qualifications are needed to perform the job?
(c) When is the job to be completed?
Q34: Which one management function helps maintain managerial effectiveness by establishing guidelines for future activities
Answer: LeadingAnswer
Q35: Which is not a leadership theory
Answer: Transactional theoryAnswer
Q36: Which is an esteem need
Answer: Basic payAnswer
Q37: What interview is comprehensive, and the interviewer encourages the applicant to do much of the talking
Answer: UnstructuredAnswer
Q38: What are the typical products of job analysis
Answer: Job descriptions and job specificationsAnswer
Q39: Key result areas are usually terms as
Answer: KRAsAnswer
Q40: Which one is not a stage of Group process
Answer: WelcomingAnswer
Q41: Which is an advantage of decentralization
Answer: Greater ControlAnswer
Q42: The general conclusion of the ‘Relay Assembly Test Room Experiments’ was that employees would work better if the management were concerned about their welfare and superiors paid special attention to them. This phenomenon was subsequently labeled as the___
Answer: Hawthorne effectAnswer
Q43: Which is not a way to overcome the initial resistance to change in organizations
Answer: Group inertiaAnswer
Q44: Management of change refers to
Answer: Help people to adopt to the changeAnswer
Q45: Requisites of effective supervision are
Answer: Managerial knowledgeAnswer
Q46: According to Herzberg and his associates___are job content factors which lead to job satisfaction
Answer: Hygiene factorAnswer
Q47: The establishment of a distinct area, unit of subsystem of an organization over which a manager has authority for the performance of specialized activities and results is termed___
Answer: DecentralizationAnswer
Q48: Democratic leadership is also know as___leadership
Answer: ParticipativeAnswer
Q49: A/an___is a vital tool for providing information about organizational relationships
Answer: Organizational chartAnswer
Q50: Which control principles suggests that managers should be informed about a problem only when the data shows a significant deviation from established standards
Answer: Management by objectivesAnswer
Q51: When an employee asks a question or reports a problem to his or her supervisor, this is an example of which direction of communication
Answer: UpwardAnswer
Q52: You have decided to send a message to your supervisor requesting vacation time. You brainstorm some basic concepts and now must decide how to phrase this information for your supervisor. You are at which of the following steps in the communication process
Answer: EncodingAnswer
Q53: Group decision-making has certain advantages over individual decision-making. Which of the following statements is not true with regard to group decision-making
Answer: It’s a source of personnel developmentAnswer
Q54: The idea that workers look for meaning in their work and will actively seek out new responsibility is most consistent with which of these needs identified by Maslow
Answer: Self-actualizationAnswer
Q55: A manager’s posture during a communication with a colleague is an example of which aspect of the communications process
Answer: Non-verbal behaviorAnswer
Q56: ___spans of management create___structures with many levels of management
Answer: Narrow ; tallAnswer
Q57: According to Herzberg, which of the following can be classified as a motivator
Answer: RecognitionAnswer
Q58: Which of the following refers to changing a task to make it inherently more rewarding, motivating and satisfying
Answer: EnrichmentAnswer
Q59: ___is a process whereby companies find out how others do something better than they do and then try to imitate or improve on it
Answer: TQMAnswer
Q60: Classical management thinkers
Answer: look for the one best way to do somethingAnswer
Q61: The Hawthorne studies are an important foundation of the___approaches
Answer: human relationsAnswer
Q62: Models, simulations, and queuing theory are examples of techniques found in the approach to management
Answer: quantitativeAnswer
Q63: Which of the following statements does not accurately reflect the characteristics of contingency theory
Answer: The best way to initially approach all management problems is through scientific managementAnswer
Q64: In a fast-changing environment, the most effective method of improving the quality of a product would be
Answer: reengineeringAnswer
Q65: A manager’s first step in the decision-making process is to___
Answer: identify limiting factorsAnswer
Q66: When a manager knows what the problem is and what the alternatives are, the manager is making the decision under the condition of___
Answer: riskAnswer
Q67: A quantitative technique for decision making that shows a complete picture of potential alternative decision paths is called___
Answer: a decision treeAnswer
Q68: A group effort of generating alternative ideas that can help a manager solve a problem is called___
Answer: brainstormingAnswer
Q69: All of the following are important strategies that a manager can use to create a more effective decision-making environment except___
Answer: rely solely upon himself or herselfAnswer
Q70: Which of the following is not a proactive reason why a business becomes international
Answer: Remaining competitiveAnswer
Q71: Which of the following is not a common characteristic of most multinational corporations
Answer: Relying upon standardization of the product and marketing that Product throughout the worldAnswer
Q72: Some of the major concerns of a multinational company are the stability of a country’s currency and the availability of needed raw materials and supplies. These are elements of which environment
Answer: EconomicAnswer
Q73: Which of the following describes planning and the international manager
Answer: Planning is far more complicated for the international manager than for the manager’s domestic counterpartAnswer
Q74: Which of the following describes the sociocultural dilemma facing the international manager
Answer: The international manager not only must understand the culture of the host country, but also how that culture differs from his or her home-country culture.Answer
Q75: Several studies regarding leadership traits have proven which of the following
Answer: No specific list of successful leadership traits exists.Answer
Q76: Which type of power is least associated with the autocratic style of leadership
Answer: ReferentAnswer
Q77: When sport coaches listen to players’ suggestions and feedback during game intermission, they are using what type of leadership
Answer: ParticipatingAnswer
Q78: The contingency, path-goal, and life-cycle theories of leadership are considered
Answer: situational.Answer
Q79: Vision, charisma, integrity, and symbolism are all on the list of attributes associated with what type of leaders
Answer: TransformationalAnswer
Q80: Motivational theories that emphasize the needs that motivate people are called
Answer: content theories.Answer
Q81: All of the following are examples of hygiene factors except
Answer: the work itself.Answer
Q82: According to Alderfer’s ERG theory, existence needs can be described as
Answer: a person’s well being.Answer
Q83: According to expectancy theory, the intensity of motivation functions is
Answer: directly proportional to perceived or expected rewards.Answer
Q84: When a manager redesigns a job so that the job includes an increased number of tasks, but does not address the issues of the quality of the challenge of the tasks, the manager is utilizing
Answer: job enlargement.Answer
Q85: In order for a group to be considered a team,
Answer: All of the above.Answer
Q86: Teams designed to complete a specific task in an organization are called
Answer: project teams.Answer
Q87: The stage of group development in which the team members come together to resolve conflict, achieve unity, and understand the roles members pay is
Answer: norming.Answer
Q88: The benefits of teams include all the following except
Answer: team training costs.Answer
Q89: When a manager chooses to ignore a conflict situation, the manager is choosing which conflict resolution strategy
Answer: AvoidanceAnswer
Q90: An in-depth study of all the positions in an organization is described as a
Answer: job analysis.Answer
Q91: Bank overdraft should be classifies as
Answer: Current liabilityAnswer
Q92: Certificate of Commencement of Business is issued in the case of
Answer: Public Limited CompanyAnswer
Q93: Consumer’s goods mean
Answer: All goods other than free goods whose uses directly satisfy consumer wantsAnswer
Q94: Debit the receiver and credit the giver is applicable to
Answer: Real accountsAnswer
Q95: Debit what comes in and credit what goes out is applicable to
Answer: Real accountsAnswer
Q96: Floating debt denotes
Answer: That part of the public debt which consists of the short term borrowing by the GovernmentAnswer
Q97: Free Titian watch on every Godrej Refrigerator is an example of
Answer: Tie-in promotionAnswer
Q98: Free trade area denoted
Answer: A group of countries who have decided to impose no duries of any kind of imports from other members of the groupAnswer
Q99: Higher the ratio, the more favourable it is. This does not apply to
Answer: Operating ratioAnswer
Q100: Human Relations Approach to management was originated by
Answer: Elton MayoAnswer