Operation Management Objective Set 3

Q1: Using the tasks, task times in minutes and required predecessors shown in the table, what is the cycle time necessary to achieve maximum output?
21 sep 16 img1 Q10


Answer: 2.0 minutes.
This is the sum of the task times.

Q2: Using the tasks, task times in minutes and required predecessors shown in the table, what activities are assigned to the third station if the desired output is 150 units per 8 hour day?

Task Time Predecessor
A 2.0
B 1.0 A
C 3.0 A
D 1.5 B, C
E 1.5 D
F 1.5 D
G 3.0 E, F

Answer: D and E

Q3: The custard colored table shown immediately below displays the number of trips between each pairing of the five departments of CrowFlies Inc., in their office building.

A 80 60 30 100
B 50 20 80
C 40 10
D 120

The light blue table immediately below shows the distance (in feet) between each of the five departments as they are currently located in the office building.

A 10 20 14 25
B 14 10 14
C 14 10
D 10

An overhead view of the departments in their current locations is shown below.


Which statement concerning this scenario is best


Answer: CrowFlies would reduce their total cost by switching the positions of departments B and E.

Q4: Unbeknownst to Jerry Allison, the seasoned industrial engineer, his boss is surreptitiously watching him work at random intervals and records the following.

Task # Observations
Performing time study 23
Chatting with colleagues 3
Surfing the web 4

What percentage of time is Jerry performing his time study


Answer: 76.7 per cent.

Q5: An MTM study is being performed on an unloading operation involving a wheelbarrow. The last task element is missing, but the analyst knows that the time standard should be 18 seconds. If all of the times in the table are in TMUs, what is the value of the missing element?

Element Description Element Time
Fill wheelbarrow AL3 115
Deliver contents of wheelbarrow AN3 160
Return to pile

Answer: 225 TMUs

Q6: A company considers four locations to outsource critical services and decides to evaluate each location on six factors. Each of these six factors is assigned an importance weight and the results appear in the colorful table. Which site is the best candidate for outsourcing?

Factor Cost Quality Service Long Term Stability Flexibility
Importance Weight 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1
United States 4 6 8 2 5 6
Singapore 0 3 6 5 0 7
Brazil 2 9 5 3 9 6
India 1 9 9 5 5 8

Answer: India

Q7: A producer holding 200 units of inventory faces expected demand as shown in the table. What should the planned production be each month in order to finish the planning period with an ending inventory of 0 if the company uses a level strategy?

Month Expected Demand Production Days
January 1000 22
February 800 18
March 800 21
April 1200 21
May 1500 22
June 1100 20

Answer: 1100

Q8: Use the product structure tree and the inventory records to determine how many item Cs should be ordered in order to produce 20 phones.
Cs should be ordered in order to produce 20 phones


Answer: 97

Q9: Use the product structure tree and the lead time information (in weeks) to determine when an order for Fs should be placed to deliver phones in week 10 if the phones require 2 weeks to assemble. Assume there is no starting inventory for any component or end item.
week 10 if the phones require 2 weeks to assemble


Answer: week 2

Q10: Use the EDD dispatching rule to sequence the following jobs.

Job Work time (days) Due date (days)
A 19 20
B 10 25
C 12 30
D 7 8
E 6 12

Answer: D, E, A, B, C

Q11: Use the SPT dispatching rule to sequence the following jobs.

Job Work time (days) Due date (days)
A 19 20
B 10 25
C 12 30
D 7 8
E 6 12

Answer: E, D, B, C, A

Q12: Use the LPT dispatching rule to sequence the following jobs.

Job Work time (days) Due date (days)
A 19 20
B 10 25
C 12 30
D 7 8
E 6 12

Answer: A, C, B, D, E

Q13: Jobs are processed on a FCFS basis in the order shown in the table. What is the average number of jobs in the system?


Processing Time

Due Date

A 5 12
B 7 15
C 8 25
D 3 6
E 4 30
F 6 20

Answer: 3.64

Q14: Six jobs must be processed first on Machine 1 and then on Machine 2. Which sequence will result in the fastest average processing time for all jobs?

Job Machine 1 Machine 2
A 6 11
B 6 5
C 12 8
D 12 14
E 11 7
F 9 10

Answer: A, F, D, C, E, B

Q15: When using the critical ratio (CR) to develop a sequence


Answer: a CR of greater than 1.0 means that the job has some slack.

Q16: A product made of two components, each with a component in parallel, and each component with a reliability of .9 yields a system with a reliability of:
each with a component in parallel


Answer: 98

Q17: A landlord has ten rental properties that he maintains. Over the past two years it seems that he spends all his time repairing major systems in each property and he is considering purchasing a home warranty at a cost of $40 per month per house. His average breakdown maintenance cost is $150 per occurrence and the number of breakdowns is as follows:

# Breakdowns # Months
1 3
2 6
3 8
4 7



Should he purchase the home warranty and why?


Answer: Yes, he should purchase the home warranty because he saves almost $20 per month

Q18: Consider the following payoff table:

State of Nature
Alternative 1 100 150
Alternative 2 200 100
Probability 0.4 0.6

Calculate the EMV for each alternative. What is the highest EMV?


Answer: 140

Q19: An optimistic decision maker must choose among the four alternative investments shown in the table. Depending on future economic conditions, the investments have different rates of return. Which investment should he select if he has no idea what economic conditions will be like in the coming years?

Economic Conditions
Investment Inflation Recession Depression
Global Equities Fund 40% 40% 40%
Pork Bellies 20% 40% 50%
Gold 40% 30% 60%
S&P 500 Index Fund 70% 20% 10%

Answer: S and P 500 Index Fund

Q20: A pessimistic decision maker must choose among the four alternative investments shown in the table. Depending on future economic conditions, the investments have different rates of return. Which investment should he select if he has no idea what economic conditions will be like in the coming years?

Economic Conditions
Investment Inflation Recession Depression
Global Equities Fund 40% 40% 40%
Pork Bellies 20% 40% 50%
Gold 40% 30% 60%
S&P 500 Index Fund 70% 20% 10%

Answer: Global Equities Fund

Q21: A decision maker must choose among the four alternative investments shown in the table. Depending on future economic conditions, the investments have different rates of return. Which investment should he select if he believes that each of these economic conditions is equally likely to occur in the coming years?

Economic Conditions
Investment Inflation Recession Depression
Global Equities Fund 40% 40% 40%
Pork Bellies 20% 40% 50%
Gold 40% 30% 60%
S&P 500 Index Fund 70% 20% 10%

Answer: Gold

Q22: A fast food franchise is deciding between three locations for its new store. The locations and expected revenues are shown in the table along with the likelihoods that the store will be popular or unpopular. A market research firm has offered to do a study that will guarantee the franchiser that they can select the best location. What is the most that the franchiser should be willing to pay for such a research report?

Location Popular Unpopular
Capital City $50,000 $20,000
Springfield $40,000 $40,000
Shelbyville $25,000 $65,000


.7 .3

Answer: USD 13,500

Q23: Consider the following linear programming problem:
Maximize 12X + 10Y
Subject to: 4X + 3Y = 480
2X + 3Y = 360
all variables ³ 0
The maximum possible profit for the objective function is


Answer: 1520

Q24: Consider the following linear programming problem:
Maximize 12X + 10Y
Subject to: 4X + 3Y = 480
2X + 3Y = 360
all variables ³ 0
Which of the following points (X,Y) is not feasible?


Answer: (70,70)

Q25: Consider the following linear programming problem:
Maximize 4X + 10Y
Subject to: 3X + 4Y = 480
4X + 2Y = 360
all variables ³ 0
The feasible corner points are (48,84), (0,120), (0,0), and (90,0). What is the maximum possible value for the objective function?


Answer: 1200

Q26: A seamstress has 30 yards of cloth and 20 yards of thread to make small, medium, or large shirts. Each small shirt takes 0.75 yards of cloth and 0.5 yards of thread; each medium shirt takes 1 yard of cloth and 0.7 yards of thread, and each large shirt takes 1.2 yards of cloth and 0.9 yards of thread. Each type of shirt takes 30 minutes to sew and the seamstress has 16 hours of time she can devote to sewing. A large shirt sells for $15, a medium for $12, and a small for $10. Using S for small, M for medium, L for large, C for cloth, T for thread, and H for hours, what is an appropriate objective function for this problem


Answer: Max Profit=15L+12M+10S

Q27: A seamstress has 30 yards of cloth and 20 yards of thread to make small, medium, or large shirts. Each small shirt takes 0.75 yards of cloth and 0.5 yards of thread; each medium shirt takes 1 yard of cloth and 0.7 yards of thread, and each large shirt takes 1.2 yards of cloth and 0.9 yards of thread. Each type of shirt takes 30 minutes to sew and the seamstress has 16 hours of time she can devote to sewing. A large shirt sells for $15, a medium for $12, and a small for $10. Using S for small, M for medium, L for large, C for cloth, T for thread, and H for hours, what is an appropriate constraint for this problem?


Answer: 0.75S + 1M + 1.2L < 30

Q28: An LP modeler examines her sensitivity report and notes that the final value for item X is 200, and the shadow price is $2 with an allowable increase of 10 and an allowable decrease of 25. Which of the following statements is best?


Answer: $2 is the most the LP modeler should be willing to pay for an additional unit of item X.

Q29: Which line would be least enjoyable for a customer


Answer: a line where λ > μ

Q30: An initial transportation solution appears in the table.

A 10 0 10
B 15 25 40



25 25 50

Can this solution be improved if it costs $5 per unit to ship from A to C; $7 per unit to ship from A to D; $8 to ship from B to C; and $9 to ship from B to D?


Answer: No, this solution is optimal.

Q31: What is the cost of the transportation solution shown in the table?

W X Y Supply





















Demand 60 80 80 220

Answer: $1070

Q32: Which statement regarding this transportation table is best?

W X Y Supply





















Demand 60 80 80 220

Answer: This solution can be improved by shipping from C to X.

Q33: A customer service counter records the number of customers that show up each hour and has collected the data in the table. What is the probability of occurrence for 3 customers to arrive in one hour?

Arrivals per hour Frequency
0 4
1 7
2 11
3 16
4 19
5 13
6 or more 10

Answer: 0.20

Q34: A Monte Carlo expert has analyzed customer orders and developed Table A for the assignment of random numbers. Using Table B as a source for random numbers and starting at the top of the left column and working down, what is the average number of orders for the first four weeks?

Table A
Weekly Orders Random Numbers
2 01-10
3 11-35
4 36-65
5 66-85
6 86-00
Table B
42 71
35 46
08 82
69 03
98 30

Answer: 3.5

Q35: What is wrong with this table of random number intervals for a call center simulation

Number of
Calls Per Hour
Random Numbers
1 01 through 04
2 05 through 11
3 12 through 30
4 31 through 66
5 67 through 87
6 or more 88 through 00

Answer: There is nothing wrong with this table.

Q36: A set of numbers to represent each possible value or outcome in a computer simulation is called


Answer: random-number intervals.

Q37: The marketing department of the King Marine Co. has been allocated funds to increase their budget for an upcoming boat show. The department manager has asked the staff to determine which class of their products should benefit from additional advertising. The staff has determined that the pertinent states of nature are low, moderate, and high unemployment and have established the following payoff matrix. Assuming an optimistic slant to the staff report, which product category should be recommended?
optimistic slant to the staff report


Answer: Speed boat

Q38: It was determined by the expected-value decision rule that the maximum expected value would be obtained from speedboats at a value of $3,400,000. (Payoff values are tabulated in $100,000 units.) Considering the event probabilities given, what is the value of perfect information?
Considering the event probabilities given, what is the value of perfect information


Answer: 1.5

Q39: Data on the weekly sales of room air conditioning units were matched with the average temperature and calculations produced sample correlation coefficients, r, in the range of -0.75 and -0.83. Which of the following statements best expresses a conclusion that can be drawn from the values of r?


Answer: As the temperature increases, the number of room air conditioners sold decreases.


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