Operations Research Online MCQ Set 7

QN01. The region common to all the constraints including the non-negativity restrictions is called the ______________.

  1. solution space
  2. unique solution
  3. optimum solution
  4. infeasible solution

(A)solution space

QN02. A activity in a network diagram is said to be ______________ if the delay in its start will further delay the project completion time.

  1. forward pass
  2. backward pass
  3. critical.
  4. non-critical.


QN03. Operation research approach is typically based on the use of ______________.

  1. physical model.
  2. mathematical model.
  3. iconic model.
  4. descriptive model.

(B)mathematical model.

QN04. An Iso-profit line represents ______________.

  1. a boundary of the feasible region
  2. an infinite number of solution all of which yield the same cost
  3. an infinite number of solutions all of which yield the same profit
  4. an infinite number of optimal solutions

(C)an infinite number of solutions all of which yield the same profit

QN05. If an artificial variable is present in the basic variable column of optimal simplex table, then the problem has ______________ solution.

  1. alternative
  2. no solution
  3. bounded
  4. infeasible


QN06. The dummy source or destination in a transportation problem is added to ______________.

  1. satisfy rim conditions
  2. prevent solution from becoming degenerate
  3. ensure that total cost does not exceed a limit
  4. the solution not be degenerate

(A)satisfy rim conditions

QN07. Which of the following methods is used to verify the optimality of the current solution of the transportation problem______________.

  1. Least cost method
  2. Vogel’s Approximation method
  3. Row minima method
  4. Modified Distribution method

(D)Modified Distribution method

QN08. For a salesman who has to visit n cities, following are the ways of his tour plan ______________.

  1. n!
  2. (n+a)!
  3. (n-a)!
  4. n


QN09. Economic order quantity results in ______________

  1. equalisation of carrying cost and procurement cost
  2. favourable procurement price
  3. reduced chances of stock outs
  4. minimization of set up cost

(A)equalisation of carrying cost and procurement cost

QN10. The problem of replacement is felt when job performing units fail ______________.

  1. suddenly and gradually
  2. gradually
  3. suddenly
  4. neither gradually nor suddenly

(A)suddenly and gradually

QN11. Float analysis is useful for ______________.

  1. total float
  2. free float
  3. independent float
  4. variance of each float

(B)free float

QN12. The difference between free float and tail event slack is ______________

  1. total float
  2. independent float
  3. interference float
  4. slack

(B)independent float

QN13. The assignment problem is a special case of transportation problem in which ______________.

  1. number of origins are less than the number of destinations
  2. number of origins are greater than the number of destinations
  3. number of origins are greater than or equal to the number of destinations
  4. number of origins equals the number of destinations

(D)number of origins equals the number of destinations

QN14. The average arrival rate in a single server queuing system is 10 customers per hour and average service rate is 15 customers per hour. The average time that a customer must wait before it is taken up for service shall be ______________minutes.

  1. 6
  2. 8
  3. 10
  4. 12


QN15. The time between the placement of an order and its delivery is called as ______________

  1. buffer time
  2. lead time
  3. Economic Order Quantity
  4. capital time

(B)lead time

QN16. In Program Evaluation Review Technique the maximum time that is required to perform the activity under extremely bad conditions is known as ______________.

  1. normal time
  2. optimistic time
  3. most likely time
  4. pessimistic time

(D)pessimistic time

QN17. All of the following may be used to find the EOQ except ______________.

  1. optimal number of days supply to order
  2. number of orders which minimize ordering costs optimal
  3. number of rupees per order optimal
  4. number of orders per year

(D)number of orders per year

QN18. A feasible solution of an Linear Programming Problem that optimizes the objective function is called ______________

  1. basic feasible solution
  2. optimum solution
  3. feasible solution
  4. solution

(B)optimum solution

QN19. Charnes method of penalty is called ______________

  1. Simplex Method
  2. Dual Simplex Method
  3. Big-M Method
  4. Graphical Method

(C)Big-M Method

QN20. If the given Linear Programming Problem is in its canonical form then primal-dual pair is ______________.

  1. symmetric
  2. un symmetric
  3. square
  4. non square

(B)un symmetric

QN21. All the basis for a transportation problem is ______________.

  1. square
  2. rectangle
  3. diagonal
  4. triangle


QN22. In the transportation table, empty cells will be called ______________.

  1. occupied
  2. unoccupied
  3. no
  4. finite


QN23. ______________ is a completely degenerate form of a transportation problem

  1. Transportation Problem
  2. Assignment Problem
  3. Travelling salesman problem
  4. Replacement Problem

(B)Assignment Problem

QN24. The linear function to be maximized or minimized is called ______________ function.

  1. injective
  2. surjective
  3. bijective
  4. optimal


QN25. The coefficient of an artificial variable in the objective function of penalty method are always assumed to be ______________.

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. M
  4. -M


QN26. The process that performs the services to the customer is known as ______________.

  1. queue
  2. service channel
  3. customers
  4. server

(B)service channel

QN27. A queuing system is said to be a ______________ when its operating characteristic are dependent upon time

  1. pure birth model
  2. pure death model
  3. transient state
  4. steady state

(C)transient state

QN28. Slack is also known as ______________.

  1. float
  2. event
  3. activity
  4. path


QN29. What type of distribution does a time follow in program evaluation review technique model?

  1. Poisson
  2. Exponential
  3. Normal
  4. Chi Square


QN30. A activity in a network diagram is said to be ______________ if the delay in its start will further delay the project completion time.

  1. critical
  2. critical path
  3. crash
  4. non critical


QN31. The total opportunity cost matrix is obtained by doing ______________.

  1. row operation on row opportunity cost matrix
  2. column operation on row opportunity cost matrix
  3. column operation on column opportunity cost matrix
  4. none of the above.

(B)column operation on row opportunity cost matrix

QN32. The simplex method is also called the ______________.

  1. dual simplex method.
  2. Modi method
  3. simplex technique
  4. Big-M method

(C)simplex technique

QN33. A degenerate solution is one that ______________.

  1. gives an optimum solution to the Linear Programming Problem
  2. gives zero value to one or more of the basic variables
  3. yields more than one way to achieve the objective
  4. makes use of all the available resources

(B)gives zero value to one or more of the basic variables

QN34. Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the number of decision variable are ______________.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4


QN35. In the optimal simplex table, Zj-Cj=0 value indicates ______________.

  1. alternative solution
  2. bounded solution
  3. infeasible solution
  4. unbounded solution

(A)alternative solution

QN36. If primal linear programming problem has a finite solution, then dual linear programming problem should ______________.

  1. have optimal solution
  2. satisfy the Rim condition
  3. have degenerate solution
  4. have non-degenerate solution

(B)satisfy the Rim condition

QN37. While solving an assignment problem, an activity is assigned to a resource through a square with zero opportunity cost because the objective is to______________.

  1. minimize total cost of assignment.
  2. reduce the cost of assignment to zero
  3. reduce the cost of that particular assignment to zero
  4. reduce total cost of assignment

(A)minimize total cost of assignment.

QN38. If the procurement cost used in the formula to compute EOQ is half of the actual procurement cost, the EOQ so obtained will be ______________

  1. half of EOQ
  2. one third of EOQ
  3. one fourth of EOQ
  4. 0.707 time EOQ

(D)0.707 time EOQ

QN39. The calling population is assumed to be infinite when ______________.

  1. capacity of the system is infinite
  2. arrivals are independent of each other
  3. service rate is faster than arrival rate
  4. all customers arrive at once

(B)arrivals are independent of each other

QN40. If an activity has zero slack, it implies that______________.

  1. the project is progressing well
  2. it is a dummy activity
  3. it lies on the critical path
  4. it lies a non critical path

(C)it lies on the critical path


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