Object Oriented MCQ Number 01264

Object Oriented MCQ Set 1

1. What does memory allocation for objects mean?
a) Actual creation and memory allocation for object members
b) Creation of member functions
c) Creation of data members for a class
d) Actual creation and data declaration for object members


Answer: a [Reason:] The memory allocated for the object members indicates actual creation of the object members. This is known as memory allocation for object.

2. Where is the memory allocated for the objects?
a) HDD
b) Cache
c) RAM
d) ROM


Answer: c [Reason:] The memory for the objects or any other data is allocated in RAM initially. This is while we run a program all the memory allocation takes place in some RAM segments. Arrays in heap and local members in stack etc.

3. When is the memory allocated for an object?
a) At declaration of object
b) At compile time
c) When object constructor is called
d) When object is initialized to another object


Answer: c [Reason:] The object memory allocation takes place when the object constructor is called. Declaration of an object doesn’t mean that memory is allocated for its members. If object is initialized with another object, it may just get a reference to the previously created object.

4. Using new is type safe as _______
a) It require to be specified with type of data
b) It doesn’t require to be specified with type of data
c) It requires the name of data
d) It allocated memory for the data


Answer: b [Reason:] The new is type safe because we don’t have to specify the type of data that have to be allocated with memory. We can directly use it with data name. Name of the data doesn’t matter though for type of memory allocation though.

5. Which of the following function can be used for dynamic memory allocation of objects?
a) malloc()
b) calloc()
c) create()
d) both malloc() and calloc()


Answer: d [Reason:] The malloc() function can be used to allocate dynamic memory for objects. Function calloc() can also be use. These functions differ in the way they allocate memory for objects.

6. How much memory will be allocated for an object of class given below?

class Test{
int mark1;
int mark2;
float avg;
char name[10];

a) 22 Bytes
b) 24 Bytes
c) 20 Bytes
d) 18 Bytes


Answer: a [Reason:] The size of an object of the class given in question will be of size 22 bytes. This is because the size of an object is always equal to the sum of sizes of the data members of the class, except static members.

7. Which keyword among the following can be used to declare an array of objects in java?
a) new
b) create
c) allocate
d) arr


Answer: a [Reason:] The keyword new can be used to declare an array of objects in java. The syntax must be specified with an object pointer which is assigned with a memory space containing the required number of object space. Even initialization can be done directly.

8. When is the memory allocated for an object gets free?
a) At termination of program
b) When object goes out of scope
c) When main function ends
d) When system restarts


Answer: b [Reason:] Whenever an object goes out of scope, the deletion of allocation memory takes place. Actually the data is not deleted, instead the memory space is flagged to be free for further use. Hence whenever an object goes out of scope the object members become useless and hence memory is set free.

9. Which among the following keyword can be used to free the allocated memory for an object?
a) delete
b) free
c) either delete or free
d) only delete


Answer: c [Reason:] The memory allocated for an object is usually automatically made free. But if explicitly memory has to be made free then we can use either free or delete keywords depending on programming languages.

10. Which function is called whenever an object goes out of scope?
a) Destructor function
b) Constructor function
c) Delete function
d) Free function


Answer: a [Reason:] The destructor function of the class is called whenever an object goes out of scope. This is because the destructor set all the resources, acquired by the object, free. This is an implicit work of compiler.

11. Which operator can be used to check the size of an object?
a) sizeof(objectName)
b) size(objectName)
c) sizeofobject(objectName)
d) sizedobject(objectName)


Answer: a [Reason:] The sizeof operator is used to get the size of an already created object. This operator must constail keyword sizeof(objectName). The output will give the number of bytes acquired by a single object of some class.

12. The memory allocated for an object ____
a) Can be only dynamic
b) Can be only static
c) Can be static or dynamic
d) Can’t be done using dynamic functions


Answer: c [Reason:] The memory allocation for an object can be static or dynamic. The static memory allocation is when an object is declared directly without using any function usually. And dynamic allocation is when we use some dynamic allocation function to allocate memory for data member of an object.

13. If an object is declared in a user defined function ______
a) Its memory is allocated in stack
b) Its memory is allocated in heap
c) Its memory is allocated in HDD
d) Its memory is allocated in cache


Answer: a [Reason:] The memory for any data or object that are used in a user defined function are always allocated in the stack. This is to ensure that the object is destroyed as soon as the function is returned. Also this ensures that the correct memory allocation and destruction is performed.

14. In java, ____ takes care of managing memory for objects dynamically.
a) Free collector
b) Dust collector
c) Memory manager
d) Garbage collector


Answer: d [Reason:] The garbage collector in java takes care of the memory allocations and their deletions dynamically. When an object is no more required then the garbage collector deletes the object and free up all the resources that were held by that object.

15. Which operator can be used to free the memory allocated for an object in C++?
a) Free()
b) delete
c) Unallocate
d) Collect


Answer: b [Reason:] The delete operator in C++ can be used to free the memory and resources held by an object. The function can be called explicitly whenever required. In C++ memory management must be done by the programmer. There is no automatic memory management in C++.

Object Oriented MCQ Set 2

1. Which among the following is best to define hierarchical inheritance?
a) More than one classes being derived from one class
b) More than 2 classes being derived from single base class
c) At most 2 classes being derived from single base class
d) At most 1 class derived from another class


Answer: a [Reason:] When two or more classes get derived from a single base class, it is known as hierarchical inheritance. This gives us freedom to use same code with different scopes and felxibility into different classes.

2. Do members of base class gets divided among all of its child classes ?
a) Yes, equally
b) Yes, depending on type of inheritance
c) No, it’s doesn’t get divided
d) No, it may or may not get divided


Answer: c [Reason:] The class members doesn’t get divided among the child classes. All the members get derived to each of the subclasses as whole. The only restriction is from the access specifiers used.

3. Each class can inherit the base class ____
a) Independently using any inheritance
b) Independently with private inheritance only
c) With same type of inheritance
d) With each class using different inheritance only


Answer: a [Reason:] The classes can inherit the base class using any type of inheritance. There is no mandatory condition to use same private,public or protected inheritance only.

4. How many classes must be there to implement hierarchical inheritance ?
a) Exactly 3
b) At least 3
c) At most 3
d) At least 1


Answer: b [Reason:] At least 3 classes must be there. Two derived classes and one base class. This lets us implement two classes that have common characteristics from base class.

5. Base class ___
a) Can be made abstract
b) Can’t be made abstract
c) Must be abstract
d) If made abstract, complie time error


Answer: a [Reason:] The base class may or may not be declared abstract. It depends on the need of program. If it is made abstract, it can contain undefined functions too. In turn, those functions will have to be implemented by each of the derived classes.

6. Which access specifiers should be used so that all the derived classes restrict further inheritance of base class members?
a) Private
b) Public
c) Protected
d) Any inheritance type can be used


Answer: a [Reason:] All the derived classes must use private inheritance. This will make the members of base class private in derived classes. Hence none of the members of base class will be available for further inheritance.

7. Which class uses hierarchical inheritance in following code?

class A
int a;
class B:class A
int b;
class C:class A,class B
int c;
class D:class A
int d;

a) Class A,B,C
b) Class B,C,D
c) Class A,C,D
d) Class D,A,B


Answer: d [Reason:] Class A is base class and B and D are derived classes. If class C is considered, it shows hybrid inheritance, involving single level and multiple inheritance.

8. Which among the following is correct for following code ?

abstract class A
public Int a;
public void disp();
class B:public A
public: void dis()
class C:private A
public void incr()
void main()
	B b.disp();

a) Compile time error
b) Runtime error
c) Program runs and o/p is 0
d) Program runs and o/p is garbage value


Answer: a [Reason:] The derived class D have not implemented the undefined function. Here the main concept involves hierarchical inheritance with abstract base class.

9. How many classes can be derived from the base class using hierarchical inheritance?
a) As many as required
b) Only 7
c) Only 3
d) Upto 127


Answer: a [Reason:] The number of classes that can be derived from a base class doesn’t have any restriction and hence will be able to derive as many classes as required. This feature gives more flexibility and code reusability.

10. If one class have derived the base class privately then another class can’t derive the base class publically.
a) True
b) False


Answer: b [Reason:] The classes are independent and can access the base class and inherit it in whichever way it is required. The classes can use the base base class members privately or publically maintaining the security of data and methods.

11. Which among the following is true ?
a) Hierarchical inheritance is subset of multiple inheritance
b) Hierarchical inheritance is strongest inheritance type
c) Hierarchical inheritance uses only 2 classes for implementation
d) Hierarchical inheritance allows inheritance of common features to more than one class


Answer: d [Reason:] Hierarchical inheritance is used to make all the inherited classes have some common features attained from a single base class. This allows all the classes to maintain a group or to be classified under one class.

12. Hierarchical inheritance can be a subset of _____
a) Hybrid inheritance
b) Multiple inheritance
c) Single level inheritance
d) Multilevel inheritance


Answer: a [Reason:] When we use hybrid inheritance, it can contain any type of inheritance or combination or more than two types. Hence it may contain Hierarchical inheritance too, hence it can be subset of hybrid inheritance.

13. Which type of inheritance is most suitable for inheriting Same syllabus into different colleges with different streams?
a) Multiple
b) Single
c) Hierarchical
d) Multilevel


Answer: c [Reason:] When hierarchical inheritance is used, the common syllabus can be adopted into different college classes where the same syllabus is applicable. For changing the syllabus only the details of base class will have to changed.

14. Which class constructor is called first when an object of derived class is created?
a) Base class constructor
b) Derived class constructor
c) Firstly created derived class constructor
d) Last created derived class constructor


Answer: a
Exolanation: The base class must be initialised first hence the constructor of base class is called first. This makes everything ready for the new object being created.

15. All the derived classes can access only few members of base class that other derived classes can’t access at same time, in hierarchical inheritance.
a) True
b) False


Answer: b [Reason:] The derived classes have full access to all the non private member’s of base class. Every derived class have equal access, none of the class can have special access to specific members of base class in general cases.

Object Oriented MCQ Set 3

1. What are inbuilt classes?
a) The predefined classes in a language
b) The classes that are defined by the user
c) The classes which are meant to be modified by the user
d) The classes which can’t be used by the user


Answer: a [Reason:] The classes that are already provided in a programming language for use are inbuilt classes. These classes provide some functions or objects that can be used by the programmer for easier code.

2. Inbuilt class ____
a) Must be included before use
b) Are not necessary to be included for use
c) Are used by the compiler only
d) Can be modified by programmer always


Answer: a [Reason:] The inbuilt classes must be included in the program. Whenever some functions are used, they must have a declaration before use. The same is case with classes.

3. What doesn’t inbuilt classes contain?
a) Function prototype
b) Function declaration
c) Function definitions
d) Objects


Answer: c [Reason:] The classes contain the definitions of the special functions that are provided for the programmers use. Those functions can be used to make the programming easy and to reuse the already existing code.

4. Which among the following not an inbuilt class in C++?
a) System
b) Color
c) String
d) Functions


Answer: d [Reason:] There is no inbuilt class named function in java. The others are classes already provided in java. All those classes contain some special functions to be used in programming.

5. What is InputStream class meant for?
a) To handle all input streams
b) To handle all output streams
c) To handle all input and output streams
d) To handle only input from file


Answer: a [Reason:] The InputStream is an inbuilt class which is used to handle all the tasks related to input handling. This class extends input from keyboard or file or any other possible input stream.

6. Which statement is true for Array class?
a) Arrays can have variable length
b) The length array can be changed
c) Each class has an associated Array class
d) Arrays can contain different type of values


Answer: c [Reason:] The Array class is associated with all the other classes. This gives us flexibility to declare an array of any type. The index goes from 0 to n, where n is some fixed size for array.

7. What is the use of Math class?
a) To use the mathematical functions with strings
b) To use the mathematical functions
c) To suppress the use of mathematical functions
d) To complex the calculations


Answer: b [Reason:] The Math class is provided with some special functions. These functions can be used to calculate and get result of some special and usual mathematical functions. We don’t have to write the code to calculate the trigonometric function results, instead we can use Math functions.

8. DataInputStream is derived from ______
a) StreamingInput
b) StreamedInput
c) StreameInput
d) StreamInput


Answer: d [Reason:] The DataInputStream is more specific class for operating on specific type of data inputs. This is used to read data of specific type. The same can be used to read data in a specific format.

9. Which attribute can be used to get the size of an array?
a) Size.Array
b) Array.Size
c) Array_name.length
d) length.Array_name


Answer: c [Reason:] The array name is given of which the length have to be calculated. The array length is stored in the attribute length. Hence we access it using dot operator.

10. Number class can’t manipulate ____
a) Integer values
b) Float values
c) Byte values
d) Character values


Answer: d [Reason:] The Number class is used to work with all the number type of values. The integers, float, double, byte etc. are all number type values. Character is not a number value.

11. Which function should be used to exit from the program that is provided by System class?
a) exit(int);
b) gc();
c) terminate();
d) halt();


Answer: a [Reason:] The exit function should be used to terminate the program. The function is passed with an argument. The argument indicated the type of error occurred.

12. Which class contain runFinalization() method?
a) Finalize
b) System
c) Final
d) SystemFinal


Answer: b [Reason:] The runFinalization() Function is defined in the System class. The function is used to finalize an object which undergo destruction. The action is required to terminate the object properly.

13. What does load(String)::= function do, in System class?
a) Loads dynamic library for a path name
b) Loads all the dynamic libraries
c) Loads all the Number in string format
d) Loads the processor with calculations


Answer: a [Reason:] Only the specified path named dynamic libraries are loaded. All the dynamic libraries can’t be loaded at a time. Hence we use this function for specific libraries.

14. Which is not a System class variable?
a) err
b) out
c) in
d) put


Answer: d [Reason:] Put is not a System class variable. The most general and basic variables are err, out and in. The variables can handle most of the tasks performed in a program.

15. Which package contains the utility classes?
a) java.lang
b) java.utility
c) java.util
d) java.io


Answer: c [Reason:] The package java.util contains all the utility classes. This package also contains generic data structures, date, time etc. These can be used in any java program, you just have to include java.util package.

Object Oriented MCQ Set 4

1. Which among the following best describes the Inheritance?
a) Copying the code already written
b) Using the code already written once
c) Using already defined functions in programming language
d) Using the data and functions into derived segment


Answer: d [Reason:] It can only be indicated by using the data and functions that we use in derived class, being provided by parent class. Copying code is nowhere similar to this concept, also using the code already written is same as copying. Using already defined functions is not inheritance as we are not adding any of our own features.

2. How many basic types of inheritance are provided as OOP feature?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1


Answer: a [Reason:] There are basically 4 types of inheritance provided in OOP, namely, single level, multi level, multiple and hierarchical inheritance. We can add one more type as Hybrid inheritance but that is actually the combination any types of inheritance from the 4 basic ones.

3. Which among the following best defines single level inheritance?
a) A class inheriting a derived class
b) A class inheriting a base class
c) A class inheriting a nested class
d) A class which gets inherited by 2 classes


Answer: b [Reason:] A class inheriting a base class defines single level inheritance. Inheriting an already derived class makes it multilevel inheritance. And if base class is inherited by 2 other classes, it is multiple inheritance.

4. Which among the following is correct for multiple inheritance?
a) class student{public: int marks;}s; class stream{int total;}; class topper:public student, public stream{ };
b) class student{int marks;}; class stream{ }; class topper: public student{ };
c) class student{int marks;}; class stream:public student{ };
d) class student{ }; class stream{ }; class topper{ };


Answer: a [Reason:] Class topper is getting derived from 2 other classes and hence it is multiple inheritance. Topper inherits class stream and class student publically and hence can use its features. If only few classes are defined, there we are not even using inheritance (as in option d).

5. Which programming language doesn’t support multiple inheritance?
a) C++ and Java
b) C and C++
c) Java and SmallTalk
d) Java


Answer: d [Reason:]Java doesn’t support multiple inheritance. But that feature can be implemented by using the interfaces concept. Multiple inheritance is not supported because of diamond problem and similar issues.

6. Which among the following is correct for hierarchical inheritance?
a) Two base classes can be used to be derived into one single class
b) Two or more classes can be derived into one class
c) One base class can be derived into other two derived classes or more
d) One base class can be derived into only 2 classes


Answer: c [Reason:] One base class can be derived into other two derived classes or more. If only one class gets derived by only 2 other classes, it is also hierarchical inheritance, but it is not a mandatory condition, because any number of derived classes can be there.

7. Which is the correct syntax of inheritance?
a) class derived_classname : base_classname{ /*define class body*/ };
b) class base_classname : derived_classname{ /*define class body*/ };
c) class derived_classname : access base_classname{ /*define class body*/ };
d) class base_classname :access derived_classname{ /*define class body*/ };


Answer: c [Reason:] Firstly, keyword class should come, followed by the derived class name. Colon is must followed by access in which base class has to be derived, followed by the base class name. And finally the body of class. Semicolon after the body is also must.

8. Which type of inheritance leads to diamond problem?
a) Single level
b) Multi-level
c) Multiple
d) Hierarchical


Answer: c [Reason:] When 2 or more classes inherit the same class using multiple inheritance and then one more class inherits those two base classes, we get a diamond like structure. Here, ambiguity arises when same function gets derived into 2 base classes and finally to 3rd level class, because same name functions are being inherited.

9. Which access type data gets derived as private member in derived class:
a) Private
b) Public
c) Protected
d) Protected and Private


Answer: a [Reason:] It is a rule, that when a derived class inherits the base class in private access mode, all the members of base class gets derived as private members of the derived class.

10. If a base class is inherited in protected access mode then which among the following is true?
a) Public and Protected members of base class becomes protected members of derived class
b) Only protected members become protected members of derives class
c) Private, Protected and Public all members of base, become private of derived class
d) Only private members of base, become private of derived class


Answer: a [Reason:] As the programming language rules apply, all the public and protected members of base class becomes protected members of derived class in protected access mode. It can’t be changed because it would hinder the security of data and may add vulnerability in program.

11. Members which are not intended to be inherited are declared as:
a) Public members
b) Protected members
c) Private members
d) Private or Protected members


Answer: c [Reason:] Private access specifier is the most secure access mode. It doesn’t allow members to be inherited. Even Private inheritance can only inherit protected and public members.

12. While inheriting a class, if no access mode is specified, then which among the following is true? (in C++)
a) It gets inherited publically by default
b) It gets inherited protected by default
c) It gets inherited privately by default
d) It is not possible


Answer: c [Reason:] If the access mode is not specified during inheritance, the class is inherited privately by default. This is to ensure the security of data and to maintain OOP features. Hence it is not mandatory to specify the access mode if we want the class to be inherited privately.

13. If a derived class object is created, which constructor is called first?
a) Base class constructor
b) Derived class constructor
c) Depends on how we call the object
d) Not possible


Answer: a [Reason:] First the base class constructor is invoked. When we create a derived class object, the system try’s to invoke its constructor but the class is derived so first the base class must be initialized, hence in turn the base class constructor is invoked before derived class constructor.

14. The private members of the base class are visible in derived class but are not accessible directly.
a) True
b) False


Answer: a [Reason:] Consider that a variable is private in base class and the derived class uses public inheritance to inherit that class. Now if we also have a global variable of same name as that of base class private variable, neither the global variable nor the base class private variable will be accessible from derived class. This is because we can’t have 2 variable with same name in same local scope. Hence the private members are accessible but not directly.

15. How can you make the private members inheritable?
a) By making their visibility mode as public only
b) By making their visibility mode as protected only
c) By making their visibility mode as private in derived class
d) It can be done both by making the visibility mode public or protected


Answer: d [Reason:] It is not mandatory that you have to make the visibility mode either public or protected. You can do either of those. That will give you permission to inherit the private members of base class.

Object Oriented MCQ Set 5

1. What is the use of IO class?
a) To handle all the input operations
b) To handle all the output operations
c) To handle all the input and output operations
d) To handle all the input and output to the standard input


Answer: c [Reason:] The IO class provides functions that can be used to handle input and output operations. All the inputs from standard input and standard output, and also from the files can be handled. This gives flexibility to make the programs more user friendly.

2. IO class provides input and output through ______
a) Data streams
b) Serialization
c) File system
d) Data streams, serialization and file system


Answer: d [Reason:] The IO classes are made such that those can support the input and output from any type of source or destination. The input can be taken from system file and standard input and also some special devices if conned. Same is case to show the output.

3. Which among the following class contains the methods to access character based console device?
a) Console
b) File
c) Device
d) Pipe


Answer: a [Reason:] The Console class contains the methods to access the character based devices. The devices which can stream the data as character set. All those devices can be made use of by using the methods of class Console.

4. File class is ___
a) An abstract of file representation only
b) An abstract of path names only
c) An abstract which can be used to represent path names or file
d) An abstract which can represent a file in any format


Answer: c [Reason:] The File class is made to operate with the files. The file can be of any type. All the input and output operations that have to be performed on a file can be done using File class object.

5. What is a FileDescriptor?
a) A handle for machine specific structure of an open file
b) A handle for program specific structure of an open file
c) A handle for compiler specific structure of an open file
d) A handle for representing device files structure


Answer: a [Reason:] The machine specific structure of an open file have to be handled in some special ways. FileDescriptor class can handle those files. The FileDescriptor can also handle open socket, another source, sink of bytes.

6. FileInputStream ___
a) Gets the input stream from any device file
b) Gets the input stream from any open socket
c) Gets the input stream from any cache
d) Gets the input stream from any open file only


Answer: d [Reason:] The most specific answer is that the FileInputStream can only be used for the opened files. The class can work only for the file type. No socket or another source are allowed to be accessed.

7. What does FilePermission class do?
a) This class is used to give permission rights to a file
b) This class is used to restrict use of permissions
c) This class is used to represent device access permissions
d) This class is used to represent file access permissions


Answer: d [Reason:] The FilePermission can’t get access to the device access permissions. The Permission is given to a file when it is created or otherwise when a privileged user changes it. Then these permission rights can be accessed using the FilePermission class.

8. Which class among the following makes incorrect assumptions?
a) LineNumberInputStream
b) LineNumberReader
c) LineReader
d) LineBuffer


Answer: a [Reason:] The LineNumberInputStream class makes false assumptions. The false assumption is that it assumes, all the byte data is a character. Which is actually not the case, instead the character have one byte memory space.

9. Reader class is _____
a) Used to read from files
b) Abstract class to read character streams
c) Abstract class to input character streams
d) Used to take input from standard input stream


Answer: b [Reason:] The Reader class is an abstract class which can be used to read characters stream. It can’t be used for any kind of input. It can just read the existing data.

10. Which class can handle IO class interrupt?
a) ExceptionIO
b) InteruptedIO
c) InteruptedIOException
d) IOInteruptException


Answer: c [Reason:] The only class which handles the IO class interrupts is InteruptedIOException class. This class is specially provided to handle any case that involves the execution interrupt.

11. StringReader handles _____
a) Any character stream
b) A character stream whose source is an array
c) A character stream whose source is character array
d) A character stream whose source is String only


Answer: d [Reason:] The StringReader can only work with the string type data. Even if a character array is given, it might produce some errors in code. Hence only the string values can be handled properly.

12. Which exception handler can be used when character encoding is not supported?
a) UnsupportedException
b) UnsupportedEncodingException
c) SupportException
d) EncodingException


Answer: b [Reason:] The encoding that is unsupported in a system can be handled. The exception handler is UnSupportedEncodingException class. An object of this class can be created which will catch the exception and handle it.

13. PushBackReader allows the streams to be pushed back to the stream.
a) True
b) False


Answer: a [Reason:] The PushBackReader allows the character streams handling. The main feature is that the stream can be pushed back to the stream. This is used in special cases of handling input stream.

14. RandomAccessFile can be used to _______
a) Read from a random access file
b) Write to a random access file
c) Read and write to a random access file
d) Restricts read and write to a random access file


Answer: c [Reason:] The RandomAccessFile class instance can be created to handle input and output operations to a random access file. It first checks the permissions on the file and then any required operation can be done on a random access file. Comparatively faster than other files access.

15. Which among the following is a serialization’s descriptor for any class?
a) StreamClass
b) ObjectStreamClass
c) ObjectStream
d) StreamObjectClass


Answer: b [Reason:] The ObjectStreamClass object can be created to handle serializations. The class is provided specially for the serializations. It is descriptor like we have a file descriptor to handle/access files.


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