QN01. A mentor who knows about a subordinate’s —– can help that person reach his or her career goals.
Answer: skills and talents
QN02. The relationship of a mentor to a protégé is that of a staff capacity as opposed to a —–
Answer: line capacity
QN03. —– has something in common with coaching but, at its best, has a different emphasis.
Answer: Mentoring
QN04. Many organizations provide orientation or training for mentors, to provide a base-line or a —–
Answer: common approach
QN05. Cross-cultural research indicates that managers in different national cultures work from different sets of —–
Answer: assumptions and priorities
QN06. Mentoring is same as coaching. (True/False)
Answer: False
QN07. The main purpose of the mentoring relationship is to help mentees develop their own thinking and planning about their career and development. (True/False)
Answer: True
QN08. Counselling is a —– process.
Answer: dyadic
QN09. Performance counselling essentially focuses on the analysis of performance on the job and identification of —– for further improvement.
Answer: training needs
QN10. —– does not serve the purpose of developing employees unless an effective system of performance counselling is introduced and practiced in the organization.
Answer: Performance appraisal
QN11. —– involves paying attention to the various messages being sent by the other person.
Answer: Listening
QN12. —– can facilitate or hinder the process of communication.
Answer: Questions
QN13. Communication involves both receiving messages (listening), giving messages (responding), and giving —–
Answer: feedback
QN14. —– would mean making an impact on the person in relationship.
Answer: Influencing
QN15. Listening to —– and concerns is very important for effective counselling.
Answer: feelings
QN16. Counselling can be effective if the focus is kept on the —– goals rather than diffusing attention into various other areas.
Answer: work-related
QN17. A climate of —– and openness is essential for effective counselling.
Answer: minimum trust
QN18. The focus of performance counselling is the employee’s performance on the task assigned to him. (True/False)
Answer: True
QN19. Counselling is a one-way process of communicating. (True/False)
Answer: False
QN20. Performance counselling is only related to the achievement of goals. (True/False)
Answer: False
QN21. Performance counselling may not serve its purpose if it includes discussion about salary raise, rewards, etc. (True/False)
Answer: True
QN22. Communication may get distorted if people are not empathic to each other and do not try to understand each others’ point of view. (True/False)
Answer: False
QN23. Performance management is a broader concept which includes the performance planning, performance appraisal, —– and performance evaluation.
Answer: monitoring
QN24. —– is an important tool to enhance the performance of employees.
Answer: Training
QN25. —– provides feedback of work performance, clarifies all the important aspects related with performance management.
Answer: Communication
QN26. The reward link pay improves the employee —– and affects the performance of employees.
Answer: motivational level
QN27. A —– leadership and management make the implementation strategy easy and effective.
Answer: supportive
QN28. It would be very difficult to effectively manage the human resource w ithout an instrument that —– its effectiveness and capability.
Answer: measures
QN29. Organisations need to develop policies on how —– will be used for operational and fiscal decision-making.
Answer: performance results
QN30. The organisations should introduce a —– work culture where both the managers and employees can discuss their views.
Answer: participative
QN31. Performance Management is a highly individual effort. (True/False)
Answer: False
QN32. Communication and reporting of performance and feedback on an ongoing basis is essential. (True/False)
Answer: True
QN33. The reward link pay reduce the employee motivational level. (True/False)
Answer: False
QN34. A —– is a group of individuals working together in harmony to achieve what others might think of as the impossible.
Answer: high performance team
QN35. An —– may be generally described as a set of norms, beliefs, principles and ways of behaving that together give each organisation a distinctive character.
Answer: organisational culture
QN36. Building a strong performance culture facilitates the organisations in improving the performance and —– of the organisation.
Answer: financial results
QN37. A strong culture is —–
Answer: development oriented
QN38. —– should be such that it encourages team working, ownership of problems, risk taking or entrepreneurship, and orientation towards continuous improvement.
Answer: Corporate culture
QN39. —– should include both immediate workflow, and also working on goals to improve how the team works together.
Answer: Team goals
QN40. Change and learning are built right into the same fabric. (True/False)
Answer: True
QN41. A team needs to have a sense of being a team. (True/False)
Answer: True
QN42. Running effective meetings is key to organising and to building the team. (True/False)
Answer: True
QN43. Performance depends on a few variables. (True/False)
Answer: False